Get a 100% completion at Episode 2: The Hunt for Jango with all Minikits and Challenges collected!
How to get the Kyber Bricks – 6
1-3 Bricks
Collect enough small LEGO studs in the playthrough to fill all the bars at the top of the screen and reach “True Jedi” (the white, the blue and the purple bar).
Make sure to destroy everything you can to collect them. There are plenty of asteroids to shoot.
You can also go back to already picked up Minikits. They all have a purple stud now in their place. This will boost you towards the “True Jedi” achievement!
4-6 Bricks
Complete the Story, collect all Minikits and complete all Challenges. You’ll get a Brick each as reward.
How to get the Minikits – 5
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 02:42 or follow this Youtube link.
1 – No Reception
Shoot down all 5 of the big black sattelites.

2 – Mini-Comet
Look for a Minikit shaped comet and shoot it.

3 – Rock On
Look for a Minikit that is attached to a big rock.

4 – Tunnel Vision
The Minikit is inside the rock in the screenshot below. Follow the rings with the blue studs and you will soon find the Minikit inside the asteroid.

5 – I Wanna Rock
The Minikit is hovering in space. It helps to destroy the asteroids to see it.

How to do the Challenges – 3
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time: 06:00 or follow this Youtube link.
1 – Do an Aileron Roll!
“Perform a roll to dodge incoming homing missiles locked on to your ship 3 times”
This can be annoying, since the missiles get destroyed by asteroids before the roll can be performed. Just keep at it.
2 – Charged up
“Complete the level without being hit by a Seismic Charge.”
The seismic charge is that bright flash that Jango releases. Avoid it by staying further away.
3 – Flying is for Droids
“Navigate through the tunnel within the largest asteroid without crashing”
Just take your time flying through it and it’ll be fine. Just don’t boost.
Attack of the Clones 100% Completion – Video
More Episode 2 Guides available:
A Wrestle with Wesell
Droid Factory Frenzy
Petranaki Panic
The Battle of the Jedi
This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.