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A Ventilope for Everything – Sappa – Outcast: A New Beginning

Ventilopes are the most useful animals in Adelpha as long as they are taught what to do. However there is only one Ventilope tamer around, and he won’t work for free. It is Cutter’s task to build up a Ventilope fleet!

It is possible that you have already done a part of the “A Ventilope for Everything” Quest for the “Bon Appetit, Baby” Quest in Emea.

An overview image of the whole A Ventilope for Everything quest with all sub quests displayed | camzillasmomcom
Quest Process Overview

1 – Talk to Tanak, the Village Chief

First, like every time you enter a new village, talk to the village chief – Tanak. You can find him better when you scan the village. You will then see the names and jobs of important villagers. Important villagers also have a yellow head symbol on the minimap and sometimes a speaking bubble.

Speak to him about everything he offers.

A screenshot showing the location of Tanak the village chief | camzillasmomcom
The location of Tanak the Village Chief

2 – Talk to Barram, the Fishertalon

Barram will tell you that Zaleb, the Sappa Village Shamaz has healed a Gamor once.

A screenshot showing the location of Barram the fisherman in Sappa | camzillasmomcom
The location of Barram in the village

3 – Talk to Zaleb, the Shamaz

Talk to Zaleb in his hut about Gamors and he will tell you that the Gamors outside Sappa threaten the village and must be dealt with.

The location of Zaleb who lives in one of the huts in Sappa Village | camzillasmomcom
The location of Zaleb in the village

4 – Kill Gamors

The Gamors are found close to Sappa. Choose the quest from the Sappa menu on the map, then go to the specified spot. There are two kinds of Gamors: brown and blue-armored. Use melee attacks to defeat the blue ones.

A screenshot showing the two types of Gamor dogs The blue ones and the brown ones | camzillasmomcom
The blue and the brown Gamors

5 – Talk to Zaleb about Yunair’s Disappearance

Return to Zaleb in Sappa Village and ask him about Yunair’s Disappearance.

The location of Zaleb who lives in one of the huts in Sappa Village | camzillasmomcom
Zaleb outside his hut in Sappa Village

6 – Talk to Tanak about Zaleb

Go back to talk to Tanak the village chief about the Zaleb, if you haven’t done so already.

A screenshot showing the location of Tanak the village chief | camzillasmomcom
The location of Tanak the Village Chief

7 – Talk to Zaleb about the Ventilope Club

Return to Zaleb to talk about the Ventilope Club. He will give you a location where you can find Yunair, the tamer.

The location of Zaleb who lives in one of the huts in Sappa Village | camzillasmomcom
Zaleb outside his hut in Sappa Village

8 – Find Yunair

Yunair is being kept prisoner at the “SAP-0” Prison Base in the southeastern tip of the map. In the base, scan for the terminals that are connected with one another.

An overview map of the game highlighting the location of the SAP 0 Prison Base southeast of Sappa | camzillasmomcom
SAP 0 Prison Base location on the map

You have to interact with three terminals to open Yunair’s prison cell on the ground floor of one of the buildings.

A screenshot showing Yunair | camzillasmomcom's prison cell with Yunair in it. He can now be freed.
Yunairs Prison Cell

9 – Talk to Yunair about Ventilopes

Return to Sappa and talk to Yunair about Ventilopes. He will send you on a mission to lure a Female Ventilope to the village.

A screenshot showing Yunair back in Sappa village | camzillasmomcom
Yunair is finally back in Sappa

10 – Lure Female Ventilope

Follow the blue minimap marker to a spot with an orange larva hole/ball high up on a rock formation. Shoot it to lure the Female Ventilope. When the Ventilope starts eating, move to the next orange larva hole to shoot it. Keep repeating this until you reach the village. The Larva Holes are highlighted sequentially on the minimap.

The female ventilope will then start luring male ventilopes to the village. They will then be tamed. There’s nothing more to do now.

A screenshot showing the first larva hole that has to be shot to start luring a Female Ventilope | camzillasmomcom
Shoot those orange Larva holes

11 – Talk to Yunair about Ventilope Oil

If you haven’t done so, talk to Yunair about Ventilope Oil. He’s at his usual spot. If not, scan for him.

A screenshot showing Yunair back in Sappa village | camzillasmomcom
Yunairs location in Sappa

12 – Gather Ventilope Oil

Sappa is now crawling with ventilopes. Look for their nests. Inside you can find Ventilope Oil to pick up.

A screenshot of a Ventilope Nest with the Ventilope Oil highlighted | camzillasmomcom
The Ventilope Oil in one of the nests

To continue this quest, you have to do the “Explosive Idea” Sappa Village Quest first to deliver bombs to Sappa.

13 – Create Sappa’s Beacon

You now have everything to craft a Ventilope Beacon. To do that, travel to Prokriana. As with the Ascion Beacon for the Prokriana Village Quest “Research that Sting!”, Nhurkan in Prokriana Village is also responsible for Sappa’s Ventilope Beacon. He’s in the house just by the fast-travel gate.

To craft the Ventilope Beacon, open Nhurkan’s shop and select the Ventilope Beacon. It needs 1 Krakit Gland (the crawly spiders), 25 Green Helidium, and 1 Ventilope Oil from the Ventilopes in Sappa. This will complete the Quest “A Ventilope for Everything”.

A screenshot of the shop here to craft the Ventilope Beacon in Prokriana | camzillasmomcom
Nhurkans house with him inside

Release: March 15th, 2024
Developer: Appeal Studios
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Official Website: