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Spy Academy All Collectibles, Simple and Quick

The easy Guide for the Spy Academy All Collectibles, Simple and Quick! Here’s everything to collect everything in the mission.

There are nineteen collectibles in Mission 3: Spy Academy.
They are all documented in a specific order under Options -> Service Record -> Collectibles.
The Collectibles are listed below in the same order.

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All Collectibles Overview Map

1 – Parking Problems

It’s at the south east coast of the island inside a trash bin.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Parking Problems Inside the trash

2 – Fragile, Do Not Break.

Near the starting area in the south there is a truck with soldiers guarding it. The document is next to the truck.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Fragile Do Not Break Next to the truck

3 – Do Not Be Late

In the south east of the map, there is a bar and a parking space for a couple of cars and a VIP car. The driver is a soldier called “Dominic Kunkel”. Defeat him and you get this note.
If he’s not there, find the car. He’s where the car is.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Do Not Be Late Me and Dominic Kunkel in the bar

4 – It’s Easy Money

The document is inside the Sniper Tower on the top level at the east side of the island.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Its Easy Money Inside the Sniper Tower

5 – Just Attend One!

Take care of Matthäus Brühl on top of the church tower to get this document.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Just Attend One Top of church

6 – Priority Package!

The intel is inside the building at the bridge checkpoint.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Priority Package Bridge Checkpoint house

7 – Won’t Be Attending

This intel is in an office inside a small tower near a sniper position.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Wont be attending Small Sniper office

8 – Training Scenarios

The document is in the Spymaster’s Office in the north of the map. Across the bridge from the main building.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Training Scenarios Spymasters Office

9 – Resource Request

It’s on top of the church tower.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Resource Request On top of church

10 – Armoury Exposed

This intel is in an office inside a small tower near a sniper position.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Armoury Exposed Small tower office

11 – Kriegsmarine Playing Cards

In the south west corner of the island is a bar. Inside, on the table, is this playing card set.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Kriegsmarine Playing Cards In the bar

12 – Ornate Compass

This item is in the Spymaster’s Office north of the main building, across the bridge. It’s inside the safe.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Ornate Compass In Spymasters Office

13 – Covert OPS Field Manual

The Item is inside the rectangular complex north of the main building. It’s on a table.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Covert OPS Field Manual on the table

14 – Stone Eagle

The Eagle is on top of the house right at the coast in the south west of the island.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Stone Eagle 1 South West coast

15 – Stone Eagle

The Eagle is in the north east of the island. Near the main building, above the church.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Stone Eagle 2 North East near the main building

16 – Stone Eagle

The Eagle is at the northernmost point of the island. On top of the ruined tower in the water.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Stone Eagle 3 Top of ruined tower

17 – Rifle Workbench

The Rifle Workbench is at the northern side of the main, big building.
There is a Resistance Hideout with the workbench.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Rifle Workbench Rebellion Hideout

18 – SMG Workbench

The Workbench is in the eastern part of town at a Resistance Hideout.
There are two entrances. One is blocked from the other side. To get inside, go around the building, where you can climb up a white marked wall.
Follow the tunnel inside. It’s marked with the sign of the Resistance.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible SMG Workbench Rebellion Hideout

19 – Pistol Workbench

The Workbench is in the “U” shaped long stretched complex south of the main building.
It’s in the “Waffenkammer” – the Armoury.

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Collectible location on the map
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Collectible Pistol Workbench In the Armoury

Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Rebellion Developments
Publisher: Rebellion Developments
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.