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Explore Toshara Orbit Treasures in Star Wars Outlaws

Uncover the hidden treasures scattered across Toshara Orbit in Star Wars Outlaws. Navigate through five unique locations to collect valuable items and enhance your gameplay experience.

The numbers match the map.

Searching for Renpalli Station? There’s a dedicated guide for it.

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All Treasures locations Toshara Orbit

Explore all the Treasures both within and beyond Toshara by utilizing the following guides: Lost Steppe, Southern Falls, Mirogana City, Mirogana Valley, The Grazing Fields, Boulder Forest, Jaunta’s Hope, and The Mirage.

Alternatively, you can visit the Treasures section in Star Wars Outlaws for more guides.

1-3 The Crucible

The Crucible in Toshara Orbit refers to the ring of debris surrounding Renpalli Station.

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1. Southern Tip

This Transmission is located at the southernmost point of the Crucible Ring.

Content: Transmission #12 Collectible
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Location on the map
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Transmission container

2. Southern Container

East of the last treasure, look for a large square container with three yellow spots on two sides. Shoot the spots from one side to unlock the Treasure Chest.

Content: Cobalt Streak Finish – Trailblazer Paint Job
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The location on the map
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The yellow box inside the big container

3.1 East of Renpalli Station

Search for a long yellow container in one of the wrecks just east of Renpalli Station.

Content: Verdant Detail Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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East of Renpalli Station
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The yellow cargo box

3.2 East of Renpalli Station 2

Next to the previous treasure, there’s another transmission box that you can pick up.

Content: Transmission Collectible #10
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East of Renpalli Station
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The yellow cargo box

4 and 5 – Ship Graveyard

The Ship Graveyard is in the west of Renpalli Station.

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4. North of the Waypoint

North of the Ship Graveyard Waypoint on the map is the Transmission Cargo Box.

Content: Transmission Collectible #13
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The location on the map
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The yellow box outside the wreck

5. Two Containers behind the Energy Barrier

In the middle of the Ship Graveyard, you’ll come across the largest wreck, featuring an Energy Barrier on the north and south sides. Go to the north side to destroy a Power Core that will turn off the Energy Barrier. After that, you can fly through the wreck and break the pipes in your way to reach the yellow containers.

Content 1: Ruby Detail Finish – Trailblazer Paint
Content 2: Verdant Stripe Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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Power Core location on the map
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The power core to destroy

6 and 7 – Fuel Station Visavi

The Fuel Station Visavi is an Imperial Base located in the Toshara Orbit. In the Main Quest False Flag., Kay visits it, but this time she doesn’t need to land. Instead, her task is to find two treasures hidden outside the Fuel Station.

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6. Western Corridor

There’s a yellow container at the end of the west corridor. Fly in to retrieve it.

Content: XFP-C28 Ship Computer – Ship Material
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Container location on the map
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Container inside the corridor

7. Southern Corridor

There’s a yellow container at the end of the southern corridor as well. Fly inside to grab it.

Content: Ruby Cover Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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Container location on the map
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Container inside the corridor

8 and 9 – Sligel Hive

Sligel Hive is the cluster of debris located in the southwest area of the orbit map.

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8. Center Space Wreck

At the center of Slygel Hive, there is a wreck inhabited by electric space organisms. These creatures guard two yellow containers, which are both Treasure Chest Collectibles of Slygel Hive.

Content 1: Transmission Collectible #15
Content 2: XFP-C28 Ship Computer – Ship Component
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The location on the map
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Two Yellow Container Collectibles

9. At the Border to “Wreck Cluster”

This Transmission container is located on the eastern side of Slygel Hive, right at the edge of the “Wreck Cluster.”

Content: Transmission Collectible #16
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At the border to Wreck Cluster
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The container inside the round wreck

10-12 – Wreck Cluster

The Ship Graveyard is in the west of Renpalli Station.

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10. Southwest of the Center

To the southwest of the Wreck Cluster center, there is a wreck inhabited by creatures that love electricity and have flannel-like colors. Inside this wreck, you’ll find a Transmission container.

Content: Transmission Collectible #14
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The location on the map
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The container in the center of the wreck

11. South of the Center

There is another wreck with those creatures in the south of the Wreck Cluster center, as shown in the screenshots below.

Content: Ruby Cross Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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The location on the map
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Another creature guarded container

12. T-Shaped Central Cluster

The Top of the “T-shaped cluster” in the center of the Wreck Cluster is a corridor that is closed off by Energy Barriers at both sides. On the east side, there is a power core at the outside that you can shoot to lower the barrier. Fly into the corridor and find one Treasure Container.

Content: Verdant Streak Finish – Trailblazer Paint Job
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The location on the map
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Shoot the power core to get inside

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