The Easy Guide for Mission 4: War Factory All Collectibles, Simple and Quick! Here are all the items you need in this mission.
There are nineteen collectibles in Mission 4: War Factory
They are all documented in a specific order under Options -> Service Record -> Collectibles.
The Collectibles are listed below in the same order.
1 – Klaus! Du Idiot!
This letter is inside the house on the dam in the very north of the map.
2 – The Suspense
The Personal Letter is inside the “Pump Room” building to the north.
3 – Sheers’ Notebook
There is an office on the top floor of the Furnace (big round building). The letter is there on the table.
4 – Losing the Time
In the northern part inside the Steelworks is a Control Room “Kontrollraum” with two floors. This Personal Letter is on the second floor.
5 – Your Order Awaits
This Personal Letter is west of the Refinery. Look for the Resistance Symbol on bottom level. It’s right there.
6 – Ehrlich’s Done For
This Personal Letter is in the Trainyard Office on the table.
7 – Shipping Orders
This is the shipping manifest you have to find for the story mission. It’s in the safe of the southern office in the Logistics Office.
8 – No More Games.
The Document is in the Junkyard in the northern part of the map. It’s lying on top of some wooden planks.
9 – Bureaucratic Oaf!
The Classified Document is inside a guard house in the center of the map.
Entrance is from outside, a ladder up, over the bridge. Ladder can be bugged.
10 – Increase Security!
The Document is in the Refinery’s control room. You can open a door at the east wall of the refinery interiors. It’s next to the room with the workbench.
11 – Gold Pocket Watch
The Gold Pocket Watch is right at the southern entrance to the Junk Yard. It’s next to the generator.
12 – Stealth Plating
The Stealth Plating Hidden Item is in the Logistics Office at ground floor, pretty much in the center area.
13 – P.1000 Ratte Plans
This Hidden Item is on the top floor of the train yard in the south.
14 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle in the south west of the map. In the water, there is a round island, that is guarded by soldiers. The Eagle is on top of the broken tower there. You can either go there or you can shoot the Eagle from the Train Yard across the water.
15 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is on top of the big round furnace building. You can see and shoot it from the Resistance Hideout Starting Point.
16 – Stone Eagle
The Stone Eagle is in the very south on top of a building that’s outside the map.
17 – Rifle Workbench
The Rifle Workbench is in the building just east of the Refinery. On the second level, there is a door you can open. Enter the room and look for a ladder down. That’s where it is.
18 – SMG Workbench
The SMG Workbench is at the Shipping Armoury. You can get a key from a nearby soldier or blow the entrance up.
19 – Pistol Workbench
The Pistol Workbench is in the Refinery. There is an Elite Soldier who has the key to the door. Alternatively, you can blow it up.
Release: May 26th, 2022
Developer: Rebellion Developments
Publisher: Rebellion Developments
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.