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Anatolia Chapter 9 Collectibles – Unknown 9 Awakening

Anatolia is the ninth chapter of Unknown 9: Awakening. In this segment, your mission is to collect a total of 31 Collectibles: 2 Artifacts, 8 Lys Coins, 5 Sahin Tiles, 2 Extractors, 1 “Tree of Life,” 1 “The Three Bodies,” and 12 Anomalies. I will provide you with the optimal sequence for gathering these collectibles, ensuring you can progress smoothly without needing to restart the chapter.

More Collection Guides:
-> Chapter 1: Richat Structure
-> Chapter 2: Chamiri
-> Chapter 3: Suknasari Forest

-> Chapter 4: The Morning Star I
-> Chapter 5: Chamatkari Mandir
-> Chapter 6: The Morning Star II
-> Chapter 7: Quinta Matos
-> Chapter 8: The Morningstar III
-> Chapter 11: Dasuden
-> Chapter 12: Peshanden
-> Chapter 13: Reithden
-> All Collectibles Unknown 9 Awakening

Anomaly 40

1 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

At the beginning of the chapter, Haroona, Luther, and Buchra venture into a cave and descend from a significant height. Immediately after the drop, look to the left at a large, crumbling doorframe. Concealed behind a sizable rock nearby is Anomaly 40.

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<em>Behind the rock<em>

Coin 11

1 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

In the initial hostile zone, where the forcefield dome is located, check beside the controls for the forcefield. You’ll find the coin positioned right next to it.

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<em>Just next to the controls<em>

Extractor 43

1 of 2 Extractors – Collectibles

Once you’ve eliminated all the enemies in the area, assist Luther so he can lower the bridge. After crossing, take a moment to look back—the Extractor is waiting at the gate of the bridge.

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<em>Top section of the bridge gate<em>

Anomaly 41

2 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

In the vicinity of the Extractor, search for a storage area where an Anomaly is concealed.

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<em>The Anomaly hiding behind the boxes<em>

Coin 12

2 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

After you’ve crossed the bridge in the story, look for a little cave just after the bridge. There’s a coin inside.

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<em>The coin glowing inside the cave<em>

Extractor 44

Location: Anatolia

Proceed to the next area where Luther is ambushed. After eliminating the hostiles, search for a side cave. You will find the Extractor attached above its entrance.

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<em>Above the cave entrance<em>

Anomaly 42

3 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

In the upcoming area, where Luther hurries forward and encounters an attack, eliminate all the hostile forces and search for a cave. The anomaly is located within. Break through a wall to retrieve it.

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<em>The Anomaly as seen from the cave entrance<em>

Coin 13

3 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

Be sure to explore the other side of this area, where you’ll discover a Lys Coin waiting for you at the end of the corridor.

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<em>The Coin at the end of the corridor<em>

Coin 14

4 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

Continue to the next area through the red door. On the other side, in an alcove is this Lys Coin.

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<em>The coin in the alcove<em>

Anomaly 43

4 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Continue the journey by vanquishing the Gearhead and progressing to the next area, where your path is blocked. Navigate through a narrow opening in the wall to move forward. Once you’ve crossed to the other side, turn your attention to the left, where an Anomaly glimmers brightly in the darkness.

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<em>Glowing in the dark<em>

Coin 15

5 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

In the same room, look for an alcove with the Coin and the Artifact next to it.

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<em>The Coin next to the <em>Artifact

Bust of Carthage

1 of 2 Artifacts – Collectibles

The Artifact is next to the coin.

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<em>The Artifact next to the Coin<em>

Coin 16

6 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

Move on to the next hostile zone. Inside a chamber sculpted from stone, you will discover Coin 16.

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Coin shining inside the room

Anomaly 44

5 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Climb the wall alongside Luther to move forward, as this route leads you to the opposite side of the valley. Descend into the next cave, but take a moment to explore the area on your right before continuing along the main path. There, you’ll discover an Anomaly that offers a stunning view of the valley below.

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<em>The anomaly is barely visible against the bright backdrop<em>

Coin 17

7 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

Follow the sole path leading into a chamber embellished with stalagmites. In this space, you’ll feel the presence of a scribe. Continue along the path until you arrive at a grand room, where a table resembling an altar stands at its center. Upon this stone table lies the coveted coin.

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The coin on the stone altar

Sahin Tile 7

1 of 5 Sahin Tiles – Collectibles

Next to the previous coin is Sahin Tile 7.

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<em>Sahin Tile on the table<em>

The Three Bodies 5

The Three Bodies – Scribings

According to the order of the chapters, this should be called “The Tree Bodies 6”.

The Scribing can be seen to the left of this room when you “peek into the fold.” Nonetheless, proceed into the next area. As soon as you enter, turn to the right and ascend the stairs.

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<em>The Scribing visible from the round room<em>
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The path up the stairs

Follow the path until you spot the Scribing below, then make your way down to gather it.

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<em>Looking down to the Scribing<em>
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Outlier Idol

2 of 2 Artifacts – Collectibles

Remember to collect the nearby artifact located next to “The Three Bodies.”

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The Outlier Idol Artifact at the stone table

Coin 18

8 of 8 Lys Coins – Collectibles

Ascend the wall to return to your starting point and venture further into the room. Here, you’ll discover the final Lys Coin located near a closed door.

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Last coin next to the door

Anomaly 45

6 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

In the same room as the coin, search for a destructible wall and break it down. This will reveal the Anomaly, which you can then collect.

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<em>The visible Anomaly after destroying the wall<em>

Sahin Tile 8

2 of 5 Sahin Tiles – Collectibles

Sahin Tile 8 is in the same room as the previous Anomaly.

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<em>Next to the statue<em>

Anomaly 46

7 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

From there, navigate through a narrow opening to access the next area. Once inside, ascend the wall and descend on the opposite side of the pathway to locate Anomaly 46.

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<em>The Anomaly near a destructible wall<em>

Tree of Life 5

Tree of Life – Scribings

Break through the wall shown in the screenshot and navigate across a spacious room on top of a stone wall. Once you reach the other side, turn left to find the “Tree of Life” nestled next to a skeleton.

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<em>Tree of life after balancing across<em>
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<em>Pick up point<em>

Sahin Tile 9

3 of 5 Sahin Tiles – Collectibles

Return to the point where you balanced yourself and continue straight ahead. Proceed past that point, and you will find Sahin Tile 9 on your left.

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<em>Sahin Tile 9 location<em>

Anomaly 47

8 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Continue along the path until you encounter another destructible stone wall. To your left, you’ll catch a glimpse of the Anomaly’s glow.

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<em>Standing in front of the stone wall looking left<em>
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<em>Almost there<em>

Anomaly 48

9 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Proceed through the stone wall, where Anomaly 48 can be seen in the distance. Descend the stone wall ahead to reach it.

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<em>Anomaly to the left climbable wall to the right<em>

Sahin Tile 10

4 of 5 Sahin Tiles – Collectibles

Just beneath the last Anomaly, behind a piece of debris under the round window, lies Sahin Tile 10.

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<em>Tile behind the debris<em>

Sahin Tile 11

5 of 5 Sahin Tiles – Collectibles

After encountering the “Unknown 9” and battling hostiles, exit the round room through a collapsed pathway. As you navigate down the dark cave, keep an eye out for the final Sahin Tile on the left, just after you’ve escaped the round room.

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<em>Sahin Tile 11 location<em>

Anomaly 49

10 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Just after the Sahin Tile, you will encounter Anomaly 49.

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<em>The Anomaly just after a Sahin Tile<em>

Anomaly 50

11 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Next, navigate through the section with the gunner hostiles. Once you’ve overcome them, you’ll enter the circular room you previously traversed, where you can collect Anomaly 50.

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<em>The Anomaly in the Round Room Above the previous path<em>

Anomaly 51

12 of 12 Anomalies – Scribings

Retrace your steps to the beginning of this chapter. In the spacious, now-empty area where you first encountered the Gearhead, enter the stone-carved building and turn left to discover the final collectible in this chapter.

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<em>Enter and turn left<em>

-> Chapter 11: Dasuden

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