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All Treasures The Grazing Fields, Toshara – Star Wars Outlaws

The Toshara Retion, also called “The Grazing Fields,” is situated in the center of Toshara. This area has 8 treasure spots, including 9 marked treasures and 1 unmarked treasure. The unmarked treasure is especially important because it contains a Vehicle Trophy. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide on how to collect all the treasures while traveling from west to east.

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<em>All Treasure Locations at The Grazing Fields Toshara<em>

Explore all the Treasures both within and beyond Toshara by utilizing the following guides: Lost Steppe, Southern Falls, Mirogana City, Mirogana Valley, Boulder Forest, Jaunta’s Hope, The Mirage, and Toshara Orbit with Renpalli Station.

Alternatively, you can visit the Treasures section in Star Wars Outlaws for more guides.

1. Senga Farm

The Senga Farm is located just east of Jaunta’s Hope. It’s an abandoned farm with no one nearby. The backdoor is secured with metal bars and requires the Fusion Cutter Tool, which Kay will get from Gedeek, the Droidsmith, during the Main Quest. Use the tool to cut open the door, enter, and open the container inside.

Content: Dominance Paint Job – Speeder Paint Job
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<em>Senga Farm on the map<em>
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<em>The barred backdoor<em>

2. Sopashi Farm

The Sopashi Farm is in the center south of The Grazing Fields and it consists of two farm buildings. The Treasure box is inside the southern structure. The door is locked but if you scan and look inside the window, you can see a closed shutter. Send Nix to open it and shoot its power core with an Ion burst. This will open the door and grant you access to the chest.

Content: Data Cylinder – Minor Charm
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<em>Sopashi Farm on the map<em>
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<em>View from outside Box to the right Shutter to the left<em>

3. Vagrant’s Camp

At the southernmost tip of The Grazing Fields, high up on top of a mountain is a Travelling Merchant. Next to him, is a big, red ramp that just invites to jump over with the speeder. As soon as you land on the other side, you have discovered Vagrant’s Camp with one Treasure Chest.

This camp has two levels, and the Treasure container is located on the first floor. Look up and scan the area. You’ll find a ladder that you can access by commanding Nix. Climb that ladder to reach the Treasure Chest.

Content: Yellow Tail Wrappings – Nix Accessory
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<em>Vagrants Camp and the ramp point<em>
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<em>The ladder can be released<em>

4 Amberine Tunnel

The Amberine Tunnel is located in the center of the Grazing Fields, near the river fork. It contains an unnamed treasure within a building, as well as a Nix Treasure.

4.1 House with Crimson Dawn Criminal

At the Amberine Tunnel – Nix Treasure Hunt location, you’ll find a house with a man locked inside and a droid in front of it. Speak to the man and help him by defeating the droid. Inside the building, there’s a Treasure Chest, but it isn’t counted as a Treasure location.

Content: Tosharan Keelan Fruit Trophy – Vehicle Trophy
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<em>House location on the <em>map
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<em>The chest inside the house<em>

4.2 Nix Treasure

Follow Nix up the hill from behind the house. At some stage, Nix will climb up. Go around this rock and you find a climb spot for Kay. At the top, cross over where Nix does and follow him through a red stone cave. At the other side of it, keep climbing up, all the way to the top, where the Treasure is buried.

Content: Gun Piece – Nix Treasure
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Amberine Tunnel location on the map
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<em>Nix Treasure location<em>

5. Smuggler Cache 03

Smuggler Cache 03 can be found just south, at the base of Amberine Tunnel Nix Treasure location.

Content: Valuables & Materials
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<em>Location on the map<em>
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<em>Smuggler Cache ahead<em>

6. Windy Cliff

Windy Cliff is a Nix Treasure location located far east of The Grazing Fields, within Crimson Dawn Territory, and at the edge of the world map. To reach it, follow the path eastward, where Nix will guide you. Kay will slide down, facing a narrow canyon to climb, with the cliff on her right.

As always with Nix Treasure, you can hear him chirping and see him hopping around to get Kay’s attention, making it easy to follow him.

Content: Twinkly Metal – Nix Treasure
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<em>Start location marked with an X<em>
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<em>Digging up the treasure<em>

7. Crimson Dawn Hideout

The Crimson Dawn Hideout is located far east of The Grazing Fields, right at the border of the Toshara world map. Here, you’ll find a fast travel point, a Crimson Dawn Merchant, and two treasures. If you have a good standing or higher with the Crimson Dawn, you can move freely until you reach the ramp that leads up into the hideout next to the merchant.

To enter, simply climb the rails next to the merchant. No one will notice you.

7.1 Cargo Lift Storage

The first treasure chest is in the same room as the cargo lift that connects the surface with the hideout.

Content: H-M Engine Power Core – Speeder Component
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<em>location on the map<em>
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<em>The treasure in the center of the storage room<em>

7.2 Shuttle

Next to the cargo storage, there’s a shuttle, and inside it, you’ll find the second treasure chest.

Content: Anaxes Ruffian Jacket – Gear
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<em>location on the map<em>
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<em>The chest marked red inside the shuttle<em>

3.7 Shaska’s Hold

Shaska’s Hold is located at the southeastern edge of “The Grazing Fields,” just south of the Crimson Dawn Hideout. To reach it, take the speeder ramp from “The Southern Falls” region to jump over to Shaska’s Hold.

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<em>The ramp to Shaskas Hold<em>

At the other side, look for the entrance that is marked with a few storage boxes. On the other side, there is a rippled wall you can climb up

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<em>Enter Saskas Hold here<em>
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<em> and climb up the wall<em>

At the top, you’ll encounter a strong wind. Wait for it to die down, then jump to the other side. From there, swing to another rippled wall to climb higher. Once you reach the top, look for the broken windfisher equipment—that’s your next step. At the end of this path, you’ll find a grapple point below.

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<em>Windfisher equipment to the right grapple down ahead<em>

At the bottom of Saska’s Hold, you’ll find a room with an energy barrier. Scan the area and send Nix to pull the lever on the right side of the inner wall.

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<em>The lever to turn off the energy barrier<em>

Behind the barrier, there are two levers that must be held down simultaneously. Send Nix to one lever and toggle the other when Nix is ready. Inside the room, you’ll find the treasure chest.

Content: Blaster Recirculator – Blaster Material
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The room with the treasure at the back

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