The Snopkovich ship on Ship Graveyard Simulator comes with three contracts that need to be fulfilled to get the “Snopkovich” Achievement for the game. Here’s a complete guide on how to fulfil all three contracts.
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Table of Contents:
1. All Items you need for the Contracts
2. How to fulfil the Urama Contract?
2.1. Where’s the Iron?
2.2. Where are the Sinks?
2.3. Where are the Cardboard Boxes?
3. How to fulfil the Arturito Contract?
3.1. Where’s the Plastic?
3.2. Where’s the Aluminium?
3.3. Where are the Lifebuoys?
3.4. Where are the Clocks?
4. How to fulfil the Harush Contract?
4.1. Where’s the Wood?
4.2. Where’s the Kerosene?
4.3. Where’s the Acid?
4.4. Where are the File Cabinets?
4.5. Where’s the Dart Target?
5. Collectible Figurine: “The Pirate”
Getting Started: All Items you need for the Contracts
In game, you can switch the contracts tabs to see what you need to salvage from the ship to meet the contracts, I like it all in one place. So here’s all you need to collect to deliver on the contracts in alphabetical order:
Name | Amount |
Acid | 20kg |
Aluminium | 200kg |
Cardboard Box | 6 |
Clock | 2 |
Dart Target | 1 |
File Cabinet | 4 |
Iron | 300kg |
Kerosene | 20kg |
Lifebuoy | 3 |
Plastic | 500kg |
Sink | 3 |
Wood | 200kg |
How to fulfill the Urama Contract?
Here’s what you need to collect to get all items for the Urama Contract:
Iron: 300kg – Sink: 3 – Cardboard Box: 6
Where’s the Iron?
The most obvious item that contains Iron is the dark greyed profiled metal surface. That is used as floors, walls and ceilings. A square weighs 10kg.

On the first floor / ground floor and second floor of the Snopkowich, you can also find iron room separators at the back.

Where are the Sinks?
You’re going to need three sinks for the contract. Sinks can be found in bathrooms that have blue, plastic walls. There are two bathrooms at the first / ground level. Here’s sink number 1 in the blue room with the washing machine:

The second sink is in the other blue bathroom on ground level. The one with the two metal lockers:

The last blue plastic bathroom is on the second floor behind a wooden door. It’s the bathroom with a toilet.

There are also two sinks in a metal rack just next to the hazardous pipe at the back of the second floor:

Where are the Cardboard Boxes?
For the contract, you need six cardboard boxes. Look for metal racks on the ship. The cardboard boxes are stored in there most of the times, but they can also be found just lying on the floor.
There is a metal rack with two cardboard boxes in a metal rack just by the bathroom with the lockers.

For the contract, you need six cardboard boxes. Look for metal racks on the ship. The cardboard boxes are stored in there most of the times, but they can also be found just lying on the floor.
There is a metal rack with two cardboard boxes in a metal rack just by the bathroom with the lockers.

Up on the second floor is a metal rack just next to the hazardous yellow pipe. There is a cardboard box inside this rack.

Stay on the second floor but go inside to the center area with the yellow railing and the hole in the floor. There is another metal rack in the corner of this room that has three cardboard boxes in it.

On the third floor, behind a wooden door is an iron plated room with an oven inside. Here you can collect nine cardboard boxes.

How to fulfil the Arturito Contract?
Here’s what you need to collect to get all items for the Arturito Contract:
Plastic: 500kg – Aluminium: 200kg – Lifebuoy: 3 – Clock: 2
Where’s the Plastic?
To collect those 500kg of plastic, look for the blue bathrooms. This blue panel, that is used for the flooring, the walls and the ceiling is pure plastic. One square panel is giving you 10kg of plastic. There are two of those bathrooms on the ground / first floor and one on the second floor.

The kitchen on the third floor has also plastic flooring. Smash the wooden door to get inside:

Up on the fourth floor is an office with plastic flooring:

The bridge on the fourth floor has also a plastic floor:

Apart from the plastic boards, you can also pick up plastic in the form of bottles that are scattered on the floor all over the ship.

Where’s the Aluminium?
Aluminium is the rarer material to hunt for in Ship Graveyard Simulator 2. For Arturito’s contract you have to collect 200kg. Here’s how to achieve this.
The most complicated one is the packet pallet on ground / first floor that can be only transported off the ship by crane. You have to dismantle everything above and next to this pallet to be able to call the crane. This will give you 300kg but involves a lot of work.

An easier way to get aluminium are the big aluminium chests that can be found in metal racks or on floors. Those will only give you 15kg and there are not so many on the ship. So you have to go for the goods pallet. Here’s one of the chests in the metal rack on ground / first floor:

The big machine part on ground / first floor contains 80kg of Aluminium and there is a lot of work to be done for the crane to be able to access it.

On the second floor there is a red container on the outside deck that contains 75kg of Aluminium.

Also on the second floor is this hazardous area with the yellow pipe and the iron divider wall. Behind the wall are two machines. One has 80kg and the other 60kg of Aluminium in it. Also the hazardous pipes are aluminium!

So if I would do this again and only focus on the Aluminium, that’s what I would do:
Turn off the hazard by interacting with the switch at the hazardous pipes. Then cut it apart:
– Pipe with the written warning: 10kg
– Hazardous pipes main piece: 30kg
– Yellow pipe behind the green machinery going off from the main piece: 10kg
– Two straight yellow pipes at the back of the room: 20kg
Go back outside on deck and separate the red container from the floor with your saw. You need to cut off 4 clamps. Then use your walkie talkie on the container to see what you need to remove so the crane can get to it. The back wall closest to the container has to be removed. Continue to check with the walkie talkie what needs to be removed until the crane can grab the container for 75kg of Aluminium.
Now from where the container was, you can look inside the room with the machinery now, since you have removed the walls. The machine that stood just next to the container has 60kg of Aluminium which is enough to reach the 200kg. Again, check with your walkie talkie, what you need to dismantle and then transport this machine away.
Where are the Lifebuoys?
Arturito needs three lifebuoys. They are also a source of plastic and will count towards the plastic counter.
Here’s where the lifebuoys are on the ship:
The first one is on ground / first floor. Go to the very back where the goods pallet is behind the iron room dividers. It’s lying on the floor next to oil barrels.

On the second floor, outside on deck next to the big red container is another one.

On the third floor, there is a kitchen behind a wooden door with iron floors and walls with an oven inside. There is also a lifebuoy.

Where are the Clocks?
Last two items on the contract list for Arturito are two clocks.
On the third floor, there is one lying on the corridor floor:

Also on the same floor is a kitchen with white walls and a blue plastic floor. The clock is hanging on the wall.

On the fourth floor is an office with lots of tables, chairs and cabinets. The clock is hanging on the wall.

How to fulfil the Harush Contract?
Here’s what you need to collect to get all items for the Harush Contract:
Wood: 200kg – Kerosene: 20kg – Acid: 20kg – File Cabinet: 4 – Dart Target: 1
Where’s the Wood?
In the first part of the contract, you have to collect 200kg of Wood. When walking through the ship, make sure the Bonk! and collect all the wooden doors that are blocking the entrance to rooms. Those doors give 10kg. Furthermore, find the wooden room on ground / first floor. The wooden door entrance is just by the hull (see screenshot).
Take out all the wooden walls and the wooden doorframe in this room:

Advance to the second floor, where you can take out a wooden door and the doorframe of a bathroom. There is also a wooden map inside the bathroom.

Go up to the third level and you will find three wooden doors and their frames to take out.

On the third floor there is also a partial wooden floor that can be dismantled for the wood.

Where’s the Kerosene?
20kg of Kerosene is needed for the contract. To get them, go to the second floor, where the yellow hazard pipes are. Close the valve by interacting with the red lever. Then, dismantle the iron divider wall in the center so you can go over to the other side where the pipe goes and where the two machines are.
Between those two machines, in 3 barrels, are 21kg of Kerosene.

Where’s the Acid?
On the second floor of the ship there is an outside deck area with a big red container. In front of the container is 54kg of Acid in green barrels.

Where are the File Cabinets?
Harush needs four file cabinets from the ship. Go up to the fourth floor (where the bridge is) and look for the office room. There are five file cabinets in this room

Where is the Dart Target?
On the third floor, there is a closed and blocked electrified room at the end of a corridor. Opposite this closed room is a wooden door. Bonk it and enter. The Dart Target is inside of it.

Collectible Figurine: “The Pirate”
You can find the bust of a pirate on the bridge, hiding behind the bridge equipment.

Release: August 16th, 2023
Developer: Games Incubator
Publisher: Games Incubator, PlayWay S.A.
Official Website:
Guide by Camzillasmom