The Easy Guide for Mission 6: Liberation All Collectibles! – Simple! Here are all the items you need in this mission.
There are 19 collectibles in Mission 6: Liberation.
They are all documented in a specific order under Options -> Service Record -> Collectibles.
The Collectibles are listed below in the same order.
Overview map with all collectibles – see below.

1 – They’re Out There
The Personal Letter is carried by a soldier in the south east of the map.
2 – Watch Your Back
This is carried by a soldier who’s guarding Major Trautmann in the South West of the map.
3 – Barely Escaped
It’s in the German Trenches, next to a cannon.
4 – Give Me Strength
The document is in a small field hospital in the north west of the map, just at the map border.
5 – Vengeance is Nigh!
The document is in the attic of a destroyed farmhouse in the west. Take the ladder up and it is lying on the floor.
6 – Hold the Line
The Letter is in the Southern Town in the southernmost building on the second floor.
7 – Incoming Armour
This is in the trenches in the north. There is a bunker section where you can pick it up.
8 – Unfit for Duty
The document is on the second floor of the farmhouse in the south of the map.
9 – A Surplus Bridge
The intel is in the courtyard of the farm in the east.
10 – Resistance Fanatic Located
The document is inside the destroyed house. On the second floor, there is a locked door you can open. It’s in this room on top of the drawer unit.
11 – Lucky Rabbit’s Bridge
The Hidden Item is carried by a soldier at the plane crash site.
12 – Stolen Medals
Enter the Watermill at ground level and remove the planks covering a hatch and a ladder going down. The Hidden Item is in the basement on a table next to the SMG Workbench.
13 – Engraved Lighter
This Hidden Item is in Northern Town on the second floor of a partially destroyed building.
14 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is on top of the Windmill in the south east of the map.
15 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is on top of the destroyed church. You can get on the roof of the church to shoot it.
16 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is inside the window of the destroyed northernmost house in North Town.
17 – Rifle Workbench
On the second floor of this house at the North Town is a padlocked door. You can climb into the room from the outside using the vines.
18 – SMG Workbench
Enter the Watermill on ground floor and remove the planks that are covering a hatch and a ladder into the basement.
The workbench is down there.
19 – Pistol Workbench
The Pistol Workbench is in the South Town below the tower building. Go to the top of the tower and enter the Workbench Building through the roof.
Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Rebellion Developments
Publisher: Rebellion Developments
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.