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Discover 12 Treasures at North Jundland Wastes Tatooine!

The North Jundland Wastes, situated in the heart of Tatooine from Star Wars Outlaws, boasts 12 Treasure Locations, each containing a distinct treasure. In this guide, I’ll present an overview map to assist you in uncovering their whereabouts and share valuable tips for collecting them effectively.

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All Treasures at North Jundland Wastes Overview Map

For additional Treasure Guides about Tatooine and beyond, please explore the Treasure Guides section.

1. Abandoned Mine

To the northwest of the North Jundland Wastes lies the Abandoned Mine. If you haven’t acquired the Fusion Cutter tool yet, you’ll need to progress further in the story before cutting an opening in the barred gate. Once inside the mine, grapple down to the bottom, then ascend a few steps to discover the treasure chest waiting for you.

Content: Unity Paint Job – Speeder Paint
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Abandoned Mine location
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Shiny gates lead to treasure

2. Strange Pillar

At the rock pillars in western North Jundland Wastes, Kay will indicate that something has crashed near the pillars, prompting Nix to begin chirping. As soon as you dismount from the speeder, Nix dashes off towards the pillars.

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Nix Treasure start on the map
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Follow the enthusiastic Nix into the pillars, where your ascent begins. After taking the first two steps, navigate around the pillar to scale a long, rippled wall. Nix will be waiting for you at the top to guide you to an area with some debris. Continue along the path to the right, circling the pillar once more, where you’ll encounter a small step and another long, rippled wall. From here, it’s easy to follow Nix until Kay arrives at the top, where a large square cargo hangs down, obstructing your path. Use the overhead grapple to swing over it, avoiding the cargo box. Move around the pillar again, and swing across once more to finally reach Nix’s treasure spot.

Content: Bang Button – Nix Treasure
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Abandoned Mine location
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Shiny gates lead to treasure

3. Collapsed Mine

The Collapsed Mine is located just east of the Mos Algo Landing Zone Fast Travel Point. To access it, approach from the south side and climb up to the mine entrance, which is secured with metal barriers. You’ll need to use the Fusion Cutter tool to gain entry; if you haven’t acquired it yet, continue progressing through the story. Once inside the mine, ascend again to reach the container.

Content: Mandalorian Paint Job – Speeder Paint
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Collapsed Mine Location
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4. Smuggler Cache 60

Smuggler Cache 60 is located near the northern border of Desert Valley. As you approach from Desert Valley, you’ll find a road that ascends to a small cave. Inside, you’ll discover some mining equipment along with a destructible wall that can be taken down using the “Power” setting on your blaster. Behind this wall lies Smuggler Cache 60.

Content: Valuables & Materials
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Smuggler Cache location
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Cave ahead

5. Guardhouse Ruins

The Guardhouse Ruins, located in the northern part of North Jundland Waste, features the remnants of a house now occupied by hostiles. Search for a hatch in the floor that you can open. Descend into the depths to discover the treasure room, where you’ll find two treasure chests waiting to be claimed.

Content 1: Valuables
Content 2: Bounty Hunter Mask Trophy – Speeder Trophy
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Location on the map
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The hatch in the floor

6. Tusken Camp 1

The southern route through the North Jundland Wastes Canyon will take you to a Tusken camp. Ascend to the summit to discover the chest hidden at the top.

Content: Krayt Dragon Fang – Minor Charm
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Tusken Camp location
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Chest at the top of the camp

7. Alma’s Stash

Alma’s Stash is located in the northern center of the North Jundland Wastes, conveniently positioned between the roads. The access point lies on the west side, where hostiles are stationed to guard the area. To reach the treasure, utilize the overhead grapple point for elevation, then leap across the gap to secure your prize.

Content: Dud III Trinket – Vehicle Trinket
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Stash location on the map
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Grapple at the back treasure to the left

8. Mine Cart

The Nix Treasure location, “Mine Cart,” can be found in the northern part of the North Jundland Wastes. Search for debris, abandoned mine carts, and a structure above. The access point is a wall located to the north of the marker on the map, right alongside the road.

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Access point location
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First climb up

Ascend the wall and follow the thick cable. At the top, the cable ascends, but Nix is crossing an abyss to the right. Utilize the overhead grapple to swing across. Continue westward in pursuit of Nix, where you can swing again. Navigate around the rock pillar and up a steep incline as you follow Nix. Proceed through a small cave to reach a rippled wall, which leads you to the first mine carts and tracks. Nix is already on the far side of the tracks. Jump across and follow Nix once more to finally claim the treasure.

Content: Hammer Rock – Nix Treasure
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Treasure location
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9. Tusken Camp 2

The second Tusken Camp is located south of the first, conveniently positioned near the road. To access the container, simply ascend a few steps at the center of the camp.

Content: Credits
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Tusken Camp 2 location
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10. Imperial Outpost 74

Imperial Outpost 74 is located in the northeast of the North Jundland Wastes, adjacent to the Galactic Empire zone of Desert Valley. To access the outpost, locate the data port at the base of the tower. By slicing into this port, you can override the turrets and unlock the outpost’s door.

Content: The Scanner Trinket – Vehicle Trinket
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Outpost location
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Treasure inside the outpost

11. Smuggler’s Refuge

The access point is a speed ramp located at the Daroona House Treasure site in the South Jundland Wastes.

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Jump location at Daroona House
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The arrow points the way

At the other side, follow the path up and then to the right, where you can climb up some steps and proceed climbing up a long climb using rippled walls and handles. At the top, you end up in a imperial held hostile area. The treasure is in the treasure room, behind the only door there is.

Content: HS-2300 Heat Sink – Trailblazer Component
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Door to the treasure location
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12. Imperial Outpost 51

Imperial Outpost 51 is a prominent outpost located in the southern region of the North Jundland Wastes. Seek out a house in the heart of the settlement that you can enter, as the treasure lies within.

Content: Compact Detonite – Key Part
Since you’re here: ISB Report – Vail Tormin

The ISB Report on Vail Tormin is discreetly placed atop a table.

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Treasure Building location
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Inside of this building

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