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Control Game: All Collectibles Map Executive Sector

Find every collectible in the Executive Sector of the Control game with this guide and Overview Map. Covering Research & Records, Case Files, and Multimedia, it provides everything you need to explore fully and complete your collection.

Also Available:
All Collectibles – CONTAINMENT
All Collectibles – MAINTENANCE
All Collectibles – RESEARCH

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Director’s Office Area

Correspondence: Agent Death Notification
Correspondence: Trench: Bureau Funding
Correspondence: Trench: Do not Disturb

Executive Affairs Area

Correspondence: Dinner Reservations
Correspondence: Executive Meeting Minutes
Correspondence: Marshall: AWE Investigations
Multimedia: FCB Reminder: Building Shifts

Central Executive Area

Correspondence: Shifted Bathroom Complaint
Correspondence: Sticky Note Complaint
Correspondence: Visitor Evaluations
Multimedia: Salvador: Security Order
Research & Records: America Overnight Results
Research & Records: Collective Unconscious
Research & Records: Control Points
Research & Records: Parautility
Research & Records: Pope’s Promotion
Research & Records: Technological Restrictions
Research & Records: Television Proposal
Research & Records: Urban Legends

Boardroom Area

Research & Records: Initial Impression
Research & Records: Linguistic Ability
Research & Records: Speech Analysis
Research & Records: Timeline of Events
Research & Records: Variance in Alternations

Cafeteria Area

Case Files: Havana Summary
Correspondence: Travel Costs
Correspondence: Unstable Area Notice

Dead Letters Area

Correspondence: Book Club: Penny
Correspondence: Cat Clock
Correspondence: Dead Presidents
Correspondence: Fake Planes
Correspondence: Machine God
Correspondence: Our Whereabouts
Correspondence: Pinstripe World
Correspondence: Singing Fish
Correspondence: Smoking Ban
Correspondence: Trench: Dead Letter Approval
Correspondence: Vivid Dreams
Correspondence: White Kitchen
Multimedia: Floppy Disk
Multimedia: Missing Momma

Pneumatics Area

Case Files: Havana Supplement

Communications Department Area

Correspondence: Book Club: Samson
Correspondence: Marshall: Lockdown Distinctions
Correspondence: Tommasi: Willow AWE Outcome
Research & Records: Data Breach
Research & Records: Tommasi’s ID

Mail Room Area

Case Files: Butte Summary
Correspondence: Tee Time
Multimedia: America Overnight Ep 356
Multimedia: Tommasi: AWE Report

Hotline Chamber Area

Case Files: Butte Supplement
Multimedia: Hotline
Research & Records: Hotline Security Log

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Camzillasmom Collectibles Hunter
It all began in the ’80s when I was just 7 years old. Starting with basic arcade games, I soon delved into titles like Loom and Monkey Island by Lucasarts. Throughout the years, as I indulged in more and more games, I consistently sought clear guides to swiftly navigate my gameplay. Now, it’s my turn to contribute back to the community.

Copyright by Camzillasmom.

Release: August 27, 2019
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: 505 Games
Official Website: