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Gas Goober Contracts & Collectible – Ship Graveyard Simulator 2

In Ship Graveyard Simulator 2, players can buy the “Gas Goober” Giant Tanker Ship for $4000 using the office laptop, available in the “Steel Giants” DLC. Purchasing this ship unlocks three special contracts and includes a collectible called “The Golden Toilet.” This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help you complete all three contracts and find the collectible. The “Gas Goober” Tanker has a total of 12 decks, split into a front and back piece. Here, I’ll refer to the floors as Ground Floor to 11th Floor and Level 0 to 11. The Main Deck is on the Fifth Floor – Level 5, and the Bridge is on the Tenth Floor – Level 10.

In the game, you can easily switch between contract tabs to find the important salvage items needed to meet your goals. Having all the crucial information in one place is very helpful. Below is an alphabetical list of the items required to complete the contracts successfully:

Bridge Module6
Bridge Chair2
Electric Box5
Gas Tank10
High Alloy Steel4500kg
Low Alloy Steel50000kg
Metal Rack40
Washing Machine8

There are six electric hazards, seven gas hazard rooms, and five new steam hazards. Before dismantling anything, I recommend turning off all the hazards. They could be quite destructive if activated.

The highest electrical hazard is on the tenth floor, behind the closed metal doors near the bridge. To enter without using explosives, go to the eleventh floor and remove the floor panel shown in the screenshot below. This will lead you to the room with the hazard switch.

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The electric hazard switch is located in the damaged corridor on the eighth floor of the “Gas Goober.” It’s visible from the fifth-floor deck.

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Find the laundry on the fifth floor. The Electric Hazard switch is right next to the washing machines.

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There’s another Electric Hazard Switch at the back of the ship in the partially destroyed structure. Use the rope shown in the screenshot below to reach it.

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At the front of the ship, there’s a blue-walled room spanning four floors. On the third floor of this room, you’ll find an electric switch.

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We are addressing the electric hazard near the blue-walled, high-ceiling rooms at the back of the ship. The switch for the electric hazard is on the second floor, port side.

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On the ground floor at the back of the ship, there’s an open room with oil barrels and an Electric Hazard switch.

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On the ground floor, at the opposite side, you’ll find the electric hazard switch located at the far end of the ship.

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Above Electric Hazard #1, there’s a gas hazard. Simply take the staircase up from the electric hazard, and you’ll reach the gas hazard room.

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In the room adjacent to Gas Hazard #1, there’s another Gas Hazard switch. A metal rack blocks the entrance, and using the rope is the best way to get inside.

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The third gas hazard valve is located on the fifth floor behind a closed metal door. Access is easier through a wooden back door.

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At the front of the ship is a high blue-walled room spanning four levels. Inside, there are three Gas Hazard Valves. To reach them, use the rope, but make sure it’s upgraded first. Close all three valves by aiming at the blue wall just above the grey pipe of each Gas Hazard.

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Beyond the previous Gas Hazard, you’ll find another high-blue room that’s still intact. Begin by addressing Electric Hazard #5. Then, go down to the first floor and look for the corridor between the two high-ceiling rooms. From here, break through to enter the intact room. Make sure to break through from the inside, as the Gas Hazards are on the outer walls.

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There are two more rooms at the back of the ship. First, I handle the Gas Hazard valves in the damaged room. These are easier to access, but be cautious: there’s a fourth valve in the fenced section on the first floor. It’s best to remove a ceiling panel, drop down, and use the valve.

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Beyond the previous gas hazard, you’ll find another room, this time undamaged. First, handle Steam Hazard #5. After that, break into the final gas hazard room from the second level where Steam Hazard #5 is located.

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There is another gas hazard valve located on the ground floor at the back of the ship.

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Break through the metal door on the sixth floor and you can access the Steam Hazard Tank valve.

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The second Steam Hazard Valve is in an open room at the end of the corridor on the fifth floor.

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At the very back of the ship on the third floor, where the heavy machinery is, is also a Steam Hazard Valve.

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At the back of the ship are two high ceiling blue rooms. One of them is damaged and has four Gas Hazard walls in it. This is Gas Hazard #6. From here you can use the rope to get to the Steam Hazard Valve at Level 3. In the screenshot below, you can see the Steam Hazard valve to the left and the Gas Hazard Valves to the right.

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Exit the damaged room with the previous Steam Hazard and go to the first floor. There is a corridor. Inside the corridor is a stairwell. Take it up to the second floor and you will find the fifth Steam Hazard on the “Gas Goober”.

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On the first floor there is a freely accessible room with a Steam Hazard valve.

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To complete the Erroni Contract successfully, ensure you gather the following essential items:

400kg Oil – 250kg Acid – 60kg Kerosene

The Erroni Contract is the simplest and quickest of the three. It requires minimal movement to gather items or materials. Simply clear the front of the fifth-floor deck, break through the intact high-ceiling blue room, and lift out the crane cargo, which covers the oil and kerosene. Then, locate a 28kg barrel of acid to complete the task. Done.

For handling the oil in the “Gas Goober” Contracts, a straightforward approach works best: go for the big load. Clear everything from the front deck and break through the ceiling where the “Crane Cargo” with 532 kg is located. You can skip turning off Gas Hazard Number 5. Simply make a hole in the ceiling, call the crane, and the oil task is complete.

Oil Barrel: 40kg
A large oil barrel is in the same room as Gas Hazard switch #1.

3x Oil Barrels: 10kg each
On the sixth floor, behind the Steam Hazard Valve, there’s a fenced area containing two 10kg oil barrels.

Oil Barrel: 40kg
In the same room as the last two barrels.

3x Oil Barrels: 10kg each
At the rear of the fifth floor, there’s a partially destroyed structure with an Electric Hazard Switch. Behind this switch is a room containing three oil barrels.

Crane Cargo: 10kg
Adjacent to the previous room is a door secured with a metal lock. Behind it is a “Crane Cargo” containing 10kg of oil.

Oil Barrel: 40kg
Inside the main building on the fifth floor, take the stairs down to the fourth floor and exit to the right. Turn right again, and you’ll see a large barrel of oil between the staircase room and another room with bridge modules.

3x Oil Barrel: 40kg
On the third floor, at the back of the ship, there’s a room with tables, chairs, a piece of heavy machinery, and three large oil barrels.

3x Oil Barrel: 10kg
In the same room as the last three oil barrels.

4x Green Heavy Machinery: 25kg each
At the back of the ship, near a Steam Hazard valve, are two heavy machines painted green, each containing 25kg of oil.

Green Heavy Machinery: 25kg
At the front of the ship is another piece of Green Machinery containing 25kg of Oil.

Green Heavy Machinery: 25kg each
At the front of the ship, there are three pieces of heavy machinery, each painted green and containing 25kg of oil.

Crane Cargo: 532kg
At the front of the ship are two blue rooms with high ceilings, both containing gas hazards. The Crane Cargo is located in the intact room, which has Gas Hazard #5.

Acid functions similarly to the Oil section described above. The Crane Cargo holds 532kg of Oil and also includes 222kg of Acid. To handle the Acid, simply choose one of the 28kg barrels listed below.

Acid Barrel: 28kg
Below the main funnel, there’s a room secured by a metal door. Break through it, and you’ll find an acid barrel inside.

Acid Barrel: 25kg
This barrel is near the other one in the same room.

Acid Barrel: 28kg
On the sixth floor, behind the Steam Hazard Valve room, there are two fenced-off compartments. One of them contains an acid barrel.

2x Acid Barrel: 25kg each
The two barrels are with the previous one.

Acid Barrel: 28kg
At the rear of the fifth floor, there’s a partially destroyed structure with an Electric Hazard Switch. Behind the switch, you’ll find a room containing an acid barrel.

Acid Barrel: 40kg
Inside the main building on the fifth floor, take the stairs down to the fourth floor. In the stairwell, you’ll find a 40kg barrel of acid.

Acid Barrel: 28kg
In the same stairwell as the last barrel.

Acid Barrel: 25kg
In the same stairwell as the last barrel.

Crane Cargo: 222kg
At the front of the ship, there are two blue rooms with high ceilings, both with gas hazards. The crane cargo is in the intact room with Gas Hazard #5.

Crane Cargo: 450kg
At the rear of the ship, inside the damaged high-ceiling blue room, there’s a fenced area with the Crane Cargo. Remember to turn off Gas Hazard #6.

Similarly to the Oil and Acid mentioned earlier, the “Crane Cargo” also includes 625kg of Kerosene, which is more than enough for the 60kg required by the contract.

2x Kerosene Barrel: 7kg each
Below the main funnel, there’s a room with a metal door. Break through it, and you’ll find two Kerosene barrels inside.

2x Kerosene Barrels: 8kg
At the back of the fifth floor, there’s a damaged structure with an Electric Hazard Switch. Behind it, you’ll find a room with two barrels.

Kerosene Barrel: 8kg
In the main building, head to the fifth floor and then take the stairs down to the fourth floor. You’ll find an 8kg kerosene barrel in the stairwell.

5x Kerosene Barrel: 5kg
In the same stairwell as the previous barrel.

Crane Cargo: 125kg
At the last stairwell, turn left at the port exit. Find the yellow mobile crane container. Behind it, there is a room marked “Crane Cargo,” which holds 125kg of kerosene.

Crane Cargo: 625kg
At the front of the ship, there are two blue rooms with high ceilings, both posing gas hazards. The Crane Cargo is in the intact room, which has Gas Hazard #5.

To complete the Tablak Contract successfully, ensure you gather the following essential items:

8 Washing Machine – 6 Bridge Module – 5 Electric Box – 2 Bridge Chair

The Tablak Contract includes only items, not materials. You can find Bridge Modules and Bridge Chairs on the bridge on the tenth floor, level 10. The washing machines are divided between two laundries. The Electric boxes take the most time, but if you know where to look, it’s easy.

There is a laundry on the seventh floor with six washing machines.

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There are four washing machines in the laundry room on the fifth floor, located right next to the Electric Hazard Switch.

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There are 6 Bridge Modules on the tenth-floor bridge.

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An electric box is on the floor in the room with gas hazard #2.

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In the room with the Steam Hazard Valve on the sixth floor, you’ll find two electric boxes.

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On a table in a room on the fifth floor, there is an electric box.

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Inside the ship’s main building on the fifth floor, take the stairs down to the fourth floor and turn left. Find the yellow mobile crane container. In that room, there’s an electric box above the ladder.

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There are 2 Bridge Chairs on the tenth-floor bridge.

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To complete the Tyler Contract successfully, ensure you gather the following essential items:

50000kg Low Alloy Steel – 4500 High Alloy Steel – 4kg Gold – 40 Metal Rack – 10 Gas Tank

The Big Ben Contract is complicated. You need to gather large amounts of Low and High Alloy Steel, 40 Metal Racks scattered around the ship parts, 10 Gas Tanks, and 4kg of Gold. The gold is the easiest part—there’s a TV on board with 5kg in it. Grab that, and you’re set.

The Steel, however, includes Low Alloy Steel by salvaging hull parts, and High Alloy Steel by salvaging white walls.

As you can see from the materials list below, there are not a lot of big loads that contain Low Alloy Steel. The best way to approach this is to salvage the hull starting from the front part of the ship and work your way backward.

50,000 kg of Low Alloy Steel is an impressive amount. Dismantling and lifting the front section of the ship will provide over 40,000 kg of Low Alloy Steel.

Collecting all the items, along with every metal door on the ship, will give you around 44,000 to 45,000. This is because most of the furniture is made from either low alloy steel or wood.

Dismantling the ninth and tenth floors will give you the 50,000 you need, and you’ll need to do this anyway to access the High Alloy Steel below.

The Hull is made of Low Alloy Steel. So if you manage to strip the ship off a deck or two you can easily will the contract just with hulls and deck components.

Wall Frames: 2kg/10kg/20kg
The wall frames used for stabilizing are made from low alloy steel. The component weights are: small parts weigh 2 kg, medium parts weigh 10 kg, and long parts weigh 20 kg.

Red Floors, Ceilings, and Walls
The color red on Floors, Ceilings, and Walls means that is made of Low Alloy Steel.

Anchor: 200kg
Detach the anchor from the fifth-floor outer deck and have the crane remove it.

Crane Cargo: 100kg
At the back of the ship, near the half-destroyed building, there’s a metal door that’s locked. Behind it is a “Crane Cargo”.

2x Small Funnel: 125kg
Behind the main building, on top of the structure, there are two small funnels next to a large one. Each small funnel contains 125kg of Low Alloy Steel.

Like Low Alloy Steel, High Alloy Steel is also time-consuming. As shown in the materials list below, there’s little to salvage from large cargoes or machinery. Focus on the deck equipment and the white walls.

High Alloy Walls
The white walls, made of high-alloy steel, cover the ship’s upper deck structures.

Deck Equipment
Some Deck Equipment contains high alloy steel.

4x Green-yellow machinery: 70kg each
The green-yellow machinery on the deck, next to the large gas pipes, contains 70 kg of high alloy steel. Two are on the front section of the deck, and the other two are on the back section.

Crane Cargo: 125kg
Inside the ship’s main building, go down the stairwell from the fifth to the fourth floor. At the bottom, turn left. Find the yellow mobile crane container. At the back of this area, there is a room with “Crane Cargo” inside, holding 400kg of High Alloy Steel.

2x Flat, Heavy Machinery: 300kg each
At the back of the ship on the third floor, there are two flat pieces of heavy machinery, each weighing 300 kg.

2x Green Heavy Machinery: 200kg each
Nearby, next to one of the Steam Hazard valves, are two pieces of heavy machinery, each made of 200kg High Alloy Steel and painted green.

Green Heavy Machinery: 200kg
A green-painted piece of heavy machinery at the front of the ship is made of 200kg of High Alloy Steel.

TV: 5kg
In one of the wooden rooms just below Electric Hazard #2 is a TV behind one of the drawer units. This TV covers the 4kg of the contract.

2x Flat, Heavy Machinery: 20kg each
At the back of the ship on the third floor, there are two flat pieces of heavy machinery, each weighing 20kg.

Crane Cargo: 70kg
At the rear of the ship, inside the damaged high-ceiling blue room, there’s a fenced area containing the Crane Cargo. Remember to turn off Gas Hazard #6.

The main items to collect for the contracts are the metal racks. They are usually spread out and not often found in large groups. Below, I’ve listed all the ones I found to fulfill the contract.

Seven racks stand in the mud between the two sections of the “Gas Goober” ship.

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On the tenth floor, where the bridge is located, there’s a metal rack in the same small room as the Electric Hazard #1 switch.

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Three metal racks are located in the same room as Gas Hazard #1 on the ninth floor.

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There are 5 more metal racks in the room next to Gas Hazard #1, along with Gas Hazard #2.

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On the eight floor is a metal rack in the room next to the Electric Hazard switch #2.

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A metal rack is in the laundry room, next to the six washing machines on the seventh floor.

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Below the main funnel, there’s a room with a locked metal door. Break it open, and you’ll find four metal racks inside.

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On the sixth floor, close to the kitchen, there’s a room filled with many metal lockers and four metal racks.

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Two metal racks are located near the gas hazard valve on this floor.

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Across the hall from the previous gas hazard valve is a room with two metal racks.

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On the fifth floor, there is a room with an electric box and a metal rack.

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A metal rack is located next to the steam hazard valve on the fifth floor.

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Beside the Electric Hazard switch at the rear of the ship, there is another Metal Rack.

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There are three metal racks in the room behind the previous Electric Hazard metal rack.

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On the fifth floor, there’s a room you can only reach from the port-side deck. Inside, you’ll find another metal rack.

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Inside the ship’s main building, go down the stairs to the fourth floor and turn left. Find the yellow mobile crane container; the metal rack is right beside it.

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From the room with the yellow mobile crane cargo container, head to the back to find a room labeled “Crane Cargo.” Inside, there are three metal racks.

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A gas tank is located on the floor in the same room as gas hazard #2.

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Below the main funnel, there’s a room locked with a metal door. Break through it to find two small grey gas tanks inside.

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There’s a red gas tank located near the gas hazard valve on this floor.

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On the fifth floor, there’s a room filled with fire extinguishers and a large grey gas tank.

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On the fifth floor at the back of the ship, there’s a damaged structure with an Electric Hazard switch. Behind this switch, you’ll find a room with a metal rack holding two small, grey gas tanks.

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On the fifth floor, there’s a room accessible only from the port-side deck, where you’ll find three more gas tanks.

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The “Golden Toilet” collectible from the “Gas Goober” is located on the sixth floor, near the Steam Hazard Valve.

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Copyright by Camzillasmom.

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Release: August 16th, 2023
Developer: Games Incubator
Publisher: Games Incubator, PlayWay S.A.
Official Website: