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Discover Akiva Orbit Treasures in Star Wars Outlaws

Embark on an adventure in Star Wars Outlaws and uncover the treasures hidden within Akiva Orbit. This guide will help you navigate through four distinct locations, gathering valuable loot to enhance your in-game experience.

If you’re looking for the Treasures at Achra Station, there is a separate guide.

Visual of Akiva Orbit map highlighting treasure locations within Star Wars Outlaws
All Treasures Akiva Orbit Overview Map
1 Trappers Field 2 Kinro Komet 3 The Revelator Wreckage and 4 Convoy Shipwreck

1. Trapper’s Field

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Trapper’s Field is a debris field with a wreck in the northwest of Akiva’s Orbit. You’ll find three loot treasures here.

1.1 Satellite Dish

At the center wreck, near the Trapper’s Field Waypoint on the map, you’ll find the Transmissions Container next to the satellite dish. It is right next to the satellite dish that is so important in the “The Veteran” Expert Quest.

Content: Transmission Collectible #1
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The location on the map
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The yellow box inside the big container

1.2 East Main Wreck

To the east of the main central wreck, you can find something hanging inside.

Content: XFP-C28 Ship Computer – Ship Component
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The location on the map
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The yellow box inside the wreck

1.3 East Asteroid

This container with a transmission is located behind an asteroid, east of the central wreck.

Content: Transmission Collectible #4
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The location on the map
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The yellow box inside the wreck

2. Kinro Comet

Kinro Comet is a large comet that broke apart in the center of the Akiva map.

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2.1 West of the Center

To the west of the center location marker, you’ll find a long yellow container.

Content: Verdant Cover – Trailblazer Paint
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The location on the map
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2.2 South of the Center

Just south of the center of the location marker, not far from the previous treasure, you’ll find a small yellow Transmission Container.

Content: Transmission Collectible #2
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The location on the map
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3. The Revelator Wreckage

The Revelator Wreckage is a destroyed Star Destroyer orbiting Akiva. There are five treasures to collect in this area, and the containers are easy to find. One is located at each wing, one at the nose, one at the tail, and one in the center of the Revelator.

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3.1 Left Wing

A yellow container is floating freely with some debris in the northwest area of the center marker of the Revelator Wreckage.

Content: Materials
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The location on the map
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3.2 Tail Section

You can find another treasure in the tail section of the large ship.

Content: Materials
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The location on the map
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3.3 Center of the Ship

The third yellow box is located at the center of the ship, along with two other boxes.

Content: 5000 Credits
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The location on the map
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3.4 Right Wing

To the southeast of the center marker, you’ll find another orange container.

Content: Megonite Laden Fuel – Trailblazer Fuel
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The location on the map
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3.5 Nose Section

The last treasure is located near where the Revelator’s nose used to be.

Content: Shimmering Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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The location on the map
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4. Convoy Shipwreck

The Convoy Shipwreck is located in the southern part of the Akiva Orbit map, an area controlled by the Galactic Empire. There are three treasure containers in this location.

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4.1 North of the Center

The first box is located north of the center marker, just above the letters “o” and “n” in the word “Convoy.”

Content: Cobalt Cross Finish – Trailblazer Paint
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The location on the map
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4.2 Northeast of the Center

A smaller Transmission Collectible container is floating freely in space, located just northeast of the center marker.

Content: Transmission Collectible #3
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The location on the map
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4.3 Northeast of the Center

The third treasure is located north of the center marker, right between the N and V in “Convoy,” close to an imperial turret.

Content: XFP-C28 Ship Computer – Component
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The location on the map
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What Makes Akiva Orbit Treasures Unique Compared to Tatooine’s in Star Wars Outlaws?

Akiva Orbit Treasures captivate with their sophisticated allure and historical depth, contrasting Tatooine’s rugged artifacts. The meticulous storytelling and galaxy-spanning origins set Akiva’s offerings apart, embodying a refined charm. Meanwhile, tatooine orbit treasures exploration emphasizes raw desert relics, making Akiva’s treasures a beacon for seekers of grandeur over grit.

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