This is the complete walkthrough of the Al-Ghul Case Investigation. Walkthrough with all clues found that you need to complete this case for the Hidden Ones. It’s the first member of the order that you can find and assassinate in Assassins Creed Mirage.
Release: October 5th, 2023
Developer: Ubisoft Bordeaux
Publisher: Ubisoft
Official Website:
You’ll receive the investigation into AL-GHUL from the Ali ibn Muhammad investigation subcase FIND BESHI. After the conversation with Beshi, the AL-GHUL Investigation is available on the menu. Al-Ghul is the first order mission, where you have to assassinate a member of the order.
“A presumed Order member reigns over Baghdad’s prisons, forcing enemies of the Caliphate to work their dig sites.”
This Investigation has only one sub-case, the Watermill before AL-GHUL is revealed as a target:
“I told Ali to regroup with Roshan and the Rebels”.
After freeing Ali from the prison in the ALI IBN MUHAMMAD Investigation, I need to meet Roshan and the rebels at the Watermill in the Wilderness District to the north.
At the Watermill, follow the noise up to a party inside the Watermill. There is also a fast travel point at the same location.
After the cutscene, you can either continue straight on by talking to Roshan or “reflect”. I decided to take my time and synchronize with the nearby tower to unlock the fast travel point, then I talked to Roshan. This will close this case and AL-GHUL in the center is unlocked as a target.
“Al-Ghul’s true identity is Mas’ood Al-Ya’qoob.”
Follow Roshan through the Windmill area to a mount and from there with the mount to Al-Ghul’s house.
Use your Eagle Vision by sending up the eagle. There are a couple of opportunities.
First, you can talk to the Caravan Leader Merchant at the front gates of Al-Ghul’s house. Return an item to him that Al-Ghul’s men have confiscated and he can finally depart, which will cause some turmoil inside the house to lure Al-Ghul out. You can see the item when you send your eagle up for Eagle Vision. It’s the “Hood” symbol and is in the far left, ground floor corner.
To start off: Be aware, that the whole courtyard is a restricted area. Now you can use the Secret Entrance to enter the area. This hidden entrance is where the stream touches the building’s wall. There is another opportunity inside of the walls, not far from the Secret Entrance.
After diving through the Secret Entrance and coming out at the other end, there is a single guard at this entrance that you can assassinate straight from the rail. Use your assassin’s focus ability, look to the left wall and you will see the other “opportunity” next door. It’s a man asking for help. He’s one of many migrant workers who is forced to work for a man who holds a deed. This will open up the opportunity with the “Paper” symbol on your map and on the hud.
In this section of this investigation, you have now many possibilities to lure Al-Ghul out. He currently is inside the house, the tower above you. You can either get the deed from the slaver to free the migrant workers or you can retrieve the item for the caravan merchant outside.
I personally went for the slaver, the person with the “Paper” item. He wants 15000 coins to help you. If you decline to pay, you get the opportunity to steal the deed instead (“Hand” Symbol). If you don’t pay him, he will walk off. Instead of just blindly following him through the courtyard and potentially bumping into a guard, the easiest way is to just wait until the Slaver is inside the small house at the center of the courtyard. It’s a central hiding place, where the nearby guards won’t see you. If they do anyway, there is a bench to blend in. You can easily cross, walk inside this small house and steal the deed.
With either the “Deed” or the “Confiscated Item” for the merchant outside, Al-Ghul will now come out to see what’s going on. Al-Ghul’s location is now marked as an orange skull icon on the map and as a marker. Climb to the top of the building to the marker for the assassination. Just go to the skull quest marker and use the hidden blade to assassinate the order member Al-Ghul.
You’ve now fulfilled your first assassin contract. This will end the investigation and trigger the follow-up Investigation NEHAL, which shortly after triggers RA’S AL-AF’A (HEAD OF THE ORDER) that will connect to AL-GHUL.