The Desert Valley Region is the largest area in northern Tatooine, home to Jabba the Hutt’s palace, and the Imperial stronghold in Bestine, known as Fort Sunfire. This region boasts 10 treasure locations, featuring a total of 15 treasure chests. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you uncover all 15 treasures, along with an overview map for quicker navigation.
1. Northwestern Imperial Checkpoint
The checkpoint located in the northwest, just west of Bestine, contains an unofficial chest.
Content: Materials
2. Hutt Watchtower
Hutt Watchtower is located in the northwest corner of Desert Valley, within the Hutt Territory. Follow the road leading to Jabba’s Palace; it’s impossible to miss. Once there, head upstairs, cross the bridge, and you will discover the chest awaiting you.
Content: Dud V Trinket – Vehicle Trinket
Holodrama Location: Glarnok & Yabassi Episode 45
Search for the holodrama chip located on a table on the second floor of the Watchtower before crossing the bridge to reach the Treasure Chest.
3. Pua’s Stash
Pua’s Stash is located within Jabba’s Palace. To access it, head to the fast travel point at the palace and interact with the door. Look for the correct interaction point to gain entry. Once inside, you’ll find the chest situated near Jabba in an open area.
Mixed Feeler Wrappings – Nix Gear
Jet’s Journal Location: Jet’s Journal #17
Search for Jet’s Journal entry #17 on the table across from the treasure chest.
4. Smuggler Cache 94
Smuggler Cache 94 is located on the mountainside between Imperial and Hutt Territory. To reach it, approach from the south until you spot a small, unmarked Hutt camp—look for the smoke rising from a campfire. As you near the camp, your detector will begin to beep.
Content: Valuables & Materials
5. Northeastern Imperial Checkpoint
The checkpoint located in the northeast, just east of Bestine, contains an unofficial treasure chest.
Content: Materials
6. Bestine
Bestine is a settlement situated in the imperial-occupied region of the Desert Valley, renowned for housing only two remarkable treasures.
6.1 Imperial Cargo
The Imperial Cargo is located at the heart of Bestine, where you’ll find the guarded checkpoint and the Imperial Terminal. To gain access, create a distraction to divert one of the Stormtroopers and then stealthily slip past him to reach the chest at the back.
Content: The Snitch Trinket – Vehicle Trinket
ISB Report Location: Hoss
Also check the prison cells while you’re there. Hoss’ ISB Report is there.
6.2 Stash
The Stash is located at the rear of a circular building in the southeast corner of Bestine. This area is restricted and well-guarded.
Content: Valuables
7. Fort Sunfire
Fort Sunfire is the largest imperial compound in the Desert Valley region, known for its strategic significance. Within its confines, you can discover five Treasure Chests. My favorite entry point is a vent located on the eastern side of the compound wall.
7.1 Control Room Treasure
Enter Fort Sunfire to access the two-story hall featuring a red energy barrier on the top floor. Here, you’ll find an Imperial Officer who possesses an “Elevator Access Card.” Use your slicing skills on the port at the energy barrier to gain entry into the control room. In this room, you can also power up the external energy barrier, effectively locking in the AT-AT to prevent it from obstructing your path later.
The elevator is located where the camera is positioned. Utilize the keycard at the keycard slot below the camera to call the elevator. Ride it up to arrive in another two-story storage area. Steer clear of the camera and slice the data port beneath it to deactivate the camera and unlock the door. The first door on your left will lower the energy barrier, allowing you to enter. Inside, you’ll find a wall lock that you can override to lower the upstairs energy barrier. Proceed through it and ascend to the top corridor, where a camera awaits on your left. Here, you can access a smaller control room equipped with a computer monitor. Slice the monitor to disable the camera and open the door, granting you access to the main control room.
Once inside, interact with the computer to disable the turret, turn off the cameras, and transfer data. This information pertains to Vault Access for one of the treasure chests. Next, locate a yellow data port within the main control room and slice it to unlock the adjacent room that houses the treasure chest.
Content: Credits
ISB Report Location: Jaylen Vrax
The ISB Report on Jaylen is located on the circular console at the center of this room.
7.2 Ventilator Shaft
Take the elevator back down. Once you arrive in the room where the elevator stops, search for access to the ventilator system. Climb onto the large yellow ventilator and allow yourself to be propelled into the ventilator shaft to reach the chest.
Content: Imperial Plaques – Vehicle Trinket
7.3 AT-AS Garage / Imperial Supplies
Exit the elevator room and head to the two-story AT-AS garage. On the ground floor, keep an eye out for a Treasure Chest.
Content: Materials
7.4 Courtyard Hangar
In the courtyard, you’ll find a hangar secured by an energy barrier. To disable it, shoot the power source located inside the hangar, even through the barrier. Once disabled, you can proceed to loot the chest.
Content: Materials
7.5 Vault
With all systems deactivated from the main control room at the top of the compound, you can now access the vault located to the west of the courtyard.
Rogue Coating – Blaster
Blaster Recirculator
8. Imperial Checkpoint
The Imperial Checkpoint is a designated treasure spot located in the southeastern part of the Imperial-occupied Desert Valley region. You can find the chest situated on the platform.
Content: Materials
9. Smuggler Cache 81
Southeast of Bestine, and to the west of a farmer missing one of their Banthas, you’ll discover a Smuggler Cache nestled at the base of a large rock.
Content: Valuables & Materials
10. Hutt Bunkhouse
The Hutt Bunkhouse is a Hutt Building in the east of Desert Valley. The Treasure is at the outside, in the center of the settlement
Content: Hired Gun Droid Trophy – Speeder Trophy
Keycard Location: Bib’s Vault Keycard
Bib’s Vault Keycard is inside the house with the locked door, at the back of the screenshot below. Distract the guards before you lockpick it. Use the eastern door so you won’t be spotted by the Hutt guard inside.
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