How to get the Minikits – 5
1 – Contain and Collect
2 – Broken Floors and Silver Doors
In the bit with the second Rathtar, where you can avoid it by running the wall, there is a Silver Door at the back. Use a Villain and a grenade to blow it up. The floor will collapse and the Villain falls down. Switch to your other character to get the Minikit.
3 – Tantalisingly Tiny Droid Door
In the hangar where the Falcon is, there is a small electric box with a tiny entrance hole. Something for C-3PO. Break him apart and let one half get the Minikit.
4 – Hanging Out
In the room with the over ground Turret, there is one level up that you need to go. Here’s how: When you’re inside the red turret room, go the way back where you came from until you get to the Astromech terminal. Use it and go through the open door.
Follow the path until you reached the upper area. Now you need to cross over to the other side. I prefer doing that with either Boba or Jango Fett, since they have got the extra boost.
On the other side, take a Scoundrel and aim at the brown box that is half way out of the wall. The box will move to the right and reveal a silver wall that you can blow open with a Villain’s grenade. Now you can pick up the Minikit at the other side.
5 – The Ryloth Ark
When playing with Rey and Finn you will get to a room with big rats that you have to fight. Inside this room is a box that requires a code to open. The code can be found inside the same room behind some boxes. Type it in and shoot the Golden Ark with the Bounty Hunter to get the Minikit.
How to get the Challenges – 3
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time: 17:03 or follow this YouTube link.
1 – The High Ground
“Find a route to the vantage point.”
The vantage point is the upper level of the “turret room” where Han and Chewie have a shootout. When going back where you came from after being in this room, you should see an Astromech terminal. Use it and go through the now open door all the way following the corridor until you’re in the turret room again.
2 – Rathtar Ruse
“Defeat the second blocking Rathtar instead of bypassing it.”
This is at the second Rathtar, where you can run the wall to avoid it. The first time, I managed to defeat it with the grenades of the Stormtrooper. But there is a way with a Scavenger’s Breaker Blaster. Point it above the Rathtar. Same result!
3 – Turret Takeover
“Take over the turret from below.”
The underground turret is in the room where Rey and Finn are fighting the big rats. There is a box with a plug that you can grapple open. With the pieces, build a turret control seat and take over.
The Force Awakens 100% Completion – Video
This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.