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All Adventure Notes Sukhothai – The Blessed Pearl

The “Sukhothai” section of the Siam Adventure in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle includes 20 Adventure Notes collectibles. While collecting them all isn’t required to progress in the story, completionists will want to find every single one. Below is a full list, organized by map or alphabetically.

Hidden Temple

Hot to get to the Hidden Temple:
The access point is WatMakathat, located at the center of the map.

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1 – Game Room
1 – The Great Game Piece Placement
2 – Messenger Statue
3 – Messenger Statue Symbol


Some Adventure notes are grouped under one number for clarity. For detailed maps, refer to the section below.

A Sukhothai overview map highlighting all collectible Adventure Notes in Sukhothai during the The Blessed Pearl Adventure Quest in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle | camzillasmomcom

1 – Game Board
1 – Nephilim Game Piece Placement
1 – Nephilim Map
1 – “The Fall”
1 – “The Retribution”
1- “The Servants”
2 – Left Cogwheel Layout
2 – Left Gear Train
2 – Right Cogwheel Layout
2 – Right Gear Train
3 – Camp Notes
4 – Fascist’s Journal
5 – Wat Mahathat Report
6 – Rome Postcard
7 – Archaeologists’s Notes

The Village

The Village is located on the eastern side of the Sukhothai map. There are way more Field Notes to be found for the Field Notes Discoveries Quest.

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1 – Warning Letter

Archaeologist’s Notes

These notes can be found in the kitchen tent at the Wat Mahathat military camp.

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“Assessment of Wat Mahathat written in Swedish by one of Voss’ archaeologists.”

Camp Notes

The camp notes are the final Adventure Note in “The Blessed Pearl” Adventure. In the story, Voss captures Gina at the base of a waterfall on the west side of the map, while Indiana Jones makes his way through some ruins to rescue her. At this location, you’ll find a campsite with the camp notes.

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“Journal entry in Siamese concerning soldiers in the area.”

Fascist’s Journal

At the center of the Wat Mahatkat military camp, you’ll see a scaffolding structure surrounding the ruins. The journal page is located on top of a wooden box there.

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“Diary entry written by a tired Fascist soldier.”

Game Board

Take a photo of the Game Board during the Game Puzzle in the Sukhothai Pyramid – The Hidden Pyramid.

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“An ancient game board, perhaps created by Nephilim.”

Game Room

At the Wat Mahathat temple, capture a photograph of the Game Room.

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“The Nephilim’s game, but on a human-sized board.”

Left Cogwheel Layout

Solve this puzzle using two large cogwheels and three small ones.

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“The gear train needs two large and three small cogwheels places as in the journal sketch.”

Left Gear Train

After the Yeak tunnel dive, Indiana Jones will first see the Left Gear Train. Don’t forget to also take a picture of the Right Gear Train while you’re there.

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“An unpowered gear train at the left side of the chamber.”

Messenger Statue

Capture a photo of the Messenger Statue in the hidden temple at Wat Mahathat.

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“A stone statue of a winged figure surrounded by mummified giants in prayer.”

Messenger Statue Symbol

Take a photo of the other side of the statue, where the symbol is located.

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“Adamic carved into a stone statue in the buried temple underneath Wat Mahathat.”

Nephilim Game Piece Placement

This is the solution to the board game located at the center of the Sukhothai Pyramid.

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“Solution to the Nephilim game.”

Nephilim Map

After completing the Game Board puzzle, Indiana Jones takes a photo of the Nephilim map to move forward in the adventure.

“A map showing the location of the Sukhothai stone.”

Right Cogwheel Layout

Use one large cogwheel and three small ones to solve this puzzle. One small cogwheel is located behind the left cogwheel mechanism. Look for a crouch entry point to access it. To find another small cogwheel, climb to the highest point. While you’re there, use the whip to activate the flow of water, which powers the left cogwheel mechanism.

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“The gear train needs one large and three small cogwheels placed as in the journal sketch.”

Right Gear Train

The second Gear Train is located after the Yeak dive in the northwest corner of the map. Unlike the Left Gear Train across from it, the Right Gear Train is powered.

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“A powered gear train at the right side of the chamber.”

Rome Postcard

You can find this postcard in the kitchen tent at the Wat Mahathat military camp.

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“Postcard from Italy to one of the Fascist soldiers.”

“The Fall”

After passing through the Sukhothai Pyramid and reaching the other side, where Gina is calling for Doctor Jones, you’ll find a Nephilim Carving on the wall.

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“A crude depiction of war and greed.”

The Great Game Piece Placements

Here’s how to solve the pressure plates puzzle in the temple game room.

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“A layout of which pressure plates to stand on to solve the puzzle.”

“The Retribution”

You can find this Adamic carving inside the “Tower” of the Secret Pyramid. It’s accessible after Indiana deals with the snake during the Adventure and climbs up to the Game Room.

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“A mural showing what looks like an extinction event.”

“The Servants”

You can photograph this Adamic carving inside the “Tower” of the Secret Pyramid, just before Indy’s fight with the snake.

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“Crude mural showing beings descending from the sky.”

Warning Letter

You can find this Warning Letter outside Uncle Sunan’s Hut in the village.

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“Translated letter from Voss to the village headman.”

Wat Mahathat Report

This report is at the Wat Mahathat military camp. Look for the tent with the cipher machine and the lockbox that starts the “Counting Letters” Mysteries Quest. This note is near it.

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“Fascist document about the halting of the excavation.”

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Release: December 9, 2024
Developer: MachineGames
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Official Website: