Get a 100% completion at Episode 4: This is Some Rescue with all Minikits and Challenges collected!
To achieve similar success, explore all the challenges in Episode 3: The High Ground of Star Wars for comprehensive completion tips and tricks.
How to get the Kyber Bricks
Bricks 1-3
Collect enough small LEGO studs in the playthrough to fill all the bars at the top of the screen and reach “True Jedi” (the white, the blue and the purple bar).
Also make sure to destroy everything you can to collect them.
You can also go back to already picked up Minikits. They all have a purple stud now in their place. This will boost you towards the “True Jedi” achievement!
Bricks 4-6
Complete the Story, collect all Minikits and complete all Challenges. You’ll get a brick each as reward. Additionally, for fans eager to enhance their gaming prowess, delve into the section titled now this is podracing to unlock expert tips on achieving one of the most thrilling sequences.
How to get the Minikits – 5
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 20:45 or follow this LINK to YouTube.
1 – Stacked Up
For this Minikit you need to go the the big, square hangar at the south of the map. Where you get the Code Card from in the story.
There is a door with golden bars. Shoot those with a Bounty Hunter to get inside. Once you’re in go to the top left corner of the room. There is a pile of orange stacking boxes that you can move with a Jedi or a Dark Force to get up to the ledge with the wall you can cut open. Go ahead, stack those boxes and once you’re up there, cut the wall with a Jedi or a Dark Force to get the Minikit.
2 – Twirling Around
This Minikit is right towards the end of the level. This is where Luke and Leia swing over the non existent bridge to escape. But to get the Minikit you have to activate the bridge. To do that use an Astromech on the Astromech Terminal in front of the door that leads to this bridge. This will also make the poles come out so you can swing yourself up on the wall in the bridge area. Use a Scavenger, a Jedi or a Dark Force to do so. For more tips and a comprehensive guide, check out the Lego Star Wars Maul Minikits Guide here.
There is a room where you get the Minikit.
3 – Rebels in Disguise
In the area where you start playing Leia and Luke in the story, there is a red terminal for a Villain. Solve the little puzzle to open the door and get the Minikit.
4 – MSE Hunt
Off we go to hunt Mouse Droids!
The first Mouse Droid is at the beginning of the level, where you have a shootout with the Stormtroopers over the Commander’s Code Card.
The second Mouse Droid is in the area where Luke and Leia take over. Also the area where the Red Terminal for the Villain is.
The last Mouse Droid is over the bridge. Easiest to use the Astro Mech Terminal at the gate so the bridge activates. Like that you just have to walk over and shoot the Mouse!
5 – Password Protected
At the start of the level pick up the password at the C-3PO Terminal. If you don’t know where that is, open the map and look for a key symbol.
Then, go to the south of the map, where you have a shootout over the Code Card in the story and where you can shoot at golden bars on the gate with a Bounty Hunter. Inside this hangar, go for the small room in the south. It’s password protected. Let C-3PO handle it and you have the Minikit.
How to get the Challenges – 3
If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time: 26:18 or follow this LINK to YouTube.
1 – Bullseye
“Find a more uncivilised way to help Luke & Leia.”
In the control room, where Han opens the door for Luke and Leia to go through, there is another way. Did you notice the big red button above the door where Luke and Leia are calling out for help? Looks like a Bullseye to me! Shoot it and you get the Challenge.
2 – For Luck
“Discover an alternate method across the gap to escape the Stormtroopers.”
So in the original escape, Leia and Luke swing over the gap because the bridge is not there. You can use the Astromech Terminal with the Astromech at the door that leads to this gap to activate the bridge and this is the alternate method across the gap.
3 – Special Edition
“Discover the hidden room within the Death Star.”
If you have followed this guide step-by-step then you have this Challenge already. The not so hidden room is the room with the golden bars in the south of the map that you shoot with a Bounty Hunter to get it open. It’s a hangar with two Minikits in it.
A New Hope 100% Completion – Video
More Episode 4 Guides available:
Boarding Party
Hunk of Junk
Best Leia’d Plans
Stay on Target
This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.