The Fieldwork called “The Mad Priest” is all about delivering Father Crescenzo’s diary to Sister Catherine. There are a total of six notes that you can find for this Fieldwork Quest. Not all of them are needed but I list them all here for completion.
All Notes – The Mad Priest Fieldwork Quest
1 – Catherine’s Letter
2 – Crescenzo’s Diary
3 – Confiscation Manifest
4 – Contraband List
5 – Ipeo Card
6 – Ventura’s Letter
The Mad Priest Fieldwork Start
This is how I discovered the “The Mad Priest” Fieldwork Quest:
Catherine’s Letter
You can find Catherine’s Letter in the hallway of the Vatican City Post Office.
Letter Description:
“Letter to Antonio concerning the mad priest Crescenzo.”
Find Sister Catherine
Sister Catherine waits in the Sistine Chapel for a delivery boy sent by Antonio. The delivery is connected to Father Crescenzo, also known as “The Mad Priest,” the eccentric figure who created the map of the secret inscriptions in this Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Fieldwork Quest.
Speak with Father Antonio in his office at the Apostolic Library. He will hand Indiana the Sewers Key.
Get to the Sewers
The entrance is located at the base of the Tower of Nicholas V. A staircase there leads to the sewers. Use the key to unlock the gate. Before you go through, you can take a picture of the Sewer Bridge for the Field Notes Discoveries Quest and find the Bronze Mirror for the Lost Artifacts of Europe Discoveries Quest here.
Navigate through the sewers until you reach a room filled with water. Climb to the top by following the path marked with white paint and cloth. At the top, you’ll find one of the Strange Inscriptions needed for The Secret of Giants Fieldwork. Don’t forget to take a photograph while you’re there.
Follow the path to the end, where you can use the Clerical Key to unlock a door leading to a large storage area.
Find Crescenzo’s Diary
The diary is near the entrance. Find a red rations box and open it.
Before heading back to Sister Catherine, take a moment to look for more “The Mad Priest” documents. You’ll find a “Confiscation Manifest” nearby, right next to the Iron Grip 1 Abilities Book.
Confiscation Manifest
Give the diary back to Sister Catherine to complete this Fieldwork Quest.
The Other Notes
You don’t need to collect all the notes to successfully complete the quest, but if you’re a completionist, it’s worth grabbing them. Here’s where to find the remaining notes to get all six for the “The Mad Priest” Fieldwork Quest.
Contraband List
Leave the Library and head to the Belvedere Courtyard. You’ll find this list attached to a crate.
Letter Description:
“Fascist documentation of books confiscated by the Blackshirts.”
Ipeo Card
On the top floor of the Apostolic Palace, near the green office, there is a red sofa with a card on it.
Letter Description:
“Tarot card from the trump suit on the Sola Busca deck.”
Ventura’s Letter
Return to Father Antonio’s office, and you’ll find this letter on his desk.
Letter Description:
“Letter in Italian concerning the confiscation of books.”
Copyright by Camzillasmom.
Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Release: December 9, 2024
Developer: MachineGames
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Official Website: