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The Hermit Side Quest Walkthrough Kingdom Come Deliverance 2

The Hermit is a follow-up side quest to The Jaunt, where Henry previously helped locate the blacksmith’s cart and his assistants, Ventza and Franzi. This quest is given by the blacksmith right as “The Jaunt” ends. In The Hermit, the blacksmith tasks Henry with finding a rare steel sword, which will be used to forge a wedding gift for the main quest, “Wedding Crashers.”

You’ll receive “The Hermit” automatically after Henry returns to the blacksmith in Tachov to complete “The Jaunt” side quest. To complete this quest, you’ll need a shovel. If you don’t already have one, you can buy one from the merchant in Troskowitz before setting off.

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Youtube Video Time: 00:46

The blacksmith suggests to ask around in Troskowitz for more information about the Hermit. The Innkeeper at Troskowitz is a good location to start.

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Youtube Video Time: 04:14

The Innkeeper will send Henry to Appolonia. The hermit’s house is located north of the two bandit camps discovered during The Jaunt. As Henry enters the house, it becomes clear quite quickly, that the Hermit does not want to talk.

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You can either rob the Hermit or choke him to take his belongings. He carries a Lore book that’s both an interesting read and important to the story: “The Diary of Knight Conrad”. If you kill him, you will miss out on one part of the story. Be careful—if you stay near him for too long, he’ll get angry and attack Henry. If you’re unsure how to choke someone, here’s my guide to help.

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Youtube Video Time: 05:52

Open your inventory and find the “Diary of Knight Conrad”. Read it to continue with the story.

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Youtube Video Time: 09:43

After reading the diary, you can confront the Hermit. If you’ve knocked him out, you’ll need to wait for him to wake up. If you only took the diary without harming him, you can speak to him right away.

He admits he isn’t the real Hermit and gives Henry a task: deliver a cross to Margaret in Troskowitz with the message, “Margaret, Ambrose forgives you, but his brother must claim what is rightfully his.” This begins the activity “A Sinful Soul,” which I’ll also cover in this guide.

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Youtube Video Time: 14:44

The real Hermit’s Grave is located northwest of the Hermit’s hut. Take the hermit’s sword from the top of the grave. There’s no need to disturb the grave itself—it’s empty except for the body. With the sword, Henry could already return to the blacksmith, but I will first complete the “A Sinful Soul” Activity Quest.

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Youtube Video Time: 15:52

The widow is at the Troskowitz cemetery to the east of the village’s center.

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Youtube Video Time: 23:08

Leave the cemetery and turn right. Walk along the wall until you find the rosebush. Remove the rosebush, dig up the old remains, and take them with you.

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Youtube Video Time: 23:51

Return to the widow and dig up the grave right next to her to bury the Old Remains.

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I went back to the Hermit, just like the Quest Journal suggested—both versions, actually—but the hut was empty. I even slept in his bed, but he never came back. Looks like the hut belongs to Henry now.

Youtube Video Time: 26:09

You’ll receive “The Hermit” automatically after Henry returns to the blacksmith in Tachov to complete “The Jaunt” side quest. To complete this quest, you’ll need a shovel. If you don’t already have one, you can buy one from the merchant in Troskowitz before setting off.

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Youtube Video Time: 28:00

Henry will receive the sketch “The Hermit’s Sword” in his Crafting book for Longswords and can now forge the sword. He will have the ingredients in his inventory. Interact with the anvil, select “The Hermit’s Sword” and forge the sword. Sharpening it at the end is not necessary. When done, talk to the blacksmith and hand over the Sword to finish the Side Quest “The Hermit”.

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Camzillasmom Collectibles Hunter
It all began in the ’80s when I was just 7 years old. Starting with basic arcade games, I soon delved into titles like Loom and Monkey Island by Lucasarts. Throughout the years, as I indulged in more and more games, I consistently sought clear guides to swiftly navigate my gameplay. Now, it’s my turn to contribute back to the community.

Copyright by Camzillasmom.

Release: February 4th, 2025
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Publisher: Deep Silver
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