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Discover 11 Treasures at Kijimi Orbit – Star Wars Outlaws

In Kijimi’s perilous orbit, surrounded by a dark nebula, you can find four Treasure Locations with a total of 11 Treasures. Here’s where to find them and what’s inside each one.

Looking for a guide for all Treasures at Kijimi City? Alternatively, you can also visit the Treasures section in Star Wars Outlaws for more guides.

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Kijimi Orbit Overview with 4 Treasure Locations

1. Shadow Pass

Shadow Pass is a treasure location in the northwest part of the Kijimi Orbit map, where you can find 3 treasures.

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Treasure locations at Shadow Pass – Overview Map

1.1 South of Shadow Pass Marker

At the southern end of the Shadow Pass Marker on the map, look for a yellow container that is floating freely.

Content: Dark Cross Finish – Trailblazer Paint

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South of the location marker
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1.2 West of Shadow Pass Marker

Another long, free-floating container is located west of the Shadow Pass Marker, right next to one of the satellite dishes.

Content: NFP-C28 Ship Computer – Component

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West of the location marker
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1.3 Southeast of Shadow Pass Marker

The small Transmission container is located southeast of the Shadow Pass Marker, along with some debris.

Content: Transmission Collectible #7

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Southeast of the location marker
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2. Derelict Ship

Derelict Ship is a treasure location in the northeast of the Kijimi Orbit map, where you can find 4 treasures.

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Treasure locations Derelict Ship – Overview Map

2.1 North of the Derelict Ship Marker

Head north from the Derelict Ship marker to locate a floating cargo cluster that has a long, yellow container.

Content: Cobalt Cover Finish – Trailblazer Paint

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North of the Derelict Ship marker
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2.2 Northeast of the Derelict Ship Marker

Check the area around the last Treasure location, and you’ll find a Transmission container close by.

Content: Transmission Collectible #6

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Northeast of the Derelict Ship marker
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2.3 Bright Cluster

Search for a brightly lit cluster of debris to the east of the Derelict Ship location. You’ll find a Transmission Container there.

Content: Transmission Collectible #8

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East of the location marker
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2.4 East of Bright Cluster

After finding the last collectible at the bright cluster, head east. You’ll come across a piece of debris with a long yellow cargo piece.

Content: NFP-C28 Ship Computer – Component

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East of the Bright Cluster
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3. Nebula Core

The Nebula Core is located at the center of the Kijimi Orbit map, where you can find two treasures.

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Treasure locations Nebula Core – Overview Map

3.1 North of Nebula Core Marker

Just north of the Nebula Core Marker, you’ll find a free-floating transmission container.

Content: Transmission Collectible #9

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North of the location marker
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3.2 Northeast of Nebula Core Marker

Further northeast and east of the previous treasure, you’ll find another free-floating cargo cluster that contains a long yellow container.

Content: Ruby Stripe Finish – Trailblazer Paint

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Northeast of the location marker
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4. Pilot’s End

The pilot’s end is located in the southern part of the orbit area on the map and contains two hidden treasures.

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Treasure locations Pilot’s End – Overview Map

4.1 Center

In the center of Pilot’s End, find a yellow box that you can “retrieve.” You can spot it as a floating cargo symbol when you scan the area.

Content: Transmission’s Collectible #5

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In the center of Pilot’s End.
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4.2 Northwestern Border

To the northwest of Pilot’s End’s center, near the edge of the nebula, is the last yellow container.

Content: Amber Detail Finish – Trailblazer Paint

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At the northwestern border
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