After working with either the blacksmith or the miller and attending the wedding, Henry and Hans find themselves in trouble once again. Henry is forced to work as a servant at Trosky Castle, while Hans awaits execution. When the bell strikes twelve, Hans is set to be hanged. This is why the Main Quest in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is titled “For Whom the Bell Tolls.”
1 – Haul the Sacks to the Charcoal Shed
Henry needs to move three sacks from the cart by the castle gate to the coal shed inside the castle. To do this, he should take one sack from the cart, go through the gate, and carry it along the outside wall to the coal shed. He’ll repeat this process until all three sacks are moved.
2 – Talk to the Blacksmith
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After completing the charcoal sacks task, the blacksmith has another job for Henry.
3 – Take Care of the Horseshoe for the Blacksmith
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The blacksmith has asked Henry to forge four horseshoes. The materials for the task are in the chest at the forge. I gladly took on the job since I disliked the horseshoes and needed the practice. Now, I’ve become quite skilled. Once you’ve forged four farmer’s horseshoes, return to the blacksmith. If you don’t have the sketch, you’ll find it in the chest near the forge.
4 – Take the Horseshoe to Kabat
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Kabat is near the outer gate, where the stables are. Talk to him to give him the horseshoes.
5 – Find Work around the Gallows
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The gallows for Hans’ execution are set up in the outer courtyard. Speak to the builder with the saw and ask if he has any work for you. Kolda will ask Henry to sharpen the axe in the nearby shed. Open the chest inside, use the sharpening wheel to sharpen the axe, and then return it to Kolda.
During the conversation, ask him how to enter the Maiden. Keep the discussion going and bring up Binyek. Kolda will mention that Binyek got inside the castle by using the well, which connects to a tunnel system beneath it.
6 – Jump into the Well near Kabat/the Stables
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Henry now knows how to enter the castle. The well is located near the stables, where he left the horseshoes. Approach the well and jump in to proceed.
Inside the well, stick to the left and follow the tunnel until you see light. Take the winding staircase up to a door. Go through it to reach the prison where Hans is being held. Talk to him to proceed. Ask him to distract the guard so Henry can slip past him.
7 – Get to Thomas
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Now this part can be frustrating. But stick to it. Some of it is just a matter of luck. So it can be that you’re running into a guard when opening a door. Just don’t give up and it’ll be rewarding at the end.
When Hans distracts the guard, hide in the cell across from him. Once the guard is distracted, sneak past and head up the stairs. At the top, you’ll find the kitchen. There’s another staircase—go up it!
At the top of the stairs, quietly pass the guard and open the door to enter an empty room. At the far end, you’ll see another staircase leading up.
Continue to go up until you get to the staircase where a guard is standing. Throw a stone into the corner to distract him and lead him away. Continue to go all the way up and you will reach Thomas. Talk to Adela, his sister.
8 – Find out what Medicine to give to Captain Thomas
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Thomas has a fever and needs medicine. So Henry needs to find out what Thomas needs to get it for him. Go all the way down to the guard who stands in front of the stairs. Throw a stone to distract him. This was a bit buggy for me. It needed a couple of stones for him to react. If you have a lockpick and you’re up to lockpicking an easy chest, make sure to take this detour. It will be beneficial.
Go back to the staircase and go down. Sneak past the guard standing by the window, where you previously came up the stairs. This time, head outside onto the elevated wooden walkways. Stay to the left and follow the walkway all the way to the back.
Go through the door to enter the castle. Inside, you’ll see a guard. Throw a stone to distract him, then walk past, cross the room, and exit through the door on the other side. From there, take the staircase to go up.
Go through the door to enter the castle. Inside, you’ll see a guard. Throw a stone to distract him, then walk past, cross the room, and exit through the door on the other side. From there, take the staircase to go up. Follow the path all the way up until you reach a corridor with a door to the left and one to the right. Enter the room to the right to meet Kathrine, the woman in the blue dress. The Bone Comb is hers and Henry can return it.
After speaking with Catherine, open the chest that Katherine couldn’t open. Inside, you’ll find it full of herbs. Take them. Next, check the bookshelf for the Physician’s journal.
Inside the Physician’s journal, Henry will find a vague recipe for a Fever Potion. It says: “The concoction is prepared from boiled wine, three parts of feverfew, two parts of grated ginger and one part of elderberry leaves.”
9 – Get Hold of Fever Tonic
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Thomas has a fever and needs medicine. So Henry needs to find out what Thomas needs to get it for him. Go all the way down to the guard who stands in front of the stairs. Throw a stone to distract him. This was a bit buggy for me. It needed a couple of stones for him to react. If you have a lockpick and you’re up to lockpicking an easy chest, make sure to take this detour. It will be beneficial.
All the herbs you need are in the chest, and the Alchemy Table is in the same room as the book. Here’s how I made my Fever Concoction:
Fever Tonic:
-> Pour Wine (Vinum) into the cauldron.
-> Herbs: Feverfew, Ginger and Elderberry Leaves
-> Put 3x Feverfew into the cauldron with wine.
-> Boil 2 turns
-> Grind 2x ginger, put it into the cauldron
-> Boil for 1 turn.
-> Add 1x Elderberry Leaves
-> Pour into a flask
10 – Take the Medicine back to Thomas
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Now, run all the way back to Thomas. I didn’t sneak anymore at the end. When you reach Thomas, a cutscene will start and everyone chasing Henry will be ignored.
Copyright by Camzillasmom.
Release: February 4th, 2025
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Publisher: Deep Silver
Official Website: