How to get the Minikits – 5
1 – Wall of Shame
2 – Rock Starkiller
Up near the sniper bridge are some orange bars you can climb up next to framework of a Scavenger’s nets that lead to a Minikit.
Grapple up to a bar e.g. with a Bounty Hunter and go to the other side of the bridge. In case you have destroyed the bridge already, no worries, you can jump over to the other end of the bridge. Then, take out a Scavenger to shoot two nets onto the net frames on the other side.
Now you can go over, climb the bars, the nets and get the Minikit.
3 – Always Recycle
There is a room which is blocked by golden bars. Shoot them with the Bounty Hunter and get inside.
There is a Minikit inside a transparent box. Get out a Jedi or Dark Force and Force-move the box into the recycling pit. Now both of your characters have to take over one bolt and move it all the way to the center of the recycling pit. The box will break and you can climb down there to put the parts of the Minikit together.
4 – No More Restraints
Next to a break room, where a Stormtrooper does his jumping jacks, is a closed room with a red terminal. Make a Villain open it. Inside is another interrogation room with a silver box at the back. Throw a grenade with the Villain and put the Minikit together.
5 – You’re the Party Star!
Continue to play the story until Captain Phasma opens up the command room for you. Destroy everything to the right so you can build an Astromech Terminal. Use an Astromech on it and get the Party started.
How to get the Challenges – 3
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time: 22:24 or follow this YouTube link.
1 – Rey’s Escape
“Discover Rey’s escape through Starkiller Base.”
Go to the only window there is on the map and you can watch Rey escape the Starkiller Base.
2 – Rug Pull
“Find a way to blow up the sniper bridge.”
Use a Scoundrel to blow up the sniper bridge.
3 – Snowed In
“Lock the Stormtroopers outside of the base.”
There is a door, where, while fighting, there are more and more Snow Troopers coming in. There is an orange plug at the top of the door. All you need to do is to grapple it.
The Force Awakens 100% Completion – Video
This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.