The Miyozaki Region, situated within the town of Yokohama on the “Rise of the Ronin” map, holds a significant place. Your journey will take you to this area in the quest “Follow the Blade Twin” to explore the Pleasure District and later discover the location of your Longhouse. This region shares borders with the Yoshida-Shinden Region to the south, Noge to the west, the Bashamichi Region to the northwest, Honcho to the northeast, and the Motomachi Region to the east. In addition to exploring these regions, you might also want to explore how Ishikawa map collectibles can enhance your gaming experience. Attaining a 100% Collection Rate in the Miyozaki Region will unlock the “Feather” Delivery feature at your Longhouse. Through this comprehensive guide, I will lead you through each step to achieve a full 100% Collection Rate in the Miyozaki Region.
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Release: March 22nd, 2024
Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
1 – Veiled Edge Banner
Veiled Edge Banners serve as save and fast-travel points in Rise of the Ronin. They are sometimes, but not always located in significant and busy areas. As soon as you resolve a “Public Order” Collectible, the Veiled Edge Banners are revealed on the map.
1.1 – Pleasure District
The Veiled Edge Banner at the Miyozaki Pleasure District will be automatically activated when following the “Follow Your Blade Twin” Main Mission.
1.2 – The Longhouse
If you continue to follow the “Follow Your Blade Twin” Main Mission, you will meet again at the Longhouse. There’s also a Veiled Edge Banner.
1.3 – Building in the Northwest
There is a Veiled Edge Banner in the northwest of the map, in front of a building.
1.4 – Public Order Location
Restore Public Order in the “unruly area” in the northwest and this Veiled Edge Banner will unlock automatically on top of the nearby tower.
2 – Public Order
“Public Order” collectible events are locations in a region that enemies occupy. Free the area by killing all the enemies in the area. This will strengthen the bond with the villagers.
There is only one Unruly Area in Miyozaki where Public Order has to be restored. It’s in the northwest, west of the Pleasure District.
4 – Landmarks
A Landmark in “Rise of the Ronin” is just an important place in the region. All you have to do is walk to it and visit. There are two Landmarks in the Yamashita Region. If you’re exploring the game, also look out for Honmoku collectibles that are scattered throughout the game, offering unique gameplay experiences. For those interested in uncovering more in the Yamashita Region, you might want to check out all collectibles in Yamashita to enhance your journey.
There is only one Landmark in the Miyozaki Region – The Pleasure District. You don’t have to do a lot to find it. Just follow Ryoma in the “Follow Your Blade Twin” Main Mission.
5 – Shrine
Just south of the Public Order / “Unruly Area” Veiled Edge Banner is the Shrine.
6 – Cat
The cat collectible is a real cat, not some kind of statue that you have to find. As you travel around the region, listen closely. You may hear a meowing from a cat. This means you are very close. Reach the Cat and pet it.
6.1 – Inside Pleasure District Building
This Calico Cat is on the ground floor in one of the rooms. Make sure you come in crouching, otherwise, it will escape and you have to come back later again.
6.2 – Tall Grass
Search the west of the Miyozaki District for a cat hiding in the tall grass.
7 – Treasure Chest
Treasure Chests are big unmissable chests that have to be found in the region.
There is only one Treasure Chest in the Moyozaki Region. Look for a guarded storehouse with a locked door. There is an open window on the top floor, just above the scaffolding. Climb onto the roof of the neighboring building and use the “Glide” ability to reach the scaffolding. Then, you can enter the storehouse and open the treasure chest.