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Control Game: Research and Records Collectibles Guide

Looking to uncover all the secrets in Control? This Research and Records Collectibles Guide is your ultimate resource for tracking down every hidden document and report in the game. Whether you’re a completionist chasing 100% or simply want to deepen your understanding of Control’s mysterious story, this guide has you covered. Featuring a detailed breakdown of all collectible locations, organized by category and sector, you’ll find everything from Hiss research entries to critical Bureau reports. Start your hunt now and become a master of all things Control! Use this guide to efficiently locate those elusive collectibles and achieve your gaming goals.

Table of Contents – All Research and Records Collectibles

The first 12 collectibles are tied to enemy encounters and story progress.

Hiss Agent

It was found during the story when attempting to push the Hiss out of an agent.

Hiss Barrier

It is obtained after fighting the Barrier for the first time.

Hiss Charged

It is picked up after facing the Charged enemy.

Hiss Cluster

It is gained after the first battle with a Hiss Cluster.

Hiss Demolition Expert

Acquired after fighting the Demolition Expert for the first time.

Hiss Distorted

Automatically collected post-battle with the Distorted.

Hiss Elevated

Found after your first fight with a Hiss Elevated enemy.

Hiss Guard

Gained during your first encounter with Hiss Guards.

Hiss Ranger

Acquired after battling Hiss Rangers.

Hiss Sniper

Located in the Research Sector after defeating snipers.

Hiss Trooper

Found during their first appearance in the Maintenance Sector.

Hiss Warped

Picked up in the Research Sector after fighting Warped enemies.

Initial Impression

On the Board Room table in Central Executive.

Map displaying the Central Executive area with the Board Room marked as the location of the Initial Impression collectible | camzillasmomcom
The Board Room table in Central Executive where the Initial Impression collectible is placed | camzillasmomcom

Linguistic Ability

This Report can be found at a later stage on the Board Room table in the Executive Sector.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the Central Executive area with the Board Room marked as the location for the Linguistic Ability report | camzillasmomcom
The Board Room table in the Executive Sector showing the Linguistic Ability report placed on the table during a later stage | camzillasmomcom

Speech Analysis

This Report can be found at a later stage on the Board Room table in the Executive Sector.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the Central Executive area with the Board Room marked as the location for the Speech Analysis report | camzillasmomcom
The Board Room table in the Executive Sector showing the Speech Analysis report placed on the table during a later stage | camzillasmomcom

Timeline of Events

This document can be found at a later stage on the Board Room table at the Executive Sector.

Map of the Executive Sector showing the Central Executive area with the Board Room highlighted as the location for the Timeline of Events document | camzillasmomcom
The Board Room table in the Executive Sector displaying the Timeline of Events document placed on the table during a later stage | camzillasmomcom

Variance in Alterations

This document can be found at a later stage on the Board Room table at the Executive Sector.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the Central Executive area specifically marking the Board Room as the location for the Variance in Alterations document | camzillasmomcom
The Board Room table in the Executive Sector showing the Variance in Alterations document lying on the table during a later stage | camzillasmomcom

AWE Rising Frequency

The research is located in the western area of the Logistics section, within the Containment Sector. You’ll find it on the bottom floor in a Level 5 clearance room.

Map of the Containment Sector focusing on the Logistics section A marker highlights the western area specifically the bottom floor in a Level 5 clearance room as the location of the AWE Rising Frequency research | camzillasmomcom
The interior of a Level 5 clearance room on the bottom floor of the Logistics section in the Containment Sector showing the AWE Rising Frequency research document resting on a surface | camzillasmomcom

Airplane Evaluation Order

This is in the Control room on the way to Ordinary AWE, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector with a marker pinpointing the Control Room on the way to the Ordinary AWE area This highlights the location of the Airplane Evaluation Order document | camzillasmomcom
The Control Room near the Ordinary AWE area in the Containment Sector showing the Airplane Evaluation Order document placed on a desk or console | camzillasmomcom

America Overnight Results

It’s located in the Central Executive area of the Executive Sector. On the ground level, there’s a security room that requires Clearance Level 3 to unlock. You’ll get Clearance Level 1 here, while Levels 2 and 3 are unlocked as you progress through the story.

Map of the Executive Sector with a marker highlighting the Central Executive area The marker indicates the location of the security room on the ground level where the America Overnight Results document is found | camzillasmomcom
The security room in the Central Executive area of the Executive Sector requiring Clearance Level 3 to unlock Inside the America Overnight Results document is visible on a desk or shelf | camzillasmomcom

Astralnauts Information

The report is located in the Parapsychology Research Sector, near the Parapsychology checkpoint.

Map of the Parapsychology Research Sector with a marker highlighting the Parapsychology checkpoint The marker indicates the area near the checkpoint where the Astralnauts Information report is located | camzillasmomcom
The Parapsychology checkpoint in the Research Sector The Astralnauts Information report is visible on a table or nearby surface close to the checkpoint area | camzillasmomcom

Bureau Expenditures

You can find this collectible at the start of the game. After entering the Federal Bureau of Control, pass through the Walk Through Metal Detectors at the checkpoint. Head up the stairs at the end of the checkpoint, and on the first floor, go into the first room on the left. This room is located directly above the checkpoint.

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Data Breach

The Records can be found in the Communications Department, top floor in the weird cubicle computer room.

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Director Faden Photograph

This collectible is picked up at the start of the Endgame.

Director Trench Photograph

This collectible is picked up automatically while playing through the story.

Dr. Tokui Investigation

This Log is inside the Extrasensory Lab, Research Sector.

Map of the Research Sector with a marker indicating the Extrasensory Lab The marker highlights the exact location where the Dr Tokui Investigation Log is found | camzillasmomcom
The interior of the Extrasensory Lab in the Research Sector The Dr Tokui Investigation Log is visible on a desk or table within the lab | camzillasmomcom

Dylan Faden Observation

This Log is in the P6 cell control room at the Panopticon, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector with a marker highlighting the Panopticon The marker indicates the location of the Dylan Faden Observation Log in the P6 cell control room | camzillasmomcom
The interior of the P6 cell control room at the Panopticon in the Containment Sector The Dylan Faden Observation Log is visible on a console or desk in the room | camzillasmomcom

Dylan Faden Transcript

This log is part of the Prime Candidate Program in the Containment Sector. You’ll find it in the room labeled P6, which is Dylan’s room.

Map of the Containment Sector with a marker placed on the Prime Candidate Program area highlighting the P6 room where the Dylan Faden Transcript Log is located | camzillasmomcom
The interior of the P6 room in the Prime Candidate Program area of the Containment Sector The Dylan Faden Transcript Log is visible on a desk or surface inside the room | camzillasmomcom

Hotline Security Log

This log is part of the Prime Candidate Program in the Containment Sector. You can find it in P6, Dylan’s room.

Map of the Containment Sector with a marker placed on the Prime Candidate Program area specifically on the P6 room where the Hotline Security Log is located | camzillasmomcom
The interior of the P6 room within the Prime Candidate Program area of the Containment Sector The Hotline Security Log is visible on a desk or surface inside the room | camzillasmomcom

Jesse Faden Movement Tracking

The document is located in the Prime Candidate Program within the Containment Sector. You’ll find it in room P7, which is Jesse’s room.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Prime Candidate Program area with a marker indicating room P7 where Jesse Faden Movement Tracking is located | camzillasmomcom
The interior of room P7 in the Prime Candidate Program area within the Containment Sector The Jesse Faden Movement Tracking document is placed on a desk or surface in the room | camzillasmomcom

Mold Autopsy

This research document is at the Medical Wing, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Medical Wing where the Mold Autopsy document is located | camzillasmomcom
Inside the Medical Wing Containment Sector The Mold Autopsy research document is placed on a table or counter within the room surrounded by medical equipment and files | camzillasmomcom

P6 Victim Autopsy

This is part of the Prime Candidate Program in the Containment Sector, inside the room labeled P6—Dylan’s room.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Prime Candidate Program area specifically room P6 where the P6 Victim Autopsy document is located | camzillasmomcom
Inside room P6 Dylan | camzillasmomcom's room, in the Prime Candidate Program within the Containment Sector. The P6 Victim Autopsy document is placed on a desk or table, surrounded by equipment and papers related to the program.

Panopticon Methods Proposal

This research document is in the Upper back of the Archives in the Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector with a focus on the Archives area indicating the location of the Panopticon Methods Proposal in the upper back section | camzillasmomcom
In the upper back area of the Archives within the Containment Sector the Panopticon Methods Proposal document is placed on a desk or table surrounded by files and equipment related to the research | camzillasmomcom

Pope’s Promotion

This document is in one of the upper offices at Central Executive, Executive Sector.

Map of the Executive Sector with a focus on the Central Executive area indicating the location of Pope | camzillasmomcom's Promotion in one of the upper offices.
In one of the upper offices within Central Executive Pope | camzillasmomcom's Promotion is placed on a desk or file cabinet, surrounded by papers, equipment, and a view of the sector.

Portrait of Director Zachariah Trench

This collectible is picked up automatically while picking up the “Unknown Caller” Mission at the cleared checkpoint.

Recording Chair Procedures

This can be found on the ground floor of the Parapsychology area at the Research Sector. It’s in the room with the many chairs on a cube with a desk.

Map of the Research Sector with the Parapsychology area highlighted showing the location of Recording Chair Procedures on the ground floor | camzillasmomcom
Inside the Parapsychology area on the ground floor the Recording Chair Procedures document is placed on a desk near many chairs arranged on a cube structure surrounded by research equipment and ambient lighting | camzillasmomcom

Salvador’s ID

This ID is picked up after the fight with Salvador to get the TV and the levitate ability.

Sealed Threshold Account

This document is inside the shelter of Sealed Threshold Hall, Containment Sector. If you don’t know how to get there, do the “A Matter of Time” Mission.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting Sealed Threshold Hall as the location of the Sealed Threshold Account The path to reach it is unlocked by completing the A Matter of Time Mission | camzillasmomcom
Inside Sealed Threshold Hall the Sealed Threshold Account document is placed within the shelter area The hall features sealed doors and secured sections reflecting its high security status | camzillasmomcom

Television Proposal

You can find this report on the ground floor of the Central Executive in the Executive Sector. It’s near Arish’s desk and becomes available later in the story.

Map of the Executive Sector with Central Executive highlighted indicating the area where the Television Proposal can be found near Arishs desk on the ground floor | camzillasmomcom
Inside Central Executive the Television Proposal report is located near Arishs desk on the ground floor This report becomes available later in the story | camzillasmomcom

Tennyson Report

At the Logistics checkpoint in the Containment Sector is a hole in the ceiling. That’s where this collectible is.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Logistics checkpoint area with the location of the Tennyson Report near a hole in the ceiling | camzillasmomcom
The Tennyson Report is located at the Logistics checkpoint in the Containment Sector Look for a hole in the ceiling to find this collectible | camzillasmomcom

Threshold Kids Proposal

This Report can be found inside the Ritual Division’s shelter in the Research Sector.

Map of the Research Sector marking the location of the Threshold Kids Proposal inside the Ritual Division | camzillasmomcom's shelter.
The Threshold Kids Proposal can be found inside the Ritual Division | camzillasmomcom's shelter in the Research Sector.

Tommasi’s ID

After defeating Hiss Tommasi, leave the Mail Room through the west door to reach the Hotline Room. You’ll find Tommasi’s ID in the round room just outside the Mail Room.

Map of the Central Executive indicating the Hotline Room and the location where Tommasi | camzillasmomcom's ID can be found outside the Mail Room.
Tommasi | camzillasmomcom's ID is located in the round room just outside the Mail Room after defeating Hiss Tommasi. This can be accessed by leaving the Mail Room through the west door.

Willow AWE Shipping Manifest

This is in the Containment Sector, located between the Prime Candidate Program and the Transit Corridor. You’ll find it near the control room, inside the Storage Room.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the area between the Prime Candidate Program and the Transit Corridor pointing to the Storage Room near the control room where the Willow AWE Shipping Manifest can be found | camzillasmomcom
The Willow AWE Shipping Manifest is located inside the Storage Room situated between the Prime Candidate Program and the Transit Corridor near the control room in the Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ahti’s Cabin

You’ll pick this up while looking for the Janitor in the “Finnish Tango” mission.

Album Cover

This is in a car at the Ordinary Dump in the Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector showing the Ordinary Dump where the Album Cover can be found inside a car | camzillasmomcom
The Album Cover is located inside a car at the Ordinary Dump in the Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Astral Exhibition

It’s located in the Astral Exhibition area of the Research Sector, in the first room after Dr. Darling’s Astral Exhibition video.

Map of the Research Sector showing the Astral Exhibition area where the Astral Exhibition collectible can be found | camzillasmomcom
The Astral Exhibition is located in the Astral Exhibition area of the Research Sector in the first room after Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's Astral Exhibition video.

Astral Plane

Go to the Research Sector entrance and head up the large staircase. Dr. Darling’s office is at the very top.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the path to Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office at the top of the large staircase, where the Astral Plane collectible can be found.
To find the Astral Plane collectible go to the Research Sector entrance and head up the large staircase Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office is at the very top.

Astral Plane Counteressay

This is also in Dr. Darling’s office (see above)

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the path to Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office at the top of the large staircase, where the Astral Plane Counteressay can be found.
The Astral Plane Counteressay is located in Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office, found at the top of the large staircase in the Research Sector. Refer to the path above for guidance.

Atlas Theory

This research can be found in the room north of Atlas Chamber, Maintenance Sector.

Map of the Maintenance Sector showing the path to the room north of Atlas Chamber where the Atlas Theory research can be found | camzillasmomcom
The Atlas Theory research is located in the room north of Atlas Chamber in the Maintenance Sector The exact location is marked on the map above for reference | camzillasmomcom

Black Rock

This research can be found in the Black Rock Lab in the Maintenance Sector.

Map of the Maintenance Sector indicating the location of the Black Rock Lab where the Black Rock research can be found | camzillasmomcom
The Black Rock research is located in the Black Rock Lab within the Maintenance Sector The area is marked on the map for easy identification | camzillasmomcom

Black Rock Prisms

This research can be found in the HRA Lab in the Research Sector.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the location of the HRA Lab where the Black Rock Prisms research is located | camzillasmomcom
The Black Rock Prisms research is located in the HRA Lab within the Research Sector It can be accessed after progressing through related missions | camzillasmomcom

Collective Unconscious

The research can be found at Central Executive in the Executive Sector. It’s in one of the upstairs offices.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the location of Central Executive where the Collective Unconscious research is found in one of the upstairs offices | camzillasmomcom
The Collective Unconscious research is located in one of the upstairs offices in Central Executive within the Executive Sector Access it as you progress through the story | camzillasmomcom

Control Points

This collectible is located in Central Executive within the Executive Sector. To access it, you must first clear the checkpoint to eliminate the Hiss. Once cleared, the collectible can be found inside the Shelter.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the Central Executive area where the Control Points collectible is found inside the Shelter after clearing the checkpoint | camzillasmomcom
The Control Points collectible is located inside the Shelter in Central Executive within the Executive Sector Clear the checkpoint to eliminate the Hiss and gain access to this collectible | camzillasmomcom


This research is located in the Parapsychology area within the Research Sector, near the Parapsychology checkpoint.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the Parapsychology area where the Groupthink research can be found near the Parapsychology checkpoint | camzillasmomcom
The Groupthink research is located in the Parapsychology area of the Research Sector near the Parapsychology checkpoint | camzillasmomcom

Hedron Containment

This research is at Dimensional Research, Research Sector. It’s in the room upstairs after the Projector Room.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting Dimensional Research where the Hedron Containment research can be found in the room upstairs after the Projector Room | camzillasmomcom
The Hedron Containment research is located in Dimensional Research in the Research Sector upstairs from the Projector Room | camzillasmomcom

Home Safe Tests

You can find this right after the Energy Converters checkpoint as you head toward the Energy Converters. It’s located in the first area upstairs, in front of the converters. This is where you pick up the “A Good Defense” mission.

Map of the Maintenance Sector with a focus on the Energy Converters area where Home Safe Tests is located The collectible is found upstairs from the Energy Converters checkpoint | camzillasmomcom
The Home Safe Tests document is located in the Maintenance Sector upstairs from the Energy Converters checkpoint in front of the converters This is also where the A Good Defense mission is picked up | camzillasmomcom

Lucky Item Manifest

This document is in the Clearance Level 5 room at Luck & Probability, Research Sector.
The “Luck and Probability Roulette Puzzle” is nearby.

Map of the Research Sector with a focus on the Luck Probability area indicating the location of the Clearance Level 5 room where Lucky Item Manifest can be found near the Luck and Probability Roulette Puzzle | camzillasmomcom
The Lucky Item Manifest document is located in the Clearance Level 5 room at Luck Probability Research Sector near the Luck and Probability Roulette Puzzle | camzillasmomcom

Mirror Altered Item

This document is in the Mirror Lab at Synchronicity Lab, Research Sector. It requires Clearance Level 6 to enter.

The “Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle” is nearby.

Map of the Research Sector with a focus on the Synchronicity Lab indicating the location of the Mirror Lab requiring Clearance Level 6 to access where Mirror Altered Item can be found near the Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle | camzillasmomcom
The Mirror Altered Item document is located in the Mirror Lab at the Synchronicity Lab Research Sector Access requires Clearance Level 6 and is near the Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle | camzillasmomcom

Mirror Containment

This document is in the Mirror Lab at Synchronicity Lab, Research Sector. It requires Clearance Level 6 to enter.
The “Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle” is nearby.

Map of the Research Sector with a focus on the Synchronicity Lab indicating the location of the Mirror Lab requiring Clearance Level 6 to access where Mirror Containment can be found near the Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle | camzillasmomcom
The Mirror Containment document is located in the Mirror Lab at the Synchronicity Lab Research Sector Access requires Clearance Level 6 and is near the Mirror Lab Shutters Puzzle | camzillasmomcom

Mold Threshold

Dr. Underhill’s lab is located in the Research Sector. To find it, head to the Cafeteria Level in Center Research. Look for a burnt plant area in one corner. There, you’ll see a hole—climb down. Her lab is below, but you’ll need Clearance Level 4 to access it.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the Cafeteria Level of Center Research pointing out the hole near the burnt plant area where you can access Dr Underhill | camzillasmomcom's lab. Clearance Level 4 is required to enter.
The Mold Threshold document is located in Dr Underhill | camzillasmomcom's lab, found below the Cafeteria Level at Center Research, Research Sector. To access it, you’ll need Clearance Level 4 and can climb down through a hole near the burnt plant area.


Go to the top of the NSC Power Plant in the Maintenance Sector. You’ll find the document on the console.

Map of the Maintenance Sector highlighting the NSC Power Plant and the route to the top of the facility | camzillasmomcom
The NSC document is located at the top of the NSC Power Plant in the Maintenance Sector resting on the console | camzillasmomcom

Object and Item Distinctions

It’s at the ground floor office of Central Containment, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Central Containment office on the ground floor | camzillasmomcom
The Object and Item Distinctions document is located at the ground floor office of Central Containment Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 1.A

This is inside the Ordinary AWE security checkpoint coming from the Transit Corridor North, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector showing the Ordinary AWE security checkpoint coming from the Transit Corridor North | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 1A document is inside the Ordinary AWE security checkpoint coming from the Transit Corridor North Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 1.B

It’s inside the Ordinary AWE control room, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Ordinary AWE control room | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 1B document is located inside the Ordinary AWE control room Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 2

This document is on the floor near the Ordinary AWE Fast Travel point, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Ordinary AWE Fast Travel point | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 2 document is on the floor near the Ordinary AWE Fast Travel point Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 3

It’s inside the hall where the model of Ordinary Town is at Ordinary AWE, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector with the Ordinary AWE area highlighted showing the location of the Ordinary Town model hall | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 3 document is inside the hall where the model of Ordinary Town is located at Ordinary AWE Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 4.A

This is in the office with the projector at the Ordinary AWE Fast Travel Point, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector with the Ordinary AWE area highlighted showing the location of the Fast Travel Point | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 4A document is in the office with the projector near the Ordinary AWE Fast Travel Point Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom

Ordinary AWE Stage 4.B

This is in the Control Room at Ordinary AWE, Containment Sector.

Map of the Containment Sector highlighting the Ordinary AWE area and indicating the Control Room location | camzillasmomcom
The Ordinary AWE Stage 4B document is located in the Control Room at Ordinary AWE Containment Sector | camzillasmomcom


This research is at Central Executive, Executive Sector, upstairs in a Clearance 1 locked room. Here’s where to get the Clearance Level 1 card.

Map of the Executive Sector highlighting the location of Central Executive and the Clearance 1 locked room where Parautility is located | camzillasmomcom
The Parautility research is found in Central Executive Executive Sector inside a Clearance Level 1 locked room You will receive the Clearance Level 1 card here | camzillasmomcom

Resonance Theory

This research can be picked up in Dr. Darlings’ office. It’s at the Research Sector’s entrance staircase at the very top.

Map of the Research Sector indicating the location of Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office at the top of the entrance staircase.
Resonance Theory research can be found in Dr Darling | camzillasmomcom's office in the Research Sector, located at the very top of the entrance staircase.


This document can be found in the Rituals Division Office, Research Sector. Take the elevator up from the Ritual Division area. It’s in the office at the far end.

Map of the Research Sector marking the Rituals Division Office location accessible via the elevator from the Ritual Division area | camzillasmomcom
Rituals document is located in the Rituals Division Office accessible by taking the elevator up from the Ritual Division area in the Research Sector The office is at the far end | camzillasmomcom

Slide Projector Tests

This research can be picked up at Dimensional Research at Research Sector. It’s upstairs in the room after the Projector Room.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the Dimensional Research area with access to the Slide Projector Tests located upstairs after the Projector Room | camzillasmomcom
Slide Projector Tests document is located upstairs in Dimensional Research at the Research Sector in the room after the Projector Room | camzillasmomcom

Song Questionnaire

At the bottom of the Research Sector entrance area / big staircase, there is a door called “Lab 1”. Go down and pick up this document inside the room.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the entrance area and the location of Lab 1 where the Song Questionnaire document can be found | camzillasmomcom
Song Questionnaire document is located inside Lab 1 at the bottom of the Research Sector entrance area near the big staircase | camzillasmomcom


This document is close to the Research Sector entrance area. It’s in a room with a running projector, right next to it.

Map of the Research Sector highlighting the entrance area near the projector room where Synchronicity can be found | camzillasmomcom
Synchronicity document is located in a room near the Research Sector entrance area beside a running projector | camzillasmomcom

Synchronicity Experiment

This document is in the Synchronicity Lab in the Research Sector, located upstairs.

Map of the Research Sector indicating the location of the Synchronicity Lab upstairs where Synchronicity Experiment can be found | camzillasmomcom
Synchronicity Experiment document is found upstairs in the Synchronicity Lab within the Research Sector | camzillasmomcom

Technological Restrictions

You can find this collectible in Central Executive, located in the Executive Sector. To access it, clear the checkpoint to remove the Hiss. Once that’s done, head to one of the upper rooms to collect it.

Map of Central Executive located in the Executive Sector marking the upper rooms where Technological Restrictions can be found after clearing the Hiss | camzillasmomcom
Technological Restrictions document is located in one of the upper rooms in Central Executive Executive Sector after clearing the checkpoint and removing the Hiss | camzillasmomcom

Threshold Utility

This collectible is located at the bottom of the staircase in the Research Sector’s entrance area.

Map of the Research Sector indicating the entrance area and the bottom of the staircase where Threshold Utility can be found | camzillasmomcom
Threshold Utility collectible is located at the bottom of the staircase in the Research Sector entrance area | camzillasmomcom

Threshold Utility Counteressay

The report is located in Dr. Underhill’s lab in the Research Sector. To find it, go to the lowest level of Central Research, where the cafeteria is. Look for a burnt patch of plant life in one corner of this level. Head to that corner, and you’ll find a hole you can climb down. Dr. Underhill’s lab is at the end of the corridor, but you’ll need Clearance Level 4 to access it.

Map of the Research Sector showing Dr Underhill | camzillasmomcom's lab in Central Research on the lowest level, near the cafeteria and the burnt patch of plant life.
Threshold Utility Counteressay report is in Dr Underhill | camzillasmomcom's lab, located at the lowest level of Central Research. Look for a burnt patch of plant life in one corner near the cafeteria, then climb down the hole to reach the lab. Clearance Level 4 is required for access.


From the NSC Power Plant, go over to Central Maintenance. Here in the welcome hall, next to a pillar is the document.

Map of the NSC Power Plant and Central Maintenance showing the route from the power plant to the welcome hall near a pillar in Central Maintenance | camzillasmomcom
The Thresholds document is located in the Central Maintenance welcome hall next to a pillar It can be found after traveling from the NSC Power Plant | camzillasmomcom

Urban Legends

This collectible is can be found at Central Executive in the Executive Sector. It’s in one of the southern offices.

Map of Central Executive in the Executive Sector highlighting the southern offices where the Urban Legends document can be found | camzillasmomcom
The Urban Legends document is located in one of the southern offices in Central Executive Executive Sector | camzillasmomcom

Copyright by Camzillasmom.

Release: August 27, 2019
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: 505 Games
Official Website: