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The Morning Star III Collectibles – Unknown 9 Awakening

The Morning Star III is the eighth chapter of Unknown 9 Awakening. In this segment, your objective is to find 11 collectibles: 2 Artifacts, 2 Sahin Tiles, 2 Extractors, 1 “Tree of Life,” 1 “The Three Bodies,” 1 Dossier, and 2 Diagrams. I will guide you through the optimal sequence for collecting these items, allowing you to progress without the need to restart the chapter.

Note: There is now Chapter 10: The Morning Star Collectibles guide. All collectibles on the Morning Star can be collected in the three previous Morning Star Chapters.

More Collection Guides:
-> Chapter 1: Richat Structure
-> Chapter 2: Chamiri
-> Chapter 3: Suknasari Forest

-> Chapter 4: The Morning Star I
-> Chapter 5: Chamatkari Mandir
-> Chapter 6: The Morning Star II
-> Chapter 7: Quinta Matos
-> Chapter 9: Anatolia
-> Chapter 11: Dasuden
-> Chapter 12: Peshanden
-> Chapter 13: Reithden
-> All Collectibles Unknown 9 Awakening

Extractor 41

Extractor 1 of 2 – Collectibles

After Haroona rewired the antennas outside The Morningstar, she stepped back inside. Hovering just above her is the first collectible, an Extractor.

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<em>Extractor above Haroona<em>

Extractor 42

Extractor 2 of 2 – Collectibles

Proceed further down the stairs, and you will discover the second Extractor by the control room.

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<em>Extractor 42 by the control room<em>

Tree of Life 4

Tree of Life – Scribings

Enter the control room to pick up the Tree of Life.

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<em>The Tree of Life in the control room<em>
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<em>Pickup location<em>

While in the Control Room. Interact with all four of the switches in the order as shown in the screenshot below. This will open the displays in the Museum of the Ship and you can take the exhibits.

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<em>All switches have to be interacted with<em>

Game of PR

Artifact 1 of 2 – Collectibles

The artifact “Game of PR” is in one of the exhibits in the museum.

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<em>Artifact location<em>

Sahin Tile 5

Sahin Tiles 1 of 2 – Collectibles

Also in the museum is Sahin Tile 5.

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<em>Sahin Tile 5 location<em>

Diagram 6

Location: The Morningstar III

And in another museum display is Diagram 6.

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<em>Diagram 6 location<em>

Go to the office that was opened in Chapter 6: The Morning Star II. There is a display behind the desk. Interact with it. This will open a secret room in the office.

Machina Stellaris

Location: The Morningstar III

Machina Stellaris is the first object to the left.

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<em>Artifact location<em>

Dossier 8

Location: The Morningstar III

Dossier 8 is to the right of the previous Artifact.

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<em>Dossier location<em>

Diagram 7

Location: The Morningstar III

Diagram 7 is on the other side of the room.

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<em>Diagram location<em>

Sahin Tile 6

Location: The Morningstar III

Sahin Tile 6 is to the left of the previous Diagram.

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<em>Sahin Tile location<em>

The Three Bodies 6

Location: The Morning Star III

This should be called “The Three Bodies 5” but curiously is named “The Three Bodies 6” you can find it in the center of the secret room. Just “Peek into the Fold”.

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<em>In the center of the secret room<em>
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-> Chapter 9: Anatolia

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