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Easy Guide for Rune Switch: Crackmast Cove

Here’s the easy guide for Rune Switch: Crackmast Cove. Step-by-step with all Rune Locations. If you’re interested in exploring more Rune Switch locations, check out our guide for Rune Switch: Tangledrift.

Rune Switch

The Rune Switch is on the other side of the main settlement of “Scalliwag Landing”. It’s in a dead end on the map.

When you activate the device, the three runes will disappear and glow in the distance either in red or green. You need to go to the the green rune, where you have to “Use” it and then to the next green rune and finally to the last rune before time is running out. You will hear a ticking in the background that will get faster and faster.

The runes will always go to the same spot and they never change the order. So, when you know where you have to go, just touch the device and run. Don’t wait until the runes have disappeared. See below the order of the runes and where they go.

 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with full zoom out
 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with zoom in
 | camzillasmomcom
The Rune Switch on the other side of town
 | camzillasmomcom
Activate the runes and run

Rune #1

For the first rune, start running right after activating the Rune Switch. Run to the main building of the town with the capsized ship as a roof. The rune is on the balcony at the back. Walk up the stairs next to the building and use the roofs to get to it. “Use” it to continue.

 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with full zoom out
 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with zoom in
 | camzillasmomcom
You see it glow at the back from the start
 | camzillasmomcom
Use the rune

Rune #2

The second rune is on the nearby house with the two chimneys. You can climb up at the back and then climb further on the side of the round roof. At the top of the roof, you can half-climb the chimney to jump onto the next higher roof to “use” this rune.

 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with full zoom out
 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with zoom in
 | camzillasmomcom
On top of the house with the 2 chimneys
 | camzillasmomcom
Climb up at the back of the house

Rune #3

The last rune is in the centre of the area, where the water is. There is a platform you can jump to from above to get to the rune.

“Use” it and you’re done. Congratulations!

 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with full zoom out
 | camzillasmomcom
The location on the map with zoom in
 | camzillasmomcom
Just jump down onto the platform
 | camzillasmomcom

Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.