Find every collectible detail in Control with this Case Files Collectibles Guide. It offers precise locations for Objects of Power, Altered Items, and Altered World Events. Perfect for players aiming for 100% completion or exploring the rich game lore. Use this guide to track down collectibles, unlock abilities, and piece together the fascinating story of Control.
- Objects of Power
- Altered World Events
- Altered Items
- Anchor Procedures
- Anchor Supplement
- Balloon Procedures
- Fan Supplement
- Globe Procedures
- Hammer Procedures
- Handchair Procedures
- Letters Procedures
- Mannequin Procedures
- Mannequin Supplement
- Mirror Procedures
- Paper Lantern Procedures
- Picnic Basket Procedures
- Pink Flamingo Procedures
- Pink Flamingo Supplement
- Plastic Tree Procedures
- Plastic Tree Supplement
- Post Box Supplement
- Pram Procedures
- Refrigerator Procedures
- Refrigerator Supplement
- Rubber Duck Procedures
- Swan Boat Procedures
- Thermos Procedures
- Traffic Light Procedures
- Typewritten Page Procedures
- Water Cooler Procedures
Objects of Power
Ashtray and Cigarette
You’ll get this when you’ve successfully crossed the Ashtray maze in the story.
Benicoff TV
This is part of the story. It will give to the levitate ability.
Floppy Disk
This is the grab and throw items ability. You get it by cleansing the Pneumatics room at the Executive Sector.
Home Safe
Complete the Field Training in the Maintenance Sector to get this and the Shield Ability.
This will be given when reaching the Hotline Chamber and completing the challenge.
Merry-Go-Round Horse
Investigate the strange light in the breakroom near the Janitor’s Office in the Maintenance Sector to learn how to dash.
Service Weapon
This collectible is picked up automatically when getting your gun at the director’s office.
Slide Projector
This collectible is picked up at the start of the Endgame.
X-Ray Light Box
This Object of Power can be picked up in the Hypnosis Lab in the Research Sector. It enables the “Seize” ability.
Altered World Events
Havana Supplement
This case file is at Pneumatics, Executive Sector. It’s inside the room that is locked by Clearance Level 1. Get the Clearance Level 1 card here.
Altered Items
Anchor Procedures
This is a follow-up mission for the “A Matter of Time” Mission. You’ll pick it up after defeating the Anchor.
Handchair Procedures
Cleanse the Handchair in the “Langston’s Runaways” Mission to get this info. The Handchair is at Medical causing havoc on the ceiling. Shoot it so it drops down. Then interact with it.
Letters Procedures
Catch the letter 3 times “Langston’s Runaways” Mission to get this info. The Letter is at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. When it jumps around, just go to one spot and wait until it lands there again. Then interact with it. You have to do that 3 times. The letter travels upwards at Dead Letters. Use “Levitate” to reach the higher area.
Mannequin Procedures
Contain the Mannequin in the last of Langston’s Missions. It’s in the far upstairs part of the Prime Candidate Program. The part that bends. After touching it you just need to find the real one and interact with it.
Mirror Procedures
Solve the “Self-Reflecting” Mission at Mirror Testing in the Research Sector.
Paper Lantern Procedures
This is the Japanese Lantern you have to contain for Langston.
To get to this area do the “A Matter of Time” Mission.
Picnic Basket Procedures
This case file is down in the Mold caves near Dr. Underhill’s lab.
To get there:
– go to Central Research, Research Sector, Cafeteria Level (bottom)
– Here, climb down the hole in the corner of the burnt plants.
– Follow the corridor inside Dr. Underhill’s lab (Clearance Level 4 needed)
– Exit the lab through the other Clearance Level 4 door.
– Follow the path inside the cave.
– At the crossing go left, where you have a nice view of the cave.
– You can climb down at the mail tubes. Once down, there is a passage to the right into this room.
Pink Flamingo Procedures
Contain the Flamingo in the last of Langston’s Missions. The trick about capturing the flamingo is not to touch the changing floor with your feet. So a high levitate level would be required.
Pink Flamingo Supplement
This case file is down in the Mold caves near Dr. Underhill’s lab.
To get there:
– go to Central Research, Research Sector, Cafeteria Level (bottom)
– Here, climb down the hole in the corner of the burnt plants.
– Follow the corridor inside Dr. Underhill’s lab (Clearance Level 4 needed)
– Exit the lab through the other Clearance Level 4 door.
– Follow the path inside the cave.
– At the crossing go straight ahead and let yourself drop down (small drop)
– Turn left instantly.
Plastic Tree Procedures
This case file is in the Field Training area in Maintenance. To enter Field Training, first shoot the red blobs near the red wall to make the wall disappear. Then, in Field Training, pass the obstacle course to get inside the “Reward Room”. The case file is in the room upstairs.
Plastic Tree Supplement
You can find this in the area north of the Black Rock Quarry. It’s at the end of the cable cart ride in the “Finnish Tango” Mission. In the dark on the floor.
Post Box Supplement
This case file is at the Sealed Threshold Checkpoint, Containment Sector. If you don’t know how to get there, do the “A Matter of Time” Mission.
Refrigerator Procedures
You’ll get this info when you’ve taken care of the fridge in the Panopticon, Containment Sector.
Refrigerator Supplement
This can be found in the Sealed Threshold Hall, Containment Sector.
If you don’t know how to get there, do the “A Matter of Time” Mission.
Rubber Duck Procedures
In the south of Protective Studies, Research Sector, you see some corridors on the map that you can’t seem to access from Protective Studies. Coming from the HRA Lab into Protective Studies, you can see that there is a door blocked by boxes.
It leads to some pipe room. In here you can levitate up to that corridor. Follow it all the way and down to get to the Duck.
Chase it around the room (the red light and quack noise indicate its location) until you are fast enough to interact with it.
Traffic Light Procedures
You’ll get the case file after taking care of the traffic light in the “Langston’s Runaways” mission. It’s in the Panopticon, 4th floor. Same place as the TV.
Copyright by Camzillasmom.
Release: August 27, 2019
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: 505 Games
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