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All Minikits & Challenges: A Bigger Fish

Get a 100% completion at Episode 1: A Bigger Fish with all Minikits and Challenges collected with this guide!

How to get the Kyber Bricks – 6

1 -3 Bricks

Collect enough studs (small round LEGO bricks) in the playthrough to fill all the bars at the top of the screen and reach “True Jedi” (the white, the blue and the purple bar).
Some of you are struggling to achive “True Jedi” here. Make sure to shoot all the extra bubbles filled with studs. Also, you may not be aware that if you have collected a Minikit already, in the next playthrough, it will be replaced by a purple stud, which will give you an extra boost to get the “True Jedi” achievement.

 | camzillasmomcom
 | camzillasmomcom

4-6 Bricks

Complete the story, collect all Minikits and complete all challenges. You’ll get a brick each as reward.

How to get the Minikits – 5

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the Minikits one after the other.
Minikits video start time:  00:35 or follow this link.

1 – Back to School

While being chased by the first big fish, the Opee Sea Killer, the Minikit appears to the left side on the screen. You need to shoot and hit it to collect it.

2 – Small Sub Solution

After the Minikit above, another Minikit will appear to the left of the Opee Sea Killer. Again, you need to shoot it to collect it. 

3 – Bubble Trouble

This Minikit will appear at the second fish (hence bubble / double trouble). It’ll be on the left side of it.

4 – Pop Goes the Minikit!

The Minikit will appear as early as the first fish. At the right of it in a bubble.

5 – Back-to-Back Bubbles

Same as with the first two above, this Minikit can be collected while being chased by the Opee Sea Killer. It’ll appear to the left inside an air bubble.

How to do the Challenges – 3

If you are struggling after the written text, watch my video below. It’s commented and explains the challenges one after the other.
Challenges video start time:  02:12 or follow this link.

1 – Dis is Nutsen

“Dodge 3 of the Opee Sea Killer’s attacks in a row.”
You will get a prompt on the screen when to dodge the fish. Best just to ignore everything else and wait for the dodge prompt.

2 – Dodge Every-fin

“Defeat the Opee Sea Killer without taking damage.”
Dodge whenever you get the prompt to do so. Then you get through without damage.

3 – Colo Snore Fish

“Dodge 3 of the Colo Claw Fish’s attacks in a row.”
You will get a prompt on the screen when to dodge the fish. Best just to ignore everything, wait for the attack and dodge 3 times in a row.

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This is LEGO STAR WARS: The Skywalker Saga
Release: April 5th, 2022
Developer: Traveller’s Tales
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Official Website:
Guides by camzillasmom.