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All Collectibles – Yamashita – Rise of the Ronin 2024

The Yamashita Region, situated within the town of Yokohama on the “Rise of the Ronin” map, shares borders with the Yamate Region to the southeast, the Ishikawa Region to the south, the Motomachi Region to the west, and the Honcho Region to the north. Within this district lie a Veiled Edge Banner, a Public Order Event, a Fugitive, two Landmarks, a Shrine, a Cat, and a Treasure Chest waiting to be discovered. This guide meticulously leads you through each collectible, ensuring a comprehensive 100% Yamashita Region Collection Rate.

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Overview Map All Collectibles in Yamashita

Veiled Edge Banners serve as save and fast-travel points in Rise of the Ronin. They are sometimes, but not always located in significant and busy areas. As soon as you resolve a “Public Order” Collectible, the Veiled Edge Banners are revealed on the map.

There is only one Veiled Edge Banner in the Yamashita Region. It’s in the southeast, on top of a tower. There are ladders to get to the top.

A screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the Veiled Edge Banner in Yamashita
The Veiled Edge Banner on the map
An in game screenshot of the player standing in front of the Veiled Edge Tower in the Yamashita Region
The Veiled Edge Banner in the Yamashita Region

“Public Order” collectible events are locations in a region that enemies occupy. Free the area by killing all the enemies in the area. This will strengthen the bond with the villagers.

In the eastern part of the Yamashita district of Yokohama, there is an estate occupied by bandits. Restore public order by killing all of them. If you need help, there is another Ronin kept prisoner there. Free him to have a fighting companion. There is a grapple point you can use to get to him faster.

The screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the "Public Order" collectible.
The location of the Public Order event

“Fugitive” Collectibles are bounty-hunting quests, where you have to find and defeat a fugitive.

The Fugitive: Jubei the Random Slasher is in the same location as the “Public Order” event. He is one of the bandits you have to kill to restore public order again.

The screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the "Public Order" collectible.
The location of the Public Order event

A Landmark in “Rise of the Ronin” is just an important place in the region. All you have to do is walk to it and visit. There are two Landmarks in the Yamashita Region. For more intricate explorations and to find all the collectibles, consider visiting the Honmoku area as well.

4.1 – Yokohama Church

A screenshot of the ingame map showing the Yokohama Church Landmark's location.
The Yokohama Church Landmark on the map
A screenshot of the player standing in front of Yokohama Church Landmark
Yokohama Church

4.2 – The US Consulate

A screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the US Consultae in Yamashita
The location on the map
A screenshot showing the player standing at the entrance to the US consulate in Yamashita
The entrance of the US Consulate

The Shrine is in the center of Yamashita inside an elevated garden.

A screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the Shrine in Yamashita
The Shrine on the map
A screenshot of the player standing in front of the shrine in the Yamashita Region
The Shrine in Yamashita

The cat collectible is a real cat, not some kind of statue that you have to find. As you travel around the region, listen closely. You may hear a meowing from a cat. This means you are very close. Reach the Cat and pet it.

There is only one cat in Yamashita. It’s inside a house east of the shrine.

A screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the cat in the Yamashita Region
The cat on the map
A screenshot showing the cat inside the house
The cat inside the house

Treasure Chests are big unmissable chests that have to be found in the region.

The only treasure chest is not very well hidden. It’s north of the shrine standing by the wall of a house on street level.

A screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the treasure chest in Yamashita
The Treasure Chest location on the map
A screenshot of the player standing next to the treasure chest in Yamashita
The Treasure Chest