In Power from Beyond (Eridani V) we’re going to pick up the Power on a planet called “Eridani V”. The System Eridani is south west of Alpha Centauri. If you’re interested in exploring more about the Eridani system, you can read about Eridani I as well, which offers intriguing insights and missions.
NOTE: The Powers are linked to the Temple’s Name. Temple Alpha, for example, will always have the Power: Personal Atmosphere. The Temple on Planets always mix up with every new universe. Your temple won’t necessarily have the same power as mine…
u003cstrongu003e1.u003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eAQUIRE THE POWER ON ERIDANIu003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eVu003c/strongu003e
u003cstrongu003e2. FOLLOW DISTORTIONS ON THE SCANNERu003c/strongu003e
u003cstrongu003e3. AQUIRE THE POWER ON u003cstrongu003eERIDANIu003c/strongu003eu003c/strongu003e u003cstrongu003eVu003c/strongu003e
Mission text:
“My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.”
You’ve received the Power according to the Temple’s name.
See the “THE POWERS IN STARFIELD” section in the hub, where the powers are listed together with their temple.
Release: September 6th, 2023
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom