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Easy Guide to Penitent Chambers, Jedha – All Collectibles

The Penitent Chambers is one of the first areas you will cross while you are on the planet Jedha in the divine oasis. There are 2 Chests, 1 Essence, and 2 Treasures to be found here. There is no databank entry or force tear to be found here.

Finding collectibles gets easier if you have all Map upgrades that show the collectibles on your in-game map. Follow the HOW TO GET ALL MAP UPGRADES guide to get the map upgrades you need!

Path of ConvictionPath of PersistencePath of RestorationSheltered HollowThe ArchiveWayfinder’s Tomb


 | camzillasmomcom


We’re starting off in the big, dark, round chamber where Cal and Merrin fought the Stormtroopers in the story’s first visit. Remember, you had to drop down from the outer face of the wall down to the sand slope into this chamber. If you’re not sure how to get there, watch the “How to get there” part in the video above.

We’re getting the first collectible in this chamber. Use the Ascension Cable grapple point to climb up to a higher level, the second floor in the chamber.

Once up there, look for a wall run and a ledge around the corner. There is only one at this level so you can’t miss it. Use the wall run to climb up the ledge of the stone wall.

Turn left at the top to see the Treasure.

2 – CHEST 1 OF 2

Contains: Wanderer Jacket (cosmetic item)

The first chest is on the same level as the Treasure item before. Look for the vertical wall run at the rock wall of the nearby tower. The chest is at the top, the highest point in this chamber.


Now we’re leaving this chamber. Down on solid ground of the lowest level, there is still the box you can climb on from the story. Use it to climb up the ledge and continue to follow the main path. In this area the flame trooper is the most common enemy, so be careful while collecting.

At the top, take the stairs and the ledge to get to the next level.

After another ledge up, you can jump down to the courier’s ship. Behind the ship, there is a wall run up to the ledge at the right-hand side.

At the top, climb up a small rock ledge and look back in the opposite direction. There is another wall run you can use to get back to reach the other side.

Do the wall run to reach the other side. There is a shortcut cable and also a ledge wall you can climb up to the upper floor. Do so to the very top (red circle in the screenshot).

At the top of the ledge wall, on the left-hand side and you will see a small robot/droid that will bury itself away when you get too close. It’s a Scavenger Droid and it has the last Treasure.

Use your “Slow” Force ability (if you don’t know how, open the “Abilities” section in the game menu).
Now you can attack and destroy the Scavenger Droid. It will drop the Treasure.

4 – CHEST 2 OF 2

Contains: nocular head bd-1 component

Follow the path up here and turn left, where you can cross the gap with a wall run to reach the chest.

5 – ESSENCE 1 OF 1

Contains: Maximum Force Increase

For the last collectible in the Penitent Chambers, cross the gap again from the chest above and go straight ahead.

There is another shortcut zipline you can open up and a wall-run up to a ledge.

Up there, you just have to cross a gap and do a vertical wall jump wall to reach the Force Essence further up.

Release: April 28th, 2023
Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom