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Keep Scrolling – Prokriana – Outcast: A New Beginning

You will meet Kureg in Prokriana village while doing the “X Marks the Spot!” Quest for Emea Village. He’s Prokriana’s librarian and tries to build up the library again after it has been destroyed. He wants you to find and return five scrolls from villagers. Each village has one scroll. Here’s where the scrolls are:

In Outcast: A New Beginning’s “Research that Sting!” you have to collect Larvae, catch Ascior Queens, and develop an Ascior Beacon in the Village of Prokriana. Talk to the University Dean, Rhifar, to get this quest started. And here’s how to do it.

1 – Emea – Zotil

Talk to Zotil the weaver in Emea. He’s high up in the village, if you can’t find him. Ask him about scrolls and he will give you the scroll “Weavers of Legend”.

A screenshot of Zotil at Emea Village
Zotil the Weaver

2 – Bidaa – Mirko

Talk to Mirko in Bidaa. He’s the brewer’s son. Ask him about scrolls and he will give you the scroll “Faé Fun: Homemade Fireworks Explained”.

A screenshot of Mirko in Bidaa He has one of the scrolls for Kureg
Mirko in Bidaa

3 – Desan – Naduul

Naduul is a Talan in the village of Desan. Desan is in the far northeast of the map. You can reach it best by riding the Galenta from the village of Emea Quest Line. Naduul is not giving the scroll for free. First, you have to clean the Junkyard. Select the Junkyard quest in the village quest screen. The junkyard is east of Desan on the ground floor.

Inside the blue circle on the minimap, you will find 8 Toxic Barrels and 8 Krakit Burrows. First, use your scanner to detect them. You can shoot the barrels, but you have to melee the burrows twice to destroy them. After you’ve cleaned up the Junkyard, return to Naduul and he will give you the scroll.

A screenshot showing Naduul in Desan He has one of the scrolls for Kureg
Naduul in Desan

4 – Palana – Kor

Kor has the scroll at Palana Village. You can find him at the highest point at Palana, at the base of the tower building. He will return the scroll called: “Ninety Shades of Ka”.

A screenshot of where to find Kor in Palana He has one of the scrolls
Kor in Palana

5 – Sappa – Barram

Barram is a fisherman in Sappa. He’s wearing a hat with a fish attached at the top. You can find him at the beach near the boats. He has the scroll “The Old Talan and the Sannegta”.

A screenshot showing the location of Barram the fisherman in Sappa
Barram in Sappa

6 – Return the Scrolls to Kureg at the Library in Prokriana

Return the scrolls to Kureg in Prokriana. With his research, he will improve the Asciors.

A screenshot of Kureg inside the Library of Prokriana
Kureg in the Library in Prokriana

Release: March 15th, 2024
Developer: Appeal Studios
Publisher: THQ Nordic
Official Website: