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Power From Beyond (Eridani V) – Starfield Constellation Mission Walkthrough

In Power from Beyond (Eridani V) we’re going to pick up the Power on a planet called “Eridani V”. The System Eridani is south west of Alpha Centauri. If you’re interested in exploring more about the Eridani system, you can read about Eridani I as well, which offers intriguing insights and missions.

NOTE: The Powers are linked to the Temple’s Name. Temple Alpha, for example, will always have the Power: Personal Atmosphere. The Temple on Planets always mix up with every new universe. Your temple won’t necessarily have the same power as mine…

u003cstrongu003e1.u003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eAQUIRE THE POWER ON ERIDANIu003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eVu003c/strongu003e

Mission text:
“There is a large anomaly on a planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts. I need to find it.”

Land on Eridani V on the point called “Scanner Anomaly”.

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u003cstrongu003e2. FOLLOW DISTORTIONS ON THE SCANNERu003c/strongu003e

Mission text:
“My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.”

Open your scanner and look around for when the scanner circle starts to flicker. Walk into this direction.

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u003cstrongu003e3. AQUIRE THE POWER ON u003cstrongu003eERIDANIu003c/strongu003eu003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eVu003c/strongu003e

Mission text:
“My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.”

Enter the Temple by going through this long stone corridor:

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To activate the temple, you have to charge it by flying through the cells of energy that manifest in this room.

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Repeat that until the rings in the center are fully charged and open up a gateway. Go through it to receive the power.

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You’ve received the Power according to the Temple’s name.
See the “THE POWERS IN STARFIELD” section in the hub, where the powers are listed together with their temple.

Release: September 6th, 2023
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom