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100%: Never Tell Me the Odds

Get a 100% completion at Episode 5: Never Tell Me the Odds with all Minikits and Challenges collected!

How to get the Kyber Bricks

Bricks 1-3

Collect enough small LEGO studs in the playthrough to fill all the bars at the top of the screen and reach “True Jedi” (the white, the blue and the purple bar).
Also make sure to shoot and destroy everything to collect them.
 You can also go back to already picked up Minikits. They all have a purple stud now in their place. This will boost you towards the “True Jedi” achievement!

Bricks 4-6

Complete the Story, collect all Minikits and complete all Challenges. You’ll get a brick each as reward.

How to get the Minikits – 5

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 08:59 or follow this YouTube link.

1 – Rock Steady

While flying through the asteroid field, there are 5 Minikits you have to find and shoot. With this one, it really helps to turn on the “Collectible Detector” in the General Upgrades Menu.

 | camzillasmomcom

2 – They Can’t Have Disappeared

There is a Minikit sticking on the Star Destroyer. Just fly to it to get it.

 | camzillasmomcom

3 – Imperial Space Race

There is a race you have to win gold at. The race is indicated with a blue ring with a flag in the center. The reward is a Minikit.

 | camzillasmomcom

4 – Avoid the Asteroid

Towards the end of the asteroid field there is a Minikit hovering in space. Fly through it to get it!

 | camzillasmomcom

5 – Exogorth Leftovers

After the asteroid field, you will fly through the trenches of a big asteroid. At the very start of this trench flying, there is a Minikit you can pick up.

 | camzillasmomcom

How to get the Challenges – 3

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 11:28 or follow this YouTube link.

1 – Asteroid Evasion

“Avoid contact with the asteroids during the asteroid chase.”

Just focus on not crashing into any asteroids and you’ll get the challenge.

2 – Proton Power

“Destroy 5 TIE Fighters using Proton Torpedoes.”

Destroy the TIE’s that carry Proton Torpedoes. They’re easy to make out, since they have purple / pink beams following them. As soon as you have picked up one of their Proton Torpedoes, you can aim at the TIE Fighters and destroy them with them.

3 – Take Evasive Action!

“Complete the Star Destroyer encounter without being destroyed.”

During the whole fight with the Star Destroyer, you’re not allowed to break apart. Make sure you evade and take your distance when the shields are down.

The Empire Strikes Back 100% Completion – Video

More Episode 5 Guides available:
Hoth and Cold
Assault on Echo Base
Never Tell Me the Odds
Hibernation Station

Back to Guides Overview

This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.