The easy Guide for the Occupied Residence All Collectibles, Simple and Quick! Here’s everything to collect everything in the mission.
There are nineteen collectibles in Mission 2: Occupied Residence.
As you can see on the Overview Map, the castle area is a collectibles hot zone.
They are all documented in a specific order under Options -> Service Record -> Collectibles.
The Collectibles are listed below in the same order.
1 – Do Not Fail Me, Nephew
The document is in Kümmer’s office on the second floor of the castle.
2 – Need a Scapegoat
The file is in one of the bedrooms on the second floor of the castle.
3 – Brother, I Have a Plan
It’s in the attic of the castle. Access is from the second floor.
4 – Good Plan, Let’s Do It
This document is in the building north east of the Occupied Residence. It’s on the second floor next to a Sniper.
5 – Orders of the Day
The document is on top of some boxes at the German Patrol River Guard Post in the south east of the map.
There are more then one locations you can pick this up. I’ll leave it to this one.
6 – Renovations Completed
This document is in Möller’s Office on the second floor of the castle.
7 – Operation Kraken
The File is in Möllers inner study on the second floor of the castle. It’s needed for story progress.
8 – New Orders, Effective Immediately
East of the Residence is a farm with two big buildings. This document is inside the smaller building, in the same room as the workbench.
There are more then one locations you can pick this up. I’ll leave it to this one.
9 – Immediate Request for Attic Repairs
East of the Residence is a farm with two big buildings. This document is inside the smaller one in the room in front of the Workbench.
10 – Grateful Thanks.
This document is in Möller’s inner study on the second floor of the castle.
11 – Old Man Statuette
The Old Man Statuette is in a bedroom on the second floor. There is a safe behind a painting. Interact with the painting and you can open the safe. One way or another…
This is one of three items for the “Find the Stolen Antiques” Objective.
12 – Group Statuette
The Group Statuette is in the attic of the castle. It’s in a room, inside a green box that needs to be opened up.
This is one of three items for the “Find the Stolen Antiques” Objective.
13 – Soldier Statuette
The Soldier Statuette is carried by a Sniper north east of the Occupied Residence. He’s on the second floor.
This is one of three items for the “Find the Stolen Antiques” Objective.
14 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is at the top of the Munitions Farmhouse in the west.
15 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is overlooking the river south west of the castle. Shoot it from the other side.
16 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is at the top of the big building north east of the Occupied Residence.
17 – Rifle Workbench
The workbench is in the basement of the Occupied Residence. In the Armoury.
18 – SMG Workbench
The workbench is in the attic of the winery west of the castle. You can climb up using the vines at the back of the house.
19 – Pistol Workbench
East of the Residence is a farm with two big buildings. This workbench is in the smaller building.
Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Rebellion Developments
Publisher: Rebellion Developments
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.