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All Collectibles – Motomachi – Rise of the Ronin 2024

The Motomachi Region, situated within Yokohama in the “Rise of the Ronin” map, shares borders with the Honcho, Yamashita, Ishikawa, Yoshida-Shinden, and Miyosaki Regions. Collectibles include a Public Order Event, a Fugitive, a Landmark, a Cat, a Treasure Chest, and two Photography spots. Achieving a 100% Collection Rate in the Motomachi Region unlocks “Red Dates” Deliveries to your Longhouse. This comprehensive guide details each collectible meticulously to help you reach a full 100% Collection Rate in the Motomachi Region.

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A map of the Motomachi Region in Rise of the Ronin with all collectibles added and highlighted | camzillasmomcom
Overview Map All Collectibles in Motomachi

“Public Order” collectible events are locations in a region that enemies occupy. Free the area by killing all the enemies in the area. This will strengthen the bond with the villagers.

The only Public Order Event is in the south of the Motomachi Region at the Kaneibyo Mausoleum Landmark. You only have to defeat 4 enemies to restore order in this place. As soon as you’ve defeated them all, the Kaneibyo Mausoleum Landmark will be added to your collection.

Screenshot of the Motomachi Region with the Public Order event highlighted | camzillasmomcom
The location of the Public Order event

“Fugitive” Collectibles are bounty-hunting quests, where you have to find and defeat a fugitive.

The Fugitive: Mouton the Undercover Lover can be found in the west of the west of the Region. He’s guarding the building with the Treasure Chest.

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The location of the Futitive on the map

A Landmark in “Rise of the Ronin” is just an important place in the region. All you have to do is walk to it and visit. There are two Landmarks in the Yamashita Region.

The only Landmark in the Motomachi Region is the Kaneibyo Mausoleum Landmark, which is an “Unruly Area” when you enter the region for the first time. Restore Order and the Kaneibyo Mausoleum Landmark will be added to your collection.

Screenshot of the ingame Motomachi Region map highlighting the location of the Kanteibyo Mausoleum location | camzillasmomcom
The Kanteibyo Mausoleum

The cat collectible is an actual cat, not a statue to search for. While traveling the region, listen carefully for meowing – a sign you’re nearby. Approach the cat and give it a pet.

The solitary cat sits on a tall wall behind a house in the south of the Motomachi Region. To reach it, climb onto the roof of the adjacent building as indicated in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of the Motomachi Region map highlighting the location of the cat | camzillasmomcom
Location of the cat on the map
A screenshot showing the cat behind the house on the wall in the Motomachi Region | camzillasmomcom
The cat behind the house

Treasure Chests are big unmissable chests that have to be found in the region.

The only Treasure Chest in the Motomachi Region is inside a locked storehouse that is guarded by the Fugitive and two more bandits in the south of the map. The storehouse is heavily protected with spikes on the roofs all around it. Climb onto the roof opposite the storehouse, as shown in the screenshot below, and use your glider to get to the storehouse’s scaffolding. You can reach the Treasure Chest from there.

Screenshot of the Motomachi map showing the location of the Treasure Chest | camzillasmomcom
Treasure Chest Location on the map
The roof opposite the storehouse From here the player can glide over to the open window of the storehouse to access the Treasure Chest | camzillasmomcom
Use the glider from the roof that does not have spikes

Keep following the main mission “Follow your Blade Twin” until you acquire a camera. Then you’ll be able to take photographs!

6.1 – Holy Ruler Guan

“Take a photograph of the Holy Ruler Guan enshrined at the Kanteibyo Mausoleum.”

When dealing with the bandits at the “Public Order” Collectible Event at the Kanteibyo Mausoleum in the Motomachi Region, remember to capture this photograph. It’s the statue that is inside of the Mausoleum building.

Screenshot of the Motomachi Region map highlighting the photography location | camzillasmomcom
Photography location on the map
Screenshot of the Holy Ruler Guan statue inside the Kanteibyo Mausoleum location in the Motomachi Region | camzillasmomcom
How to take the photograph with the red circle in the center

6.2 – Gazing at the Clock Tower

“Take a photograph of the clock tower from the roof of the building adjacent to the North Gate of Chinatown.”

The target of this photo is the Yokohama Town Hall Clocktower, a landmark in the Honcho Region in the north of Motomachi. Use a grappling spot to reach the roof. Follow the map to the photography location. Utilize the glider grappling spots on the roof to launch yourself into the air for gliding. Once on the roof, across from the Clock Tower, capture the photo with a red circle at the center.

Screenshot of the Motomachi map showing the location where the photograph has to be taken from | camzillasmomcom
Photography location on the map
A screenshot of the photograph with the red circle in the center | camzillasmomcom
The Clocktower Photograph