This guide provides a comprehensive overview of all Loot Treasures, Ainigmata Ostraka, and Ancient Tablets available in the Phokis region of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. It covers every camp, fort, cave, and point of interest, ensuring you can efficiently find and collect every item in the area.
Phokis Loot Treasure and Tablet Locations
Amphikleia Military Camp
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The Loot Treasure can be found inside the camp.
Bulis Military Camp
Total: 3 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Located in a corner of the camp.
Loot Treasures 2
Found in the center of the camp.
Loot Treasures 3
Also in the center of the camp.
Camp of the Bow Bearers
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The Treasure is inside the camp
Cave of the Forgotten Isle
Total: 3 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Located at the cave entrance.
Loot Treasures 2
Found underwater, which also serves as the way out.
Loot Treasures 3
Found in the pool area. Climb up to reach it.
Cave of Kratos
Total: 3 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Found in the water pool at the top of the cave camp.
Loot Treasures 2
Found at the very back of the cave camp.
Loot Treasures 3
Down in the ditch below the bridges.
Erochos Military Camp
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1&2
Both treasures are located within the camp.
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The Loot Treasure can be found inside the camp.
Forest Camp
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The treasure can be found within the camp.
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1&2
Both treasures are inside the house.
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
Located inside the gym, near a statue.
House of the Pythia
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Located on the ground floor inside the house.
Loot Treasures 2
Found outside the house.
Hunter’s Rest
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1&2
Both treasures are easily found within the camp.
Ketos Shipwreck
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1&2
Both treasures are underwater near the shipwreck.
Korykian Cave
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
Found inside the cave. You will need to climb up a ladder to reach it.
Lamia Bandit Camp
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The treasure is located next to the large tent in the camp.
Leader House
Total: 3 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Found in the ground-level library.
Loot Treasures 2
Located on the first floor of the building.
Loot Treasures 3
Positioned high up on a terrace.
Lookout Camp
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Found at the top of one of the towers.
Loot Treasures 2
Located behind the other tower.
Marooned Bandit Camp
Total: 1 Loot Treasure
Loot Treasure
The treasure is inside the tent at this location.
Nine Roads Camp
Total: 2 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure
Both treasures are located within the camp.
Pharsalos Fort
Total: 3 Loot Treasures
Loot Treasure 1
Found to the west of the fort.
Loot Treasures 2
Located at ground level in the center of the fort.
Loot Treasures 3
Found on the first floor of a tower to the east.
Prometheus and the Birth of Humankind
Total: 2 Loot Treasures, 1 Ancient Tablet, 1 Ainigmata Ostraka
Loot Treasure 1&2
Both are easy to find at this location.
Ancient Tablet
Found in front of the tent.
Ainigmata Ostraka
Positioned near the tents. Solve the puzzle with clues obtained in-game.
Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia
Total: 2 Loot Treasures, 1 Ainigmata Ostraka
Loot Treasure 1
Located outside, next to a building.
Loot Treasures 2
Found inside the temple.
Ainigmata Ostraka
Found at the feet of the large statue inside the temple. Use in-game hints to solve it.
Snake Temple
Total: 2 Loot Treasures, 1 Ancient Tablet
Loot Treasure 1
Found in the cave inside the temple.
Loot Treasures 2
Located inside the tent.
Ancient Tablet
Found at the head of the snake skeleton.
Solitude Tower
Total: 1 Loot Treasure, 1 Ancient Tablet
Loot Treasure
Found high up in the tower.
Ancient Tablet
Located outside the tower, near the lookout’s previous spot.
Tomb of Tityos
Total: 2 Loot Treasures, 1 Ancient Tablet
Loot Treasure 1
Found to the east of the camp.
Loot Treasures 2
Located to the west of the camp.
Ancient Tablet
Positioned near the first treasure.
With this guide, you’ll have all the information needed to uncover every treasure and collectible in Phokis, helping you complete the region with ease. Use it to simplify your exploration and get the most out of your adventure in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Happy hunting!
Copyright by Camzillasmom.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
Release: October 5th, 2018
Developer: Ubisoft Quebec
Publisher: Ubisoft
Official Website: