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All Treasures at Achra Station – Star Wars Outlaws 2024

Achra Station is the only station in the Orbit of Akiva. It’s in the very north of the orbit map. There are two Treasures to be discovered here.

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All Treasures at Achra Station Toshara Orbit

There is also a guide for All Treasures in Akiva Orbit.

1. Wibra’s Stash

Wibra’s Stash is locked inside a room at Achra Station. Just after leaving the hangar to the left. To be able to enter the room, you need to steal a keycard from someone on the station. The Crimson Dawn Opportunity Quest “Passenger” will make you steal the keycard. You can get the Quest from Dart Subterra at Ridge Terrace in Kijimi City.

Content: SE-JA4 Sensor Jammer – Trailblazer Component
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Wibras Stash room at Achra Station
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The chest inside the storage room

Are the Treasures in Mos Eisley Similar to Those Found at Achra Station in Star Wars Outlaws?

The hidden treasures in mos eisley tatooine are diverse and shrouded in mystery, much like those rumored to exist at Achra Station in Star Wars Outlaws. Both locations captivate adventurers with their mix of rarity and danger, offering thrilling opportunities for those bold enough to unearth their secrets amidst galactic chaos.

2. Flarbola’s Stash

Flarbola’s Stash contains one visible treasure chest located on the south side of the hangar.

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Flarbolas Stash location
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The box at the south side of the hangar

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