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Expert Intel: The Slicer – Star Wars Outlaws 2024

The Expert Intel: The Slicer quest is one of the two quests assigned by Danka, the Broker in the “New Tricks” Main Quest. Upon completion, it introduces a new expert to the in-game “Abilities” menu, offering a fresh array of skills for enhancement and exploration.

Key Quest Steps:

1 – Underworld Rumors
-> Hear what the rumors say about the expert slicer.

2 – Aila’s Contact
-> Head to the landing pad in the Crimson Dawn district.

3 – Steal the Code Sequencer
-> Return discreetly and depart from Mirogana City heading towards the Southern Falls.

4 – Meet with Aila
-> At the Imperial Forward Base.

5 – Attach the Device to the Rooftop Antenna
-> Just above the garage.

6 – Disable the Anti-Air Defenses
-> Use the one and only turbo-lift.

7 – Leave the Compound
-> Through the same vent as coming in.

1. Underworld Rumors

The Quest commences at Makal’s Gambling Parlor, a place Kay knows well. Seated at the bar counter, she overhears a conversation between a Pyke and a Crimson Dawn Enforcer discussing a new slicing expert in town.

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The Listening Lounge at Makals Gaming Parlor

2. Aila’s Contact

Kay must now head to the Crimson Dawn district to meet the contact at the landing pad. If you’re already on good terms with the Crimson Dawn faction – well done! No need for stealth. For those with a “poor” standing, such as myself, here’s how to reach the Landing Pad.

Two discreet vent entry points exist for accessing the Crimson Dawn district, situated in close proximity to the circular restaurant along the border lines of Crimson Dawn. It is advisable to utilize the access point indicated in the accompanying screenshot for a superior vantage point of guard positions, allowing for an approach from above rather than below.

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Vent access point displayed on the map
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The vent is highlighted within the red frame

Enter the vent and emerge on the other side to find yourself in Crimson Dawn Territory. Scale the wall to your right to access a high balcony overlooking the area. Take a moment to survey your surroundings. The space is compact – an alley with stationed guards, a bridge with a guard positioned above. In the Landing Pad vicinity, three guards are stationed to the left, while another guard roams the area.

Begin by utilizing the balcony’s grapple point to descend to the alley where the guards are situated. Subdue them individually before progressing to the bridge, where an additional guard awaits. Ascend the crates to the left to access and neutralize the guard positioned on the bridge.

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Approaches to take down with the guard posted at the bridge

Descend along the same path to reach the alley. Utilize the boxes as cover while advancing toward the Landing Pad area. Focus on the guard patrolling in a circular motion. Stealthily tail him to the right side. Keep to the right until you arrive at a section in the rear where you can ascend to the Landing Pad.

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The route to the landing pad is marked and numbered

Talk to the man at the Landing Pad near the “Jodara’s Stash” landmark. He will connect you with the slicer named “Aila Bren” on behalf of Kay. Aila requires Kay to procure a code sequencer from a specific spot in the Southern Falls.

3. Steal the Code Sequencer

Retrace your steps discreetly, but be cautious – the guard is now approaching on patrol. Conceal yourself in the mist along the guard’s route, wait for him to move past, and then proceed. Exit the Crimson Dawn district via the initial route and make your way to the Mirogana Landing Pad.

Ride your speeder and track the quest marker to “Imperial Outpost 31” within the Restricted Imperial zone.

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Imperial Outpost 31 the location on the map

Utilize the tall grass near the Imperial Outpost to stealthily approach. Take a thorough look at the rear area where a technician is stationed. Employ Nix to pilfer from the technician discreetly.

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The technician highlighted at the rear of the building

4. Meet with Aila

The Imperial Forward Base stands as a prominent landmark in Toshara. Having previously embarked on the “Impressing Gorak” and “Imperial Forward Base” Intel Quests, navigating my way here feels somewhat familiar. Rest assured, I will meticulously document my experiences for your perusal.

Initially, start at the entry point. Enter discreetly through this specific access point:

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The entry point marked on the map
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The cave entrance lay directly ahead of Kay

Kay needs to meet Aila at the garage. Here is a basic map overview of the Imperial Forward Base. The Vent Entry point is located at the bottom left, while the garage is positioned to the right.

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Imperial Forward Base Overview Map

Enter the garage discreetly. You have two options: ascend the right staircase, cross the bridge to the right; or utilize the hatch access concealed behind the yellow grid climbing wall near the right staircase. The vent in the hatch directly leads to the garage.

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The right staircase is ahead behind the steam wall below the platform is a hatch that leads to the garage

5. Attach the Device to the Rooftop Antenna

Leave the garage backroom via the door or vent. Stealthily navigate around the building and ascend to the first level using the ladder. Opting for this external approach, rather than entering through the garage door, provides an advantage as it allows for easier defeat of the two Imperials awaiting on the first floor.

Ascend the ladder to the rooftop and proceed to the highlighted antenna situated in one of the corners. Interact with the antenna once you reach it.

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The Antenna on top of the garage

6. Disable the Anti-Air Defenses

The computer needed to deactivate the anti-aircraft defenses is located in the command center on the first floor of the main building. Access to this area is only possible via the turbo-lift (located in the top left corner as shown in this guide’s overview map). The recommended route is along the buildings with the turrets, as they are programmed to target imperial troops exclusively, leaving Kay unharmed.

In the control room, you’ll find the computer positioned at the top right corner. Disable the anti-air defenses by slicing it.

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The computer in the command center

7. Leave the Compound

Aila has commandeered an Imperial Shuttle and made her escape. It is time for us to depart the Compound. Descend using the turbo-lift, exit through the main entrance, and proceed straight to the vent where you originally entered for your escape. Engaging in combat is senseless as the hacked turrets will persistently target the Imperial Troops.

As soon as you’re a distance away from the Imperial Forward Base, Aila will contact Kay. Zenth at the Makal’s Gambling Parlor will give Kay the Advanced Slicing Kit.

8. Reach Makal’s Gambling Parlor

The whole moon is on high alert and the Imperials have set up barriers to keep Kay of reaching Mirogana City. Once inside, you will have to sneak past the Imperial Checkpoint near the Mirogana Landing Pad.

On the ground floor of the Landing Pad Area, just below the Imperial Checkpoint, is a room with a grid wall and a grappling point up. That’s where you can sneak past the checkpoint to get to Makal’s Gambling Parlor.

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The grid wall with the grappling point in the room below the checkpoint

Zenth is in the backroom at the Makal’s Gambling Parlor, to the left of the turbo-lift. He will hand over the Advanced Slicing kit as soon as Kay talks to him. This will finish the Expert Intel Quest: The Slicer.

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