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The Veteran Main Quest Walkthrough – Star Wars Outlaws

Embark on ‘The Veteran’ quest in Star Wars Outlaws and master the art of decryption with MT-7. This guide will navigate you through the crucial steps, ensuring a successful mission completion. You’ll team up with the trusty droid companion to crack encrypted files and uncover hidden data essential to your mission’s success. As you progress, make sure to thoroughly explore and identify all ISB report locations, as missing even one can jeopardize your chances of advancing. With precision and patience, you’ll unravel secrets that bring you closer to outsmarting your Imperial adversaries.

Quest Overview

Join protagonist Kay in her mission to unlock the Decryption Module, which is essential for decrypting Separatist Datadiscs and collecting transmissions in space. Follow the step-by-step instructions to locate and assist MT-7, the expert needed for this quest.

Key Quest Steps:

1 – Initiate the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages
-> Find Transmissions within yellow cargo containers in space.
-> Key Location: Pilot’s End in Kijimi’s Orbit.

2 – Locate 5 Transmissions
-> Gather these in various treasure areas like Toshara Orbit, ensuring you have a total of five to progress.

3 – Search for MT-7’s Unit Members
-> Unit 647: Found at the Abandoned Hideout. Access via climbing through broken cargo areas.
-> Unit 437: Located at Myrra Valley. Navigate past poison-spitting frogs to reach the top floor.
-> Unit 416: Situated west of Sashin, within a former Separatist Base. Climb and swing to access the droid.

4 – Find the 5 Jammers at Trapper’s Field in Akiva’s Orbit
-> Quest Jammer: The first Jammer with a quest marker.
-> Below the Satellite Dish: Inside the corridor.
-> Next to the Satellite Dish: Adjacent to the dish.
-> South of the Satellite Dish: On flat debris.
-> Inside the Eastern Wreck: Starting from the center.

5 – Return to the Abandoned Hideout
-> Complete Mt-7’s mission and gain the Decryption Module for the Transmission Collectibles.

1. Initiate the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages

As stated in the introduction, the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages is necessary to locate MT-7, the Veteran required to initiate the Expert Quest of the same name. You can only find Encrypted Messages in space, and they are key items in the Transmission Collectibles section of the game’s collectibles menu.

To start the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages, locate one of the Transmissions in space. These are found in round, yellow cargo containers. Scan your surroundings to spot “Floating Cargo.” Here’s one I found for the Expert Quest: The Mercenar in Kijimi’s Orbit:

The Transmission is found at the center of Pilot’s End in Kijimi’s Orbit. Simply look for a yellow cargo box floating in space.

Location: Pilot’s End – Kijimi Orbit

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In the center of Pilots End
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The yellow cargo box

2 – Locate 5 Transmissions

Once you locate the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages, the Journal indicates that you need to find more to proceed. You’ll actually need a total of five Transmissions for ND-5 to triangulate the signal and continue with the quest.

You can typically find one to two Transmissions in each named treasure area in space. There are six Transmissions in Toshara Orbit, which I’ve detailed in my “All Treasures at Toshara Orbit” guide. On the map below, you’ll see the Transmissions located at points 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10.

After you receive the fifth transmission, ND-5 will contact you, leading to a change in the quest. ND-5 will locate the signal at an “Abandoned Landing Pad” on Akiva. Fly to Akiva and choose “Abandoned Hideout” as your landing pad. Once you exit the Trailblazer, a cutscene will play, marking the end of the Expert Intel: Encrypted Messages quest, and the start of “The Veteran” Expert Quest.

3 – Search for MT-7’s Unit Members

MT-7 has been stuck at the Abandoned Hideout for decades and needs to complete his final mission. Kay must locate the members of MT-7’s Unit. You need to find three members: Unit 647, Unit 437, and Unit 416.

3.1 Unit 647 – At the Abandoned Hideout

Kay’s mission begins at the Abandoned Hideout. You’ll find a ladder to descend into a lower, broken cargo area. Near the ladder, there’s an opening in the wall you can climb into. Start your climb at the rippled wall at the far end of the cargo area and head towards the opening, as shown in the screenshot below.

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<em>Start at the left and follow the arrows to the right<em>

In this small, dark room, there’s a closed door with a power core above it. You can’t open the door by shooting it with the Ion blaster because it requires three power cores. The other two power cores are located outside. To unlock the door, you need to shoot all three power cores as quickly as possible. The two outside power cores are highlighted in the screenshot below.

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<em>The two power cores outside the room are highlighted with a red frame<em>

The door will open, allowing Kay to enter. Inside, there is a droid holding a data pad. Interacting with the data pad will move the quest forward.

3.2 Unit 437 – Southern Separatist Position

The Intel from Unit 647 points to a spot south of the Abandoned Hideout, near the Southern Separatist Position. This location, called Myrra Valley, has a cave filled with poison-spitting frogs. You’ll need to defeat them to get inside. Once you’re in the cave, climb up a rippled wall to reach the top floor. There, you’ll find another member of the MT-7 unit next to some old computer equipment.

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<em>The second member of MT 7s unit<em>

Use the droid’s data pad to continue the quest.

3.3 Unit 416 – West of Sashin

The Intel from Unit 437 points to the next location in this quest: a Separatist Base west of Sashin. At the quest site, you’ll encounter a cave with a steep climb.

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<em>Some more climbing ahead<em>

At the top of the climb, look for a log overhead that you can swing over to reach a rippled wall on the other side. From there, you can climb up to an opening where the next droid is located.

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<em>Swing over and climb up to the left<em>

This is Unit 416. They attempted to connect to a satellite but were unsuccessful. Next stop is Akiva’s Orbit at Trapper’s Field to find the CIS satellite.

4 – Find the 5 Jammers at Trapper’s Field in Akiva’s Orbit

Board the Trailblazer and head to Trapper’s Field in Akiva’s Orbit. There are 5 Jammers blocking the satellite’s transmission, and they are scattered throughout Trapper’s Field, making them tricky to locate. If you’re having trouble, here’s a map and detailed information on where to find each one.

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<em>All Jammer Locations at Trappers Field The Veteran Quest<em>

4.1 – The Quest Jammer

I refer to this as the quest jammer because it’s the first one you encounter upon arriving at Trapper’s Field, marked clearly with a quest marker. It appears as a glowing column with spikes at both ends.

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<em>Swing over and climb up to the left<em>

4.2 – Below the Satellite Dish

Look for a corridor below the satellite dish. The Jammer is inside the corridor.

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Jammer on the map
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Jammer location

4.3 – Next to the Satellite Dish

Another Jammer is just next to the Satellite Dish.

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Jammer on the map
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Jammer location

4.4 – South of the Satellite Dish

Head to a flat debris part in the south to find the fourth Jammer.

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Jammer on the map
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Jammer location

4.5 – Inside the Eastern Wreck

The final Jammer is located in the eastern Wreck, starting from the center.

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Jammer on the map
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Jammer location

5 – Return to the Abandoned Hideout

Land on Akiva and return to the Abandoned Hideout. MT-7s mission is done and he doesn’t need his Decryption Module anymore. He is now one of the experts in the “Abilities” menu of the game with his main ability to be able to decrypt the Transmissions found in space.

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