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All You Need – Lucky Dice: Drowned Abyss

The Drowned Abyss in Tiny Tina’s Wonderland has 20 hidden Lucky Dice to find. However, that’s not all—you’ll also need to complete 20 out of 26 Campaign Challenges to achieve 100% progress in the Drowned Abyss.

This is the overview map showing the locations of all the Drowned Abyss Lucky Dice.

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All Lucky Dice Drowned Abyss Overview Map

Lucky Dice 1

The first Lucky Dice is right at the entrance after the Vending Machines at “Untrodden Depths”. Next to a red coral.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Just next to the big coral
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Lucky Dice 2

Not far ahead from the last Lucky Dice is a wall you can destroy at the left. A passage will open and the Lucky Dice is in the room behind it.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Wall just destroyed Dice visible in distance
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Lucky Dice 3

Further up you will meet Ksara. In this room, slightly above from where she stands, is a Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Behind the stones
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Lucky Dice 4

Now you reach “The Seapulchre” a big open area with various shipwrecks. There is one purple sparkling trampoline that takes you to a ledge high up so you can access that ship hovering on the ceiling. Look back down to the purple jump point and you will see the Lucky Dice on top of the coral island together with a gear chest. Run-jump over there to get it.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Take the trampoline Dice is just ahead
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One look down from the ledge and jump over

Lucky Dice 5

Take the same purple sparkling trampoline at “The Seapulchre” again. On the ledge, instead of jumping over to the coral, go over and board the ship’s balcony. Walk around the balcony to get this Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Enter the ships balcony
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Walk around and get the dice

Lucky Dice 6

Read your first Inscription at “The Sepulchre”, as you have to in the story, and follow the mission marker into a corridor with a big ship blocking the path. On the other side of the ship is a blocked dead end corridor. Like before, you can destroy the red glowing wall with a melee. At the end of the path is the Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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The blocking wall up ahead
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The dice at the end of the corridor

Lucky Dice 7

In the next area, “Scuttle Buttress”, is the next inscription to read. When you enter the room stick to the right side and go up the ramp to the right. Close to the poison trap is the Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Stay on the right side
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Lucky Dice 8

Near the inscription at “Scuttle Buttress”, you can jump over and climb all the way up to a shipwreck. There’s a Lucky Dice at the top. Just follow the yellow paint markings.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Jump over the gap to the wreck
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Climb all the way to the top

Lucky Dice 9

Go back to the inscription area at “Scuttle Buttress” there is a long waterfall at the top of the Inscription. The Lucky Dice is at its base.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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At the base of the waterfall
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Lucky Dice 10

On the border of the map, opposite the third inscription at “Scuttle Buttress”, there is a Lucky Dice hiding behind a pillar.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Behind the coral pillar
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Lucky Dice 11

This Lucky Dice is in one of the two upper chambers of “The Temple of Sacrifice”.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Behind the pillar
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Lucky Dice 12

The door behind the previous Lucky Dice will open when you light the fire in the story. Go through the door and you will find the Ancient Obelisk. At the very back of this cave is also a Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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At the back of the cave
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Lucky Dice 13

In the story, you will follow the Fire Spirit to a big ship. It will blast the back off and you can go through. Just before you go down, there is a Lucky Dice on the other side of the ship.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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On the other side of the ship
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Lucky Dice 14

Continue after “Dry’l’s Gallery” and let yourself drop down the small waterfall after the Vending Machines. The Lucky Dice is in the Lava Pit in front of you. Run and jump over.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Down in the Lava Pit
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Lucky Dice 15

Follow the Fire Spirit until the end, where Ksara is waiting for you. In the back of the room, behind a pillar, is this Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Behind this pillar
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Lucky Dice 16

While doing the “Diplomatic Relations” Side Quest for Claptrap, you will end up next to a shipwreck where you have to hit someone. The Lucky Dice is up on that shipwreck.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Up on the wreck
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Lucky Dice 17

While doing the “Diplomatic Relations” Side Quest for Claptrap, exit “Oncewet Court” on the other side. There, on this little island is a cave at the back with a black and red wall that you can melee. Inside is a Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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The wall that you can melee
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Lucky Dice 18

You can get access to the “Temple of the Slithersong” while doing the “Of Curse and Claw” Side Quest. Enter and turn left as soon as you get there. You will see this Lucky Dice. You can access it from the entrance on the other side.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Enter and turn left
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There it is

Lucky Dice 19

In the area where the Rune Switch is, take the purple trampoline up to higher ground. Here at the back is the Lucky Dice.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Take the jump pad up
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There it is

Lucky Dice 20

Back at “The Sepulchre” there is a shipwreck with an anchor hanging high above it. Shoot the anchor down and it will open up the ship’s cargo hold, where the Lucky Dice is.

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The location on the map with full zoom out
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The location on the map with zoom in
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Shoot this anchor down
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Release: March 26th, 2022
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.