Want to track down every Correspondence collectible in the Control game? This guide is your ultimate resource for locating all official documents, non-official notes, and Dead Letters scattered throughout the game. Perfect for players aiming for 100% completion or exploring the rich lore of Remedy’s masterpiece, this guide ensures you won’t miss a single item. Follow along to easily find and collect everything you need in Control.
Agent Death Notification
The item is in the area of the Director’s Office, Executive Sector. It’s in the room locked by Clearance Level 1, opposite the Security Office.
Here’s how to get a Clearance Level 1 Card.
Approved Terminology Reminder
After meeting the Janitor, you’ll pick up the first mission “Welcome to the Oldest House”. Take the elevator up. It’s where the paintings are.
After exiting the elevator, enter the Security Room opposite the room that needs security clearance 01. Here is the collectible.
Arish: Escaped Oop
After meeting the Janitor in the Janitor’s Office in the Maintenance Sector, take the service elevator down near his office. The correspondence is at the bottom level where the elevator stops.
Arish: Security Matters
It’s in Arish’s office at NSC Power Plant in the Maintenance Sector.
Carla: File Received
It’s in Dr. Darling’s office in the Research Sector. At the Research Sector entrance area / big staircase, go all the way up to get to his office.
Darling: Budget Request
It’s in Dr. Darling’s office in the Research Sector. At the Research Sector entrance area / big staircase, go all the way up to get to his office.
Dump Cessation of Work Order
This document is in the room before the Ordinary Dump at the Containment Sector.
Executive Meeting Minutes
It’s on the floor in one of the meeting rooms at Executive Affairs in the Executive Sector.
Field Training Actor Complaint
This document is in the first office of the Field Training area at Maintenance.
Getting to Field Training is blocked by a red wall, shoot the red blobs that are in the area in front of the Field Training entrance.
Hubert: Black Rock Analysis
In the Research Sector’s entrance/staircase, go all the way down to the cafeteria.
Marshall: AWE Investigations
This collectible is inside the Emergency Shelter at Executive Affairs in the Executive Sector.
Marshall: Lockdown Distinctions
You can find this correspondence in the Mailroom in the Executive Sector.
You’ll need a Clearance Level 1 Card to get in.
Marshall: Trench’s Behavior
Get this correspondence at the Control Room of Atlas Chamber, Maintenance Sector.
Precognitive Powers
You can find this document in the Parapsychology area at Research Sector., where the mail tubes are.
Prohibited Items Reminder
This is the first collectible you can pick up after starting the game. It’s at the very first checkpoint with the walk-through metal detectors when entering the Federal Bureau of Control.
R4 Reports Reminder
After you start the game and enter the Federal Bureau of Control, go through the checkpoint and take the stairs up to the first floor. Here, go past the paintings to the meeting rooms at the back.
This collectible is in the darkest meeting room, right before meeting the janitor…
Security Order
After you start the game and enter the Federal Bureau of Control, go through the checkpoint and take the stairs up to the first floor. Here, go past the paintings to the meeting rooms at the back.
This collectible is in the first office/meeting room you can enter.
Sensory Tank Purpose
You can find it in the Extrasensory Lab, Research Sector on top of a console.
Tommasi: Willow AWE Outcome
It can be found near the Mail Room in the Executive Sector.
Travel Costs
The collectible can be found in the Executive Sector in one of the offices close to the cafeteria.
Trench: Bureau Funding
The document is in the Director’s Office in the Executive Sector. It will show up later in the story.
Trench: Dead Letter Approval
The collectible can be found at the Executive Sector in the Dead Letters area. It’s in one of the rooms on the floor.
Unstable Area Notice
The collectible can be found in the cafeteria’s restroom at the Executive Sector.
Visitor Evaluations
This collectible is in the southern room of the Central Executive area in the Executive Sector.
Book Club: Lopez
To get this document, go to the NSC Control room, exit through the north and follow the sign to the service elevators.
You’ll get to a room with a Clearance Level 2 lock (Keycard received from Janitor).
Book Club: Penny
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Dead Letters. It’s in one of the bottom floor offices.
Book Club: Phillip
This collectible is in one of the ground floor offices at the Archives, Containment Sector.
Book Club: Samson
This collectible is in the Executive Sector of the Communications Department, inside the shelter.
Clog Complaint
This complaint is at the top level of the NSC Coolant Pumps in the Maintenance Sector.
Darling: Dimensional Staffing
This document is high up in a control room close to the Black Rock Quarry Checkpoint at the Maintenance Sector.
Use Levitate to get higher up in the first room after the checkpoint. Up there is a gap in the Black Rock wall. There is a brightly lit control room.
Dinner Reservations
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Executive Affairs, in the back of the room with the countless desks.
Furnace Complaint
This document is in the room right next to the Upper NSC Coolant Pumps Checkpoint. If you can’t get there, you will walk past here when looking for the Janitor later in the story.
Janitor Complaint
This document is at the metal detectors right at the entrance to Dimensional Research in the Research Sector.
Mail Tube Complaint
This document is at the Furnace, bottom level, in the Maintenance Sector.
Plant Complaint
This document is at the Furnace, bottom level, in the Maintenance Sector.
Sand Memo
This collectible is at Dimensional Research in the Research Sector.
Shifted Bathroom Complaint
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Central Executive. First, you need to clear the checkpoint from the Hiss. Then, the collectible is accessible in one of the upstairs rooms.
Sticky Note Complaint
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Central Executive. Upstairs is a Clearance Level 4 door. Inside the room is the complaint.
Tee Time
This is inside the mail room of the Communications Department in the Executive Sector.
Tennyson Report Warning
This can be picked up in one of the rooms when going towards the Black Rock Processing. It’s in the area with the first set of Walk Through Metal Detectors.
Trench: Do Not Disturb
This collectible is in the Executive Sector right in front of the Director’s Office. You can pick it up while doing the “Welcome to the Oldest House – Investigate the noise in the Director’s Office” Mission.
Underhill: Checking In
This document is from Dr. Underhill’s lab in the Research Sector. To get there, go to the lowest Level at Central Research (where the cafeteria is). At this level, there is a burnt plant patch in a corner. Go to that corner – there is a hole. Climb all the way down. At the end of the corridor is the lab. Needs Clearance Level 4.
Upcoming Game Reminder
This can be picked up in the Maintenance Sector. Exit the NSC Energy Converters at the top, go past the elevator, then the document is lying on a desk in the next area.
Work Chat: Dead Dog
This can be picked up in the Containment Sector. Between Prime Candidate Program and Transit Corridor.
Work Chat: Plane Parts
This document is in the office right next to the Sealed Threshold Entrance checkpoint at Containment Sector. If you don’t know how to get there, do the “A Matter of Time” Mission.
Work Chat: Teeth
This document is at the Turntable control room, Containment Sector.
Dead Letters
Cat Clock
This document is found high up at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. Use the Levitate Ability to get up here.
Dead Presidents
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Dead Letters. It’s in one of the offices at the bottom level.
Fake Planes
This document is in the Executive Sector at Dead Letters. It’s in the room locked by Clearance Level 2.
Machine God
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Dead Letters. It’s on the floor at the door to the cafeteria.
Our Whereabouts
The letter can be found at the highest point of Dead Letters, Executive Sector. Use Levitate to get to it.
Pinstripe World
The letter can be found high up at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. Use the Levitate Ability to reach.
Singing Fish
This collectible is in the Executive Sector at Dead Letters. It’s in the dark corner in the southwest.
Smoking Ban
This letter can be found at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. It’s in one of the offices high up – can be reached with “Levitate”.
Vivid Dreams
This letter can be found at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. It’s at the highest point of the room. Use Levitate to get higher.
White Kitchen
This Letter can be found at Dead Letters, Executive Sector. It’s inside a room that needs Level 4 Clearance. Use levitate to reach those higher areas.
It all began in the ’80s when I was just 7 years old. Starting with basic arcade games, I soon delved into titles like Loom and Monkey Island by Lucasarts. Throughout the years, as I indulged in more and more games, I consistently sought clear guides to swiftly navigate my gameplay. Now, it’s my turn to contribute back to the community.
Copyright by Camzillasmom.
Release: August 27, 2019
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: 505 Games
Official Website: https://www.remedygames.com/games/control