The easy Guide for the Spy Academy All Collectibles, Simple and Quick! Here’s everything to collect everything in the mission.
There are nineteen collectibles in Mission 3: Spy Academy.
They are all documented in a specific order under Options -> Service Record -> Collectibles.
The Collectibles are listed below in the same order.
1 – Parking Problems
It’s at the south east coast of the island inside a trash bin.
2 – Fragile, Do Not Break.
Near the starting area in the south there is a truck with soldiers guarding it. The document is next to the truck.
3 – Do Not Be Late
In the south east of the map, there is a bar and a parking space for a couple of cars and a VIP car. The driver is a soldier called “Dominic Kunkel”. Defeat him and you get this note.
If he’s not there, find the car. He’s where the car is.
4 – It’s Easy Money
The document is inside the Sniper Tower on the top level at the east side of the island.
5 – Just Attend One!
Take care of Matthäus Brühl on top of the church tower to get this document.
6 – Priority Package!
The intel is inside the building at the bridge checkpoint.
7 – Won’t Be Attending
This intel is in an office inside a small tower near a sniper position.
8 – Training Scenarios
The document is in the Spymaster’s Office in the north of the map. Across the bridge from the main building.
9 – Resource Request
It’s on top of the church tower.
10 – Armoury Exposed
This intel is in an office inside a small tower near a sniper position.
11 – Kriegsmarine Playing Cards
In the south west corner of the island is a bar. Inside, on the table, is this playing card set.
12 – Ornate Compass
This item is in the Spymaster’s Office north of the main building, across the bridge. It’s inside the safe.
13 – Covert OPS Field Manual
The Item is inside the rectangular complex north of the main building. It’s on a table.
14 – Stone Eagle
The Eagle is on top of the house right at the coast in the south west of the island.
15 – Stone Eagle
The Eagle is in the north east of the island. Near the main building, above the church.
16 – Stone Eagle
The Eagle is at the northernmost point of the island. On top of the ruined tower in the water.
17 – Rifle Workbench
The Rifle Workbench is at the northern side of the main, big building.
There is a Resistance Hideout with the workbench.
18 – SMG Workbench
The Workbench is in the eastern part of town at a Resistance Hideout.
There are two entrances. One is blocked from the other side. To get inside, go around the building, where you can climb up a white marked wall.
Follow the tunnel inside. It’s marked with the sign of the Resistance.
19 – Pistol Workbench
The Workbench is in the “U” shaped long stretched complex south of the main building.
It’s in the “Waffenkammer” – the Armoury.
Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Rebellion Developments
Publisher: Rebellion Developments
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.