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The Kid Who Vanished Fieldwork Guide Indiana Jones

The Fieldwork quest “The Kid Who Vanished” in Sukhothai, Siam starts when Indy returns to the boat after visiting Tongdang, the merchant from “The Blessed Pearl” Adventure Quest in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. To complete this quest, you need to collect seven Notes, and the reward is 600 Adventure Points.

The Kid Who Vanished begins after visiting Tongdang for the Breathing Device. Indiana learns that Sunan’s nephew has been missing for some time, and more clues might be found at the old treehouse.

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The Treehouse has a dock located in the southeast of the map, which Gina will point out as you drive past.

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From the dock, look to the left to spot the treehouse—it’s your next destination. Follow the path leading to the old ruins and climb to the top. Once there, continue along the path until you reach the treehouse and its ladder. Take a photo from the base for the Field Notes Discoveries, then climb up and enter the treehouse.

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After the cutscenes, Indiana and Gina look around the treehouse for clues.

Note 1 – Aran Photograph

Gina will point to this photograph of Aran and Sunan, pinned to a map on the wall.

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“Photograph of Aran together with his uncle Sunan.”

Note 2 – Hidden Map

Look for a loose floorboard and pull it away. You’ll know where it is because Gina will stand next to it and look down at it.

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“Notes in Siamese about a discovery in the Wat Si Sawai ruins.”

The Wat Si Sawai ruins are located in the southwest corner of the map. Use the zipline from the treehouse to return to the docks. Head south from there. The boat dock is at the southernmost point of the river on the map. Follow the path to reach Wat Si Sawai.

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The location features the ruins of a large shrine with an entrance, known as the Khmer Warrior Temple. Inside, you can climb down a ladder to unlock the “Warrior Temple Map.”

At the end of the corridor, turn right to find the Adventure Book “Handyman.” Turn left to reach Aran. Follow the corridor to the first room, where Indiana Jones discovers the trapped Aran. Gina will point out two levers that must be used simultaneously. Wait for her signal, then activate the lever when it becomes usable. This will unlock the door between the levers.

In the small room, a pipe segment lies on the floor. To the left, water is running, and two pipe segments are already in place—only the center segment is missing.

Note 3 – Piple Slot

Photograph the pipe system.

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“A part of a system of pipes that controls the flow of water.”

Pick up the pipe segment from the floor and connect it to the other pipe segments to restore the water flow. This will unlock the door on the other side of the room, leading to a lift. Take the lift down. Aran is now positioned above Indy and Gina. He needs them to raise the platform in the room so he can cross to the other side.

To raise the platform, you need to turn on the water. The area is filled with cogwheels that only work when water is flowing. Through the boarded windows to the right of the platform, you can see the lever. The challenge is figuring out how to reach it.

Head to the back of the platform room where the Naga statue is. Take a picture for the Field Notes. On the right, climb up one level. From there, cross the large wooden turbine and jump down into the room with the water lever.

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Note 4 – Giant Cogwheels

Take a photo of the giant Cogwheels in this room.

“These huge wooden cogwheels seem to control the platform Aran needs to be raised.”

Push the giant cogwheels forward with Gina to reveal a lever on the floor. You’ll find a straight pipe section nearby that needs to be placed. Look for the empty section on the floor and place the pipe to the north to open the northern door. Inside, you’ll find a curved pipe segment to pick up.

Remove the straight pipe section and replace it with the curved one, positioning it to face west. The lever needs water, so place the straight pipe further ahead toward the lever. This will get the cogwheels turning again. Once that’s done, pull the lever.

Note 5 – Platform Pipeworks Placement

After solving the Platform Puzzle, Indy writes an entry in the journal.

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“The cogwheel mechanism needs water to lift the platform. The pipes need to be connected as follows.”

The cogwheels in the large cogwheel room are now turning, and Indy and Gina need to cross. On the other side of the room, there’s a giant root they can climb to reach an opening on the left. Gina will mention that it looks like an elevator, and Indiana will attempt to get it working. Move into the next cogwheel room and cross it to the right, as shown in the screenshot below.

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Jump to the next moving cogwheel, then look for a whip spot above to swing over to a large cogwheel blocking your path. Crouch underneath it—it’s safe and won’t crush you. After that, jump onto the next moving cogwheel to reach the exit on the other side.

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You’ve reached Gina again. Use the lever to lower the elevator, almost crushing her—but don’t worry, she’s fine and can climb up. Next, open the closed door by pulling both levers at the same time.

Go through the now open door into the corridor, and you’ll find one of the Ancient Artifacts for the “Riddle of the Ancients” Discoveries quest at the end.

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To find Aran, follow the path leading down into a dimly lit chamber filled with cogwheels. At the end, you’ll reach a fork: the right path leads to a sprung spike trap, which is the correct way forward. The left path leads up some steps to a dead body and some food.

To get past the sprung spike trap, jump to the ledge on the left and use it to cross. Gina will find a lever to reset the trap, allowing her to cross safely. On the other side, you’ll find a roof with a large statue at the end and another pipe puzzle to solve.

Note 6 – Bridge With a Statue

Take a photo of the Shiva statue. Move closer and capture a detailed shot for the Field Notes.

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“Bridge operated by water flow with a big statue on top.”

First, locate the pipe segments. You’ll find two on the upper floor: a T-segment and a curved segment. Drop both down to the ground floor. There’s also a water lever in the corner of the top floor (see the screenshot below). Activating it will start the water flow needed to solve the puzzle.

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You should now have a T-segment and a curved pipe segment. Ahead, you’ll see a closed door to the north and an open passage to the south. Near the entrance to the southern corridor, there’s a bucket with torches and a heavy pole. The passage leads to a room containing a curved pipe segment. Bring it back to the main room.

Next, open the northern door. Place the T-segment into the first hole in the ground where the water pipes are visible. This should make water flow through the pipe near the door. Then, insert a curved pipe segment into that slot to direct the water to the door and open it.

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Behind the door is a giant moving cogwheel. You can reach the other side by passing through one of the holes in the cogwheel. On the other side, you’ll find a straight pipe segment. Take it back to the main room.

You should now have one T-segment, two curved segments, and one straight segment.

To get the water to the three holes in front of the big statue, start by placing the T-shaped segment into the hole where the water enters the system. Make sure the “T” faces the statue. Next, place the straight segment near the closed door. Finally, use the two curved segments to connect to the remaining holes.

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Note 7 – Khmer Pipeworks Placement

Indiana will sketch the Warrior Temple Pipe puzzle solution in the journal.

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“Sketch of how to correctly arrange the pipe pieces to solve the puzzle.”

To meet Aran, go through the gap where the bridge used to be and climb up to the door. Indy will need Gina’s help to open it, so make sure to pull Gina up halfway. Aran will then lead you to a secret chamber east of the Warrior Temple, where you can also find an Ancient Relic for the “Riddle of the Ancients” Discoveries Quest. After speaking with Aran, return to Sunan at the village to share the good news.

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle
Release: December 9, 2024
Developer: MachineGames
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
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