How to get the Minikits – 5
1 – Hurdle Race
2 – Fanfare
Shoot the golden turbine with a Bounty Hunter and put the Minikit together.
3 – Can’t TIE Me Down
In the story, a TIE will crash down and you will use the wings to build a bridge. There is still the cockpit! Use a Jedi or a Dark Force to open it.
4 – Ladder to Success
Right after the last Minikit, you will continue your ride until you get off again. Walk back a little and you will see this tower with a silver lock on the ladder. Switch to a Villain, throw a grenade to get up to get the Minikit.
5 – Hacker’s Delight
Defeat the evil small droid in the turret and go back to the crashed A-Wing. The orange parts on it are for an orange terminal. So destroy it until you get the parts. Then build and use it with a Hero to get the last Minikit.
How to get the Challenges – 3
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time: 14:19 or follow this YouTube link.
1 – Explo-Sith
“Use the environment to defeat Sith Troopers.”
At the first fight, switch to a Scoundrel and aim at the electric generator to the left.
2 – Incoming
“Don’t take any damage from the Sith TIE Fighters while riding Orbaks.”
Just avoid their red attack bar.
3 – Shrug
“Defeat the Knights of Ren as Ben Solo without dying.”
You’re allowed to take damage and recover. But don’t fall apart.
The Rise of Skywalker 100% Completion – Video
This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.