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Chrome Dome Down – All Minikits & Challenges

Get a All Minikits and all Challenges at the forth level of Episode 8: Chrome Dome Down.

How to get the Minikits – 5

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 13:56 or follow this YouTube link.

1 – Through Fire and Flames

When you fight in the left area, there is an elevator you can pull grapple down so it works again. Use it all the way up and get the Minikit.

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Grapple the elevator to use it

2 – Golden Opportunity

Also in the left fighting area, there is a golden box you can shoot open with a Bounty Hunter to get the Minikit inside.

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A present for the Bounty Hunter

3 – Loose Kits Sink Ships

At the right fighting area, there is a big turbine where you can use a ladder to get up. There is also a ladder on the other side of the turbine and a Minikit Surprise is waiting there for you!

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Uhhh a Minikit Here

4 – Pile of Junk

While you’re riding the AT-ST at the end of the level, look out for a pile of junk to the left. There’s a Minikit!

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Junk rummaging

5 – Three Strikes and You’re Out

Find and destroy 3 black evil BB droids.

The first one is in the left fighting area, right behind the broken, burning TIE fighter.

The second one is far away in the distance. You can spot him when you’re in the right fighting area looking towards the rest of the hangar.

The last one is in the right fighting area. Go up the ladder of the big turbine. It’s just sitting there.

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Droid huntin

How to get the Challenges – 3

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time: 16:18 or follow this YouTube link.

1 – Heads Up, Chrome Dome!

“Find a way to drop a TIE Interceptor on top of Captain Phasma.”

You know, there is a TIE Fighter production line running above Phasma’s head? Did you also know that there is a single TIE Interceptor amongst them? The TIE Interceptor has pointy wings. Just wait until it’s coming round, then shoot it down right when it’s over Phasma’s head.

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Lonely TIE Interceptor come join Phasma

2 – Phasma-tastic!

“Inflict damage on Captain Phasma in 9 unique ways”

Alright, here we go:

In the right fighting area, destroy the blue net device, build a turret and use it.

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Blue net box to destroy

In the same area, ride the black and red ball into the socket underneath Phasma.

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Deadly black ball

Shoot down a TIE Fighter on Phasma’s head. There is also a TIE Interceptor to shoot down if you wait for it to come round.

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She got TIEered

In the left fighting area, use the red terminal with a Villain.

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What will that terminal do I wonder

Throw a grenade with a Villain at the silver plating below Phasma and shoot the energy cell behind it.

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Silver plating big boom

In the left area, board the turret and shoot.

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Ah a turret Who put that here

Back at the area to the right, use the Repeating Blaster in the Weapons Cache on Phasma. Use a Villain to open it.

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Useful Weapons Cache

Use a Jedi or Dark Force to move an energy cell to the nearby socket. Shoot down an AT-ST on Phasma’s head.

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Energy Cell moving

At the right side, go up the ladder and turn on the big turbine.

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Bye Phasma

3 – Trouble Underfoot

“Trample 10 Stormtroopers in the AT-ST.”


The Last Jedi 100% Completion – Video

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This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.