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All Collectibles – Bashamichi – Rise of the Ronin 2024

The Bashamichi Region is a district in the town of Yokohama in the “Rise of the Ronin” map. You will go there in the “Follow the Blade Twin” to visit the Sakura Inn and learn about Anti-Shogunate and Pro-Shogunate Bases. The 100% Collection Rate for the Bashamichi Region will unlock the Egg Deliveries to your Longhouse. In this guide, I’m going through all of the collectibles step-by-step to reach a 100% Bashamichi Region Collection Rate.

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Overview map of the Bashamichi Region highlighting all collectibles for 100 Region Completion
Overview Map All Collectibles in Bashamichi

Veiled Edge Banners serve as save and fast-travel points in Rise of the Ronin. They are sometimes, but not always located in significant and busy areas. As soon as you resolve a “Public Order” Collectible, the Veiled Edge Banners are revealed on the map.

1.1 – Sakura Inn – Anti-Shogunate Base

Follow the main mission “Follow your Blade Twin” to meet Kogoro Katsura in the Sakura Inn. As soon as you get close enough, this Veiled Edge Banner will unlock.

Screenshot of the ingame map with the Sakura Inn Veiled Edge Banner highlighted
The Sakura Inn Veiled Edge Banner

1.2 – Dojo

This Veiled Edge Banner is in front of the dojo in the center of the Bashimichi District.

Screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the Veiled Edge Banner in the center of the Bashamichi Region
The location on the map
The player standing in front of the Veiled Edge Banner at the dojo
The Veiled Edge Banner at Gensui Kasukas

“Public Order” collectible events are locations in a region that enemies occupy. Free the area by killing all the enemies in the area. This will strengthen the bond with the villagers.

There is only one Unruly Area in Bashamichi where Public Order has to be restored. It’s in the northwest of the region by the Shukan-Banten Shrine Landmark.

Screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the location of the Shukan Benten Shrine Landmark in the Bashamichi Region
The location of the Public Order event

“Fugitive” Collectibles are bounty-hunting quests, where you have to find and defeat a fugitive.

The Fugitive: Sneak-Attack Nezuyoshi can be found south of the Dojo in the center of Bashamichi. He is there with his friends.

Screenshot of the fugitive's location on the map.
The location of the Futitive on the map

A Landmark in “Rise of the Ronin” is just an important place in the region. All you have to do is walk to it and visit. There are two Landmarks in the Yamashita Region. For those interested in exploring all the remarkable spots, make sure to check out all collectibles in Yamate.

4.1 – Shukan-Benten Shrine

The Shukan-Benten Shrine Landmark is at the center of the Public Order Event in the Bashamichi Region.

Screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the location of the Shukan Benten Shrine Landmark in the Bashamichi Region
The location of the Shukan Benten Shrine Landmark

4.2 – Sakura Inn – Anti-Shogunate Base

Enter the Sakura Inn to receive the Landmark Collectible.

The location of the Sakura Inn   Anti Shogunate Base on the map
The location of the Sakura Inn

The shrine is just north of the Dojo in Bashamichi, inside a small courtyard.

Screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the shrine
The shrine on the map
The player looking at the shrine in the Bashamichi Region
The Shrine is inside a small courtyard

The cat collectible is a real cat, not some kind of statue that you have to find. As you travel around the region, listen closely. You may hear a meowing from a cat. This means you are very close. Reach the Cat and pet it.

In Bashamichi, both cats can be found around the Shukan-Benten Shrine Landmark in the northwest of the map.

6.1 – East of Shukan-Benten Shrine

The cat is on top of the tower just east of the Shukan-Benten Shrine Landmark. There is a grappling point you can use to reach the top of the tower.

Screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the location of the cat
Location of the cat on the map
The Player standing in front of the tower with the cat just east of the Shukan Benten Shrine Landmark
The Cat on top of the tower

6.2 – Southwest of Shukan-Benten Shrine

Southwest of Shukan Benten Shrine, just outside of the shrine’s grounds is a cat sitting below a tree.

Screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the cat
Location of the cat
Screenshot of the cat sitting below the tree near Shukan Benten Shrine
The cat in the tall grass

Treasure Chests are big unmissable chests that have to be found in the region.

7.1 – Shukan-Benten Shrine Landmark

The treasure chest is inside the Shukan-Benten Shrine. Defeat all the bandits and Restore Order so you can loot the treasure chest.

Screenshot of the ingame map highlighting the location of the Shukan Benten Shrine Landmark in the Bashamichi Region

7.2 – East of the Dojo

East of the Dojo in Bashamichi is another one of those locked storehouses that keep a Treasure Chest.

Southwest of Shukan Benten Shrine, just outside of the shrine’s grounds is a cat sitting below a tree. To get inside, just jump onto one of the lower neighboring roofs and from there to the scaffolding with the open window.

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Treasure Chest Location on the map
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Jump to the scaffolding to reach the window

7.3 – Inner Courtyard

Just north of the Sakura Inn Landmark and Anti-Shogunate Base is an inner courtyard with a Treasure Chest that is easily accessible.

Screenshot of the ingame map showing the location of the Treasure Chest
Chest location
Screenshot of the treasure chest inside the courtyard
Inside the inner courtyard