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Chamatkari Mandir All Collectibles – Unknown 9 Awakening

Chamatkari Mandir marks the fifth chapter of Unknown9: Awakening. In this segment, your objective is to find a total of 31 collectibles: 1 Artifact, 1 Lys Coin, 1 Ascension Card, 10 Extractors, 1 “Tree of Life,”, 1 “The Three Bodies”, 12 Anomalies, and 4 Memos. I will provide you with a strategic sequence to efficiently collect these items, ensuring you can complete the chapter without needing to restart.

More Collection Guides:
-> Chapter 1: Richat Structure
-> Chapter 2: Chamiri
-> Chapter 3: Suknasari Forest

-> Chapter 4: The Morning Star I
-> Chapter 6: The Morning Star II
-> Chapter 7: Quinta Matos
-> Chapter 8: The Morning Star III
-> Chapter 9: Anatolia
-> Chapter 11: Dasuden
-> Chapter 12: Peshanden
-> Chapter 13: Reithden
-> All Collectibles Unknown 9 Awakening

Tree of Life 2

Tree of Life – Scribings

Before you arrive at Haroona’s village, keep an eye out for an island in a pond. Jump over to explore the cave, where you’ll find the Tree of Life waiting for you.

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The cave to the left
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Pickup location

Anomaly 17

1 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

At the same location, you’ll find an Anomaly. To access it, ascend the hill, then swiftly turn left and descend to discover the Anomaly.

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Anomaly visible from the island
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Anomaly from the path down

Anomaly 18

2 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

This Anomaly is at the ruins of the collapsed bridge. First, descend into the ruins to listen to an echo of a game at the bottom. Then, seek out the vines located just behind the echo and climb them. Ascend until you encounter a wall that can be destroyed, opening up a new path for you to explore. Next, leap across another abyss and continue climbing the vines. At the summit, look for the Anomaly perched on a ledge that overlooks the valley below.

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Anomaly 18 just by a vista point

Anomaly 19

3 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

After the last Anomaly, descend back to the base of the ruins. Follow the downward path, and you’ll reach the opposite side of the collapsed bridge, where you can collect Anomaly 19.

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The Anomaly at the Broken Bridge

Anomaly 20

4 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Upon arriving at the village, you’ll encounter a story cutscene where Azad warns Haroona about a marksman lurking in one of the huts. Before crossing the rope bridge into the village, take a moment to explore the hut at the top of the hill, as you’ll find an Anomaly inside.

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Anomaly inside the hut

Extractor 26

1 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

You can also crush an Extractor in the same hut.

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Inside the hut

Anomaly 21

5 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

The Anomaly is at the top hut in the village. You have to go up the stairs and walk around the house to get inside.

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At the huts balcony

Extractor 27

2 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

As you approach the Anomaly above, keep an eye out for the Extractor positioned on the rocky wall just past the railing of the upper hut.

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The Extractor beyond the railing

Anomaly 22

6 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

As you descend from the previous Anomaly, be sure to check behind the house on your left.

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Behind one of the bigger houses

Memo 3

1 of 4 Memos – Documents

This memo is located on the table inside the house, a collapsed mill, where the Sharpshooter resides. To gain entry, search for climbable vines at the base of the house. Once you reach the top, you can leap over and climb inside.

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Memo 3 is on the table

Anomaly 23

7 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Eliminate all the crates obstructing your path to reach the back of the mill, where the Sharpshooter is. The Anomaly is located there.

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Just behind the mill by the water

Extractor 28

3 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Depart the village with Azad. Once she retrieves the amulet that bestows upon her a new Umbric Ability, proceed to the area outside the next house to collect an Extractor.

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Extractor 28 is attached just below the balcony

Anomaly 24

8 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Continue honing your skills with the “Faze” attack. Eliminate the hostiles and exit the area alongside Azad. This Anomaly is located in the back alley of the first house you come across, concealed behind wooden crates.

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In the alley behind the boxes

Extractor 29

4 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Next, head to the house on your left and walk around the balcony. You’ll find the Extractor situated on the roof of the neighboring house.

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On top of the roof of the adjacent house

Extractor 30

5 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Exit the burning village through the red door and immediately glance to your left. The Extractor is affixed to the mountainside, and you can destroy it from below.

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The Extractor at the mountain

Extractor 31

6 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

At the bottom of the previous hill is a half-destroyed building Haroona has to climb through to get to the hostiles. At the top, go around it at its balcony to crush Extractor 31.

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Extractor 31 is attached to the roof

Memo 4

2 of 4 Memos – Documents

Descend into the hostile zone and eliminate the enemies. The Memo is located inside the building housing the generator.

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Inside the generator house

Anomaly 25

9 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

In the same area, follow the monkey head uphill to discover an Anomaly.

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Monkey path

Extractor 32

7 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Proceed to the next section of the story by ascending the wall from this hostile area. From there, you will spot Vincent’s location further up the hill. Carefully descend to the river using the vine, stroll beneath the bridge, and then glance back up at the bridge where the Extractor is secured.

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Its attached to the bridge

Burn Down Your Temple

Ascension Card – Collectible

Ascend to the hostile area beyond the bridge and search for a table near the vine-covered wall; it will have the Ascension Card placed on top.

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The card is on top of the table

Extractor 33

8 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Ascend the vines, and once at the top, gaze over the stone railing to catch a glimpse of Extractor 33.

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Just over the railing

Anomaly 26

10 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

At the end of the bridge, turn to your left. The Anomaly features a beautiful viewpoint that offers a stunning overlook of the camp.

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Vista Anomaly at the top of the camp

Memo 5

3 of 4 Memos – Documents

You can also find Memo 5 on the table beneath the same roof.

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On the roof at the table

Extractor 34

9 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

Once Haroona retrieves her Journal, ascend the nearby wall and then climb the vines leading up to the ruins. Break down a wall in this area to access additional vines for climbing. At the top, peer out the window to spot the Extractor on the opposite side. Look for a nearby ledge, from which you can take it down.

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On the other side of the ruins

Anomaly 27

11 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Follow the story’s trajectory until Azad ascends the ruins and departs. After the cutscene, continue your climb until you encounter another forcefield. Then, turn right and follow the path to find the Anomaly at its end.

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Anomaly 27 at the end of the path

The Three Bodies 3

The Three Bodies – Scribings

Return to the opposite end of the path and search for descending vines. Carefully climb down to the base, where you will discover the Am upgrade next to the waterfall.

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Vines going down at this location
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Peek into the Fold

Paleolithic Flute

Artifact – Collectibles

Ascend back to the forcefield and scale the vines beside the barrier. Upon reaching the top, you’ll discover the Artifact on the left.

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The Artifact on the left side of the corridor

Extractor 35

10 of 10 Extractors – Collectibles

The final Extractor in this chapter is located at the base of one of the Elephant Statues, situated in the large, hostile area near the end.

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The Extractor at the base of the elephant

Memo 6

4 of 4 Memos – Documents

The memo is located on the left side of the area, on the table near the generator.

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On the table near the generator

Coin 6

LYS Coins – Collectibles

On the opposite side of the camp, you’ll find a spacious tent that welcomes you inside. The coin rests on the table.

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In the big tent on top of a table

Anomaly 28

11 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Eliminate the hostiles in the final camp, then proceed through the gate marked by the green light. The Anomaly awaits at the far end of the room.

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Anomaly 28 in the mysterious room

-> Chapter 6: The Morning Star II

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