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Herding on the Prairie! – Bidaa – Outcast: A New Beginning

Herding on the Prairie! is the first Village Quest in Bidaa. Repair the Daoka Fast Travel Gate by retrieving the Daoka Core at the nearby outpost before you start the quest.

1 – Talk to Hiron the Village Chief

Hiron can be found at the village market in the center of the village. Talk to him about everything he knows. Especially about the “Bon-Bar” and “Lampé”.

A screenshot of Hiron Bidaa | camzillasmomcom's Village Chief
Hiron Village Chief of Bidaa

2 – Talk to Ozak about Bon-Bars

Ozak is not far from Bidaa’s center, at the Bon-Bar pen. Talk to him about everything he offers.

A screenshot of Ozak the Bon Bar Herder | camzillasmomcom
Ozak the Bon Bar Herder

3 – Herd Bon-Bars

Ozak gave you the task of herding the bon-bars (cows) back into the pen. All you have to do is to approach them from the back, facing the pen. Takes some practice and can be a bit frustrating. But At the end, you completed the “Bon-Bar” part of the “Herding on the Prairie” Village quest.

A screenshot showing the art of Bon Bar Herding | camzillasmomcom
Herding a Bon Bar into the pen

4 – Talk to Marzo about Lampé

Marzo is Bidaa’s Head Lampé brewer. You can find him at the base of the mill in Bidaa. Talk to him about everything he offers.

A screenshot showing Marzo standing at Bidaa | camzillasmomcom's prominent mill.
Marzo the Lampé brewer

5 – Talk to Mirko about Lampé Ingredients

Mirko is Marzo’s son. He can be found near the mill at the center of the village. Talk to him about everything he has to offer. This will start the “Lampé for Everyone” Village Quest. Complete this Lampé quest, then select the third quest with the “Earthshaking Drills” Subquest – The “Say Goodbye to Garondaphobia”. Destroy one of the drills in that quest before you can continue with “Herding on the Prairie!”.

A screenshot of Mirko the assistant brewer | camzillasmomcom
Mirko at Bidaa Village

6 – Talk to Torga about Garondaphobia

Finally, the Brewery is resupplied with Lampé and we can continue with the quest. Talk to Torga about Garondaphobia. He’s the Shamaz in the village. He will tell you that the Garondar don’t like Lampé.

A screenshot that shows Torga | camzillasmomcom's location in Bidaa.
Torga the Shamaz

7 – Talk to Ozak about the Lampé Experiment

Ozak is still at the Bon-Bar pen and is happy to participate in the experiment.

A screenshot that shows Ozak the Bon Bar herder | camzillasmomcom
Ozak in Bidaa Village

8 – Treat Bon-Bars

Like you had to herd the Bon-Bars at the beginning of the quest, you now have to herd them into the pool of Lampé. The good thing is that it’s only three this time. Defeat the Krakits attacking at the end and the quest “Herding on the Prairie!” is done.

| camzillasmomcom
Ozak in Bidaa Village

Release: March 15th, 2024
Developer: Appeal Studios
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Official Website: